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Introduction into Social Work
The aim of the course is to provide opportunities for students to get acquainted with the basic elements of the social work profession, as well as the diversity of professional work. Course tasks: 1) To present the historical development of social work, to create an idea of social work in modern Latvia and at the international level. 2) To introduce with the role of social work in solving social problems, as well as to give an idea of the connection of social work with other sectors and organizations, their role in the development of social work. 3) To promote understanding about the professional activity of a social worker in general, professional standards in Latvia, including the theoretical and ethical principles. 4) To acquaint with the forms, levels, basic theories of social work. 5) To contextualize the problems of professional burnout risks in social work. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Painting II
The aim of the course is to promote students’ understanding about the development of still life genres, as well as, skills in portraying it in many forms, promoting an ability to professionally and innovatively apply gained knowledge and skills in graphic design’s work tasks, as well as, to advance an ability to professionally justify the formulation of work’s task and realise the artistic idea, by using opportunities provided by modern technologies. Study course tasks – gain an in-depth knowledge about expression forms of painting language, fortifying in with practical work; as a result of practical work, improve knowledge and skills in still life genre, solve composition, proportion, form, lighting, volume, 3D illusion problems; to acquire suitable technical methods to realise the intended graphic design. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Working Environment Protection
The aim of the course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge on working environment risk factors and safe work organisation in business entities, state or self-government organisations, as well as non-governmental organisations. Study course provides also knowledge regarding efficient risk management methods, technical surveillance and security systems appropriate to requirements set by Latvian laws and regulations, as well as European Union directives. Tasks: 1. To provide an understanding of the origin, characteristics, occupational hazards of physical risks in the working environment; 2. To provide knowledge and latest insights in risk analysis, application of measurement methods and regulatory enactments; 3. To provide competences for independent assessment of physical risks in institutions, application of preventive measures in the work environment in accordance with the specifics of the organisation characteristics. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Comparative Literature and Contemporary Latvian Literature in the European Context
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the object of research of comparative literature and its main aspects; the synchronous and diachronic view of national literature in comparison with foreign literature for the study of literature in its context (culture and music, literature and fine arts, literature and philosophy, literature and religion, etc.); on the history of the development of comparative literary studies in the world and in Latvia. The course pays special attention to the tendencies of the latest Latvian literature in the context of the literature of the Baltics and other European "small" nations, the works of the latest Latvian and foreign literature of the 21st century are analyzed. Tasks of the study course: 1. to study and interpret literary texts; to compare and analyze the interpretations; 2. to develop and improve skills in comparative text analysis. The course is taught in Latvian.
General Literature IV (XXth Century)
The aim of the course is to obtain a chronologically systematic overview of the literary process of the 20th and 21st centuries. The focus is on the emergence of new artistic systems; the search for imagery and poetics, the 20th / 21st century. reflections of human sense of the world in literature; the links between ideology, philosophy, literature and reality. Objectives of the study course: 1. To provide knowledge about the development of the 20th century culture and the place of literature in the context of social change and values; 2. To form an understanding of the interaction of tradition and artist's innovations in the context of the dominant tendencies of the era; 3. improve students' skills by independently applying knowledge in practice, evaluating, comparing and creatively using the acquired analytical text interpretation skills in discussions, performing research activities. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Music culture of India
The course is aimed at presenting theoretical background for study of South Asian (India, Pakistan, Shrilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh) music culture, marking such aspects as ideas of music, social organization of music, creation of music, material culture of music. Music culture of India is characterized from different points of view: concepts and esthetics of music, musical contexts, history, connection of music to social groups, music education, musical language, grammar, repertoires, musical instruments etc. An insight into regionalization of music cultures is provided. The most significant kinds, forms, musical instruments are characterized. Music is viewed in relation to text, movement, ritual etc. A special focus is on sacred music traditions. The exemplification of theoretical issues is based on broad range of audial materials, thus students obtain a good listening experience.
Microbiology and oral microbiology
Course objectives: 1)To provide students with basic knowledge about the most important pathogenic micro-organisms and viruses - initiators of human infectious diseases, their sources, transmission pathways, properties, pathogenesis of diseases caused, clinical picture, laboratory diagnostics, prevention, therapy. 2)To provide knowledge of the microbiological ecology of a healthy oral cavity. Course tasks: 1) to acquire theoretical knowledge of infectious agents; 2) acquire practical skills in laboratory diagnostics, 3) explore the principles of biofilm, dysbiosis of the oral ecosystem, 4) to acquire a microbiological and immunological basis for the development of caries, pulpitis, apical periodontitis and periodontal diseases; 5) analyse the role of opportunistic pathogens in the case of oral infection, 6) look at the cross-infection process and the principles of infection control in dentistry. The course is implemented in English.
New Challenges in Professional Social Work
During the course, attention will be paid to the duality of the social work profession and the various challenges in today's reality. The aim of the course is to expand students' understanding and awareness of the challenges of professional social work in working with individuals, groups and communities, as well as in the development of the social worker's personality. The tasks of the course are: 1) to pay attention to the duality of the social work profession and various challenges in modern reality; 2) the shadow sides of social work; 3) risks of professional development and growth opportunities in the conditions of a changing society (business approach in the field of social work, Internet and communication technologies in social work, critical practice, good practice approaches, variable and constant in social work, etc.); 4) opportunities for social work in solving social problems in the context of institutional change. The course is lead in Latvian.
Introduction to Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic psychiatry is a branch of psychiatry that deals with important issues in the field of law - criminal and civil proceedings. The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for students to acquire knowledge about general psychopathology (various symptoms of mental disorders) in the context of situations important in criminal or civil proceedings and the recognition of these disorders. 1. To acquaint with normative acts related to forensic psychiatry, forensic psychiatric examination, protection of mentally ill persons and integration into society. 2. To promote the understanding of penitentiary psychiatry, as well as about the problems of social significance related to persons with mental disorders 3. Explain the understanding of the types of expertise and their adequate choice depending on the specific legal situation. 4. To promote understanding of the methods of application of coercive measures of a medical nature, criteria for their amendment or abolition. The course
Teaching and Learning in Digital Era
The aim of the course is to promote the development of students’ pedagogical competence, readiness to plan, implement, evaluate and improve one’s teaching demonstrating interdisciplinary understanding of effective didactic approaches and digital solutions in providing deep learning. Objectives – 1. To develop skills to use effective didactic approaches by introducing competence-oriented learning (competence approach in content); 2. To promote meaningful and considered use of modern IT tools in education; 3. To gain deeper knowledge and critical understanding of developmental trends of didactic approaches in education in Latvia and European education area; 4. To learn to communicate the acquired information to others clearly and reasonably, based on both cognitive and affective processes taking into account the target audience; 5. To develop reflection and critical thinking skills.
Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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