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Projekta komanda
14.05.2021 15:36 Content
GUNTA KRŪMIŅA Project Leader Professor, Senior Researcher, Dr.Phys. Experience: project manager, development of tests for diagnostics of visual disorders, vision screening program for school-aged children, clinical optometry Project role: project management ALEKSEY KORABOVSKY Business Developer M.Sc. (Economics) Experience: technology commercialization and management of deep-tech start-ups, entrepreneurship and business consulting Project role: product and business developer SERGEJS FOMINS Project Engineer Guest Researcher, Assistant Professor, Dr.Phys. Experience: development of visual stimuli and programs for the assessment of visual function, electronic engineering, prototypes in vision science Project role: development and testing of prototype for vision screening and training RENĀRS TRUKŠA Project Engineer
Classical and contemporary philosophy of religion
 beliefs and concepts, their arguments, justifications, coherence, validity, meaning and significance. The course is sufficiently broad in the sense that it covers a sufficient number of topics (for each of which a separate course could be developed), a different one each week. It is sufficiently detailed, as the number of academic hours per week allows to go deep enough into each topic. The acquired knowledge will complement the students’ previous theological knowledge by means of considering
Classical and contemporary philosophy of religion
 beliefs and concepts, their arguments, justifications, coherence, validity, meaning and significance. The course is sufficiently broad in the sense that it covers a sufficient number of topics (for each of which a separate course could be developed), a different one each week. It is sufficiently detailed, as the number of academic hours per week allows to go deep enough into each topic. The acquired knowledge will complement the students’ previous theological knowledge by means of considering
Dentistry - second-cycle professional higher education study program
19.06.2024 13:13 Content
The study program prepares qualified specialists, whose theoretical and practical skills are appropriate to start practicing in General Dentistry independently. Upon successful completion of the program, the student acquires competencies in the examination of the condition of teeth and mouth, documentation of the obtained data, diagnosis and treatment planning of diseases of the mouth, face, and jaw area, restoration of tooth shape, function and aesthetics, etc. Graduates have complete knowledge of the structure and functions of healthy and damaged teeth, alveolar growth, oral mucosa, jaws, and related tissues, their connection to the patient's general health, physical and social well-being.
Industriālā inženierija un vadība
15.10.2021 17:31 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Studiju programma ir unikāla un vienīgā Baltijas valstīs. Studiju kursus vada augsti kvalificēta, labi motivēta un pieredzējusi akadēmiskā personāla komanda. Mūsdienīgi radošā studiju procesā studentiem ir iespēja iegūt zināšanas, prasmes un kompetences starpdisciplinārā studiju programmā, kas apvieno inženierzinātņu, vadībzinātnes un dabas zinību studiju kursus. Iegūtās zināšanas ļauj programmas absolventiem - sistēmu vadības inženieriem - izprast industriāla uzņēmuma sistēmas darbību un nodrošina stratēģiski pamatotu lēmumu pieņemšanu.
24.08.2020 14:39 Content
The IT company “whiteCryption” (2008)is a developer of a cryptography and software protection system CRYPTANIUM.The company is a member of the Intertrust Technologies Corporation (1990), based in the Silicon Valley. The tools developed by “whiteCryption” are used by many major distributors of visual materials worldwide. More about the company: Support In 2017, the company donated EUR 1100. The prize of “whiteCryption”in the amount of EUR500 was awarded to the student of UL Faculty of Biology Andrejs Kuzņecovs. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Sporta māja
30.05.2024 17:10 Content
UL Academic Centre future vizualization The House of Sportswill provide an opportunity for every student, employee, as well as city resident to improve their quality of life by doing physical activities in a well-equipped environment. The House of Sports will ensure communication and cooperation with sports and life science study programs, research centres, laboratories, Latvian sports federations, state ministries, Riga city schools and sports schools, involving them in solving current issues and developing the sports industry.The University will inform the public as soon as a decision is made on the implementation of this project.
Logo and visual identity guidelines
05.06.2023 17:04 Content
Students' Council of the University of Latvia (LU SP) brand guidelines aim to establish an unchanging and harmonius visual identity and provide a coherent style for communication. The use of these guidelines is established within LU SP work. The guidelines may be used for external communication with partners and the general society, as well as for any public relations, marketing and representative activities. LU SP visual identity guidelines may be downloaded and viewed here (in Latvian). Latvian version of the LU SP logo is available here . English version of the LU SP logo is available here .
Prototype of patient movement camera: CrisisLab success story
12.07.2021 13:35 Content
In the spring of 2020, the CrisisLab 2020 impact program of five universities took place online, gathering more than 280 participants, including our guest Kristers Nagainis. Together with other students, he sought answers to problem situations submitted by institutions and companies in various fields. When they founded the team together with Inguna Kaniņš, they received an award from the University of Latvia for a solution with the greatest impact on overcoming the crisis - a prototype of a patient transfer chamber was developed. You can listen to the full Radio NABA program here .
15.06.2021 16:36 Content
For the first time, the modern and ambitious Academic Center of the University of Latvia in Torņakalns hosted a new discovery, emotion and inspiration event "University of LatviaNew Technologies and Innovations Day", which was held on May 17, 2019. The program was full of interesting activities with the main theme “13 chairs.” During the event, students, researchers and graduates had the opportunity to generate new and innovative ideas. Event overview:
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