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Electrical characterisation of materials
The aim of the course is to give students comprehension about the characteristic electrical, electromechanical and thermoelectric properties of real ferroelectrics and semiconductors, which are important from the point of view of research and application, as well as acquire methods of measurements of considered properties. Tasks: 1. To get acquaintance with most relevant properties of ferroelectric materials, acquire main experimental methods of research, to measure and describe such properties in the case of particular ferroelectric material; 2. To clarify reasons, responsible for appearance of electrocaloric effect and to perform experimental study to get this effect; 3. To get acquainted with charge transport mechanisms in semiconductors and perform measurements of parameters, characterizing charge transport in thin film of particular semiconducting material. To study role of temperature on charge transport processes; 4. To get acquainted with methods how to measure charge
Ancient Mythology in Literature and Art
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the issues of myth theory in the context of ancient mythology, evaluating important aspects of ancient myth in literary processes and art expression, as well as in the interaction of art and literature. The course examines the images and stories of ancient mythology in the context of public opinion, values and cultural realia, reading and interpreting certain aspects of the myth meaning system in a diachronic view. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information on important issues of myth theory, possibilities of their interpretation in the context of ancient mythology; 2. by evaluating culturally relevant text samples, to develop the understanding of the presence / significance of ancient mythology in general literary processes; 3. to develop the understanding of the aspects of myth visualization and the presence / significance of ancient mythology in the expression of art, evaluating works of art relevant
Byzantology in European Culture
The aim of the course is to provide students with the basics of Byzantology, evaluating the realia of Byzantine culture and the text formation traditions in the context of European culture. The course focuses on the content and functional variety of Byzantine texts, the development of theoretical thought within an interdisciplinary approach, literary genres, the most significant aspects of language and various interconnections of cultural transmission, including the main aspects of ancient cultural heritage in Byzantine culture. Objectives of the study course: provide general information about significant aspects of Byzantine culture and the basics of Byzantology; develop the understanding of the role and general importance of Byzantium in the European culture; develop the understanding of the most important interconnections between Byzantine culture and ancient cultural heritage; develop the understanding of the tradition and variety of text formation
Environmental philosophies in the anthropocene
Anthropocene, or the human age, is a concept used by researchers in various fields to describe the relationship between humans and the natural environment today. Although the beginning of the Anthropocene as an era dates back at least to the middle of the 20th century, the term itself became widely used by researchers in the 21st century, suggesting the need to reinterpret many of the interrelationships between humans and the environment, including those that have been significant in environmental philosophy of the 20th century. In the course, we will analyse what characterizes the Anthropocene situation and the extent to which it requires a review of our assumptions and theoretical approaches to the relationship between humans and nature. The aim of the study course is to develop students' understanding of the current problems and theoretical approaches of modern environmental philosophy. Tasks of the study course: 1) to get acquainted with modern philosophical discussions about
Korean Language and Communication Culture IV
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak Korean fluently on a variety of topics, continuing to learn grammar, and to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to B1-2, taking into account the key features of verbal and non-verbal communication in Korean culture and the linguistic peculiarities in comparison with the Indo-European languages. The objectives of the course are: 1) to continue to learn Korean phonetics, spelling and pronunciation; 2) to continue to get acquainted with the morphology and syntax of the standard Korean language; 3) to supplement the collection of the Korean language words (at least 500 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics) with the most necessary in everyday communication; 4) to continue to get acquainted with the norms of polite verbal and non-verbal communication in various communicative situations in the context of the Korean cultural environment; 5) to get acquainted with the perception
Asian Literature and Culture II
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the earliest Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature and the development of Asian classical literary tradition in the historical and cultural context, to understand the role of the Asian cultural heritage today, as well as its influence on the contemporary Asian literature and culture. The objectives of the course: 1) to acquaint with the specifics of the studies in the ancient Asian literature, as well as the problem range and related terminology; 2) to introduce to the ancient Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature in the context of culture, historical events and archeological findings; 3) to acquaint with the beginnings of Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) classical literary tradition and its development in the context of the culture, historical events, and archeological findings; 4) to acquaint with the most prominent
Electrical characterisation of materials
The aim of the course is to give students comprehension about the characteristic electrical, electromechanical and thermoelectric properties of real ferroelectrics and semiconductors, which are important from the point of view of research and application, as well as acquire methods of measurements of considered properties. Tasks: 1. To get acquaintance with most relevant properties of ferroelectric materials, acquire main experimental methods of research, to measure and describe such properties in the case of particular ferroelectric material; 2. To clarify reasons, responsible for appearance of electrocaloric effect and to perform experimental study to get this effect; 3. To get acquainted with charge transport mechanisms in semiconductors and perform measurements of parameters, characterizing charge transport in thin film of particular semiconducting material. To study role of temperature on charge transport processes; 4. To get acquainted with methods how to measure charge
Hellenistic Literature
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge of Hellenistic literature, its transformations of traditions and aesthetic qualities, which served as a basis for the creation of new literary genres in ancient literature. The course includes readings, analysis and interpretation of Hellenistic literary texts, translation of fragments from the original language, acquaintance with the most prominent Hellenistic authors in the context of the socio-political and general cultural events of the epoch. The objectives of the course: provide general information on the concept of Hellenistic literature, the role of Hellenistic literature in the development processes of ancient literature and, consequently, European literature; provide the knowledge of the characteristic features of Hellenistic literature, the most notable authors and texts, confirming the literary genre variety of the epoch; 3. to promote the understanding
Forest landscapes and management
The forest biome is one of the most important components of the biosphere, ensuring the continuity and stability of the biogeosphere processes. On the one hand, forests in Latvia are the dominant type of ecosystems with the greatest contribution to the provision of ecosystem services. On the other hand, the forest sector is one of the most important in Latvia's economy. This study course is a roadmap for forest resource and forest landscape management, which takes into account relationships and synergies among ecological, social and economic factors. The aim of the study course is to provide opportunities for students to acquire and develop their knowledge of the role of forest biome and forest landscapes in global biosphere processes and to raise awareness of sustainable management of forest resources and forest landscapes, which ensures the multifunctionality of forests and synergies between ecological, social and economic factors. The main tasks: 1) to familiarise themselves
European Legal History
The course deals with genesis and evolution of law from customary law in primeval communities till legal order developed in Europe after World War II. The emphasis is placed upon cultures, doctrines and sources of law which laid the foundation for posterior Roman-Germanic, English, American and Scandinavian legal tradition, thus from historical point of view they have established the diversity of contemporary perception of law in Europe. Studying the course students learn the reasons and process of formation the European legal systems in Middle Ages, Modern Age and Contemporary Age. The more significant sources of law are analyzed and their role is evaluated in further evolution of law in contemporary European legal systems. European legal history facilitates the mastering of Latvian legal history and provides basic knowledge necessary for legal philosophy and comparative law studies as well as for profound comprehension of public and private international law, EU law and human law
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