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Advanced Studies in Turkish Language and Communication Culture II
The aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to further improve listening, reading, speaking and writing skills using various printed and audio-visual materials about Turkish cultural environment, according to the C1 language level, expanding the vocabulary and improving the pronunciation of sounds in the context of the intonation of the sentence. The course objectives are: 1) to supplement knowledge about the grammatical structures of the literary Turkish language; 2) supplement the collection of Turkish words (at least 300 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics) most necessary in daily communication; 3) continue to introduce the cultural environment of Turkey; 4) provide an insight into the history of Turkish music, sculpture and architecture; 5) continue to develop oral and written communication skills in Turkish. Languages of implementation: Latvian, English and Turkish.
Advanced Studies in Turkish Language and Communication Culture II
The aim of the course is to give students the opportunity to further improve listening, reading, speaking and writing skills using various printed and audio-visual materials about Turkish cultural environment, according to the C1 language level, expanding the vocabulary and improving the pronunciation of sounds in the context of the intonation of the sentence. The course objectives are: 1) to supplement knowledge about the grammatical structures of the literary Turkish language; 2) supplement the collection of Turkish words (at least 300 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics) most necessary in daily communication; 3) continue to introduce the cultural environment of Turkey; 4) provide an insight into the history of Turkish music, sculpture and architecture; 5) continue to develop oral and written communication skills in Turkish. Languages of implementation: Latvian, English and Turkish.
Advanced Studies in Turkish Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to further improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills using various printed and audio-visual materials on Turkish literature and literary studies, according to the C2 language level, expanding vocabulary and improving sound pronunciation in the context of sentence intonation. Course tasks are: 1) to supplement knowledge about the grammatical structures of the literary Turkish language; 2) to supplement the collection of Turkish words (at least 300 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics); 3) to study the history of Turkish literature and literary criticism; 4) to continue to learn about the the most important Turkish writers and their works; 5) to continue to develop oral and written communication skills in Turkish. The course is taught in Latvian, English and Turkish.
Introduction to studies and research
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge of the procedures of studies at the University of Latvia, the chosen bachelor's study programme, as well as the environmental requirements and opportunities of studies, the nature of research work, the tradition of mass communication studies, quantitative and qualitative methods, study stages,. The course provides knowledge of and develops skills of academic writing, planning of academic research, processing of data and presentation of them. A special attention is paid to the principles of academic honesty. Course Tasks: 1) to provide knowledge regarding the legal and basic concepts for the functioning of studies and the academic environment; 2) to raise awareness of the specifics of academic work and the principles of academic fairness; 3) to develop skills in the search and processing of information; 4) developing the critical thinking and discussion skills of students; 5) to develop skills in the use of text analysis methods
Psychology of communication
The course aims to provide knowledge about the field of communication psychology, to create and develop students' ability to analyze the psychological aspects of communication, to improve communicative competence, providing an understanding of the specifics of interpersonal, public, crowd, group, computer-mediated and mass communication. Tasks of the course: 1) to provide knowledge about the impact of mental process, i.e. perception, personality, verbal and non-verbal communication, role and social structure, as well as the media on the process of interaction between persons; 2) to form and develop communication skills - active listening, formulation of questions, forming of an impression, understanding and solving the cause of conflict, formulation of one's opinion and taking into account the specificēs of the audience; 3) to develop the competence to analyze episodes of public and interpersonal communication in the context of the psychological factors influencing it. Language
Introduction to studies and research
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge of the procedures of studies at the University of Latvia, the chosen bachelor's study programme, as well as the environmental requirements and opportunities of studies, the nature of research work, the tradition of mass communication studies, quantitative and qualitative methods, study stages,. The course provides knowledge of and develops skills of academic writing, planning of academic research, processing of data and presentation of them. A special attention is paid to the principles of academic honesty. Course Tasks: 1) to provide knowledge regarding the legal and basic concepts for the functioning of studies and the academic environment; 2) to raise awareness of the specifics of academic work and the principles of academic fairness; 3) to develop skills in the search and processing of information; 4) developing the critical thinking and discussion skills of students; 5) to develop skills in the use of text analysis methods
Contemporary Theories in Psychology IV ( Theories of Developmental and Clinical Psychology)
The aim of this course is to provide opportunity for doctoral students to gain a greater indepth understanding of contemporary developmental and clinical psychology theory and research directions. This course will provide opportunity for indepth analysis in regard to individual cognitive and socioemotioanl development, especially taking into consideration biological, social and psychological impact upon the individual’s development within the developmental trajectory. This course will also provide opportunity for indepth analysis in regard to various psychological and psychiatric disorders – the assessment of the disorders, and understanding of the etiology and risk factors, as well as treatment possibilities. There will be discussion of the wide range of topics covered within clinical psychology, including psychological well-being. The course provides opportunity to be able to analyze with greater understanding the theoretical constructs of one’s dissertation, and to prepare
International Political Economy
The aim of the course is to provide systematic understanding of main theories of international political economy and development and current problems of global economy. The tasks of the course are: to study main theoretical approaches in international political economy (neoclassical, Marxist, new theories); to study development of international trade, monetary and financial system; to get acquainted with problems of economic globalisation; to analyse opportunities of development and transition economies and small states in international economy; and, to study role of economic policy in enhancing national competitiveness in global economy. At the end of the course theoretical and comparative perspectives will be applied to analyse integration of Latvia in global economy. After the course students have to be familiar to theoretical debates on issues of international political economy and should be able to analyse current issues of economic liberalisation, global inequalities
Introduction to nanoscience
The goal of the course is to introduce students to nanoscience, which is rapidly developing as a promising science and technology of the future. It intermixes physics, chemistry, biology, and life science on the nanometer scale. These small systems behave differently from the large giving rise to many new properties. These new properties have a big potential in practical applications and have a large influence on future computer engineering, electronics, communication, medicine, transportation, bioengineering, food and life science. The tasks of this course is to give a broad overview of current research directions and efforts in nanoscience making an accent on nanotechnology and nanophysics, to learn characterize the change of physical and chemical properties of bulk materials and nanomaterials, to apply the knowledge experimentally, in solving theoretical problems and describing the commercial applications of nanomaterials. The course is taught in Latvian.
Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
The purpose of the course is to teach students quantitative mathematically justified techniques for analysis and processing of experimental data. Tasks of the course: 1. to introduce the main principles of the probability theory, based on which the mathematical justification of the data processing techniques is built; 2. to learn the main practically used data processing techniques; 3. to reinforce this knowledge by incorporating solving of practical examples in lectures; 4. to learn the popular data processing software programming language R and to develop the skills of practical implementation of data processing techniques during practical exercises in the computer class; 5. to learn the user interface of RStudio software and the available options for data analysis and modeling; 6. to complete the processing of realistic experimental data and to learn to extract from these data the unknown parameters and to determine their errors. The study course is taught in Latvian.
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