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IT project management
Objective of the course: to provide in-depth academic knowledge and practical skills in the management of IT projects. Course Tasks: 1. Raise students' awareness of the methods and tools for managing IT projects. 2. Develop capacity to analyze different aspects of IT project management and to provide qualified recommendations. 3. Encourage the use of the gained academic knowledge in real projects. The course reinforces the basic knowledge of project management as part of the bachelor's programme, complementing it with a range of modern project management approaches, tools and techniques. Training is based on the project management standard developed by PMI (, compiled in Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Learning a course includes in-person lectures during which the teacher provides theoretical knowledge. The practical part of the course focuses on discussions on topics of current project management theory and specific types of projects
Information literacy
Objective – to offer knowledge on importance and making information literacy. Tasks of the course - with lectures, seminars (workshops) and discussions obtain understanding of information literacy and related competencies, and obtain knowledge an skills for organising teaching of information literacy and assessment of results. Lectures examine the key topics of development concept „information literacy”, conceptual documents about promotion information literacy, models of information literacy, standards for modelling information literacy person, aquisition information literacy, perceptive forms of users, information skills which are necessary for different users groups. In seminars (workshops) students evaluate information literacy models, experience information literacy teaching in abroad, teaching and learning methods, analize examples of good practice of teaching information literacy in Latvian libraries and compile plain of teaching information literacy for selected users group
Musculoskeletal Radiography, Projection Lesson II
The aim of the study course is to promote students' understanding of patient positioning methods for shoulder bone, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth, image quality criteria, radiation dose optimization and error analysis. Tasks of the study course: to acquaint with standard and special projections of patient positioning, performing X-ray examinations of shoulder bone, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth; to describe the technical operation of X-ray machines, technical parameters, their connection with image formation, quality and quality control, performing X-ray examinations of the shoulder girdle, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth; to analyze the need for radiation dose optimization by performing X-ray examinations of the shoulder girdle bones, ribs, legs, pelvic bones, spine, skull bones and teeth. The study course is taught in Latvian.
Contrastive studies VI: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen and further develop students’ knowledge, skills and competence in the Norwegian language in accordance with B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and extend knowledge about Norwegian culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to stengthen the skills to evaluate critically, choose and align grammatical aspects in a connected text and speech; 2. to strengthen the skill to monitor and correct one’s pronunciation and distinguish the varieties of the Norwegian language. 3. to develop the ability to understand and create thematically different texts and different genres. 4. to facilitate to be involved in a discussion, strengthen the skill to describe the events and experience in a detailed manner, explain and justify one’s opinion, plans, formulate very precise questions and adjust spontaneous spoken discourse in accordance to the communicative context. 5. to extend the previously acquired vocabulary
Bachelor's thesis of Mathematician Statistician
Bachelor’s thesis is the main qualification certificate of professional bachelor study programme "Mathematician Statistician”, which is independently conducted on certain topic of mathematical statistics or mathematics with a scientific or practical importance. The individual subject and the specific problems of bachelor's thesis to each student formulates scientific adviser with sufficient qualification. The goal of bachelor's thesis is to systematize and extend the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to use it to carry out independent scientific or practical research, and to collect and analyze the results as well as draw conclusions and formulate recommendations for future view. Tasks of the bachelor's thesis: to carry out an independent research by solving a theoretical or practical problem in mathematics or statistics, to make a description in the form of both an academic paper and a presentation, to develop an understanding of scientific ethics in their field
Modern Latvian: Morphemics and Word Building
The purpose of the course is to develop theoretical basis and practical experience required for Latvian language teachers by developing an understanding about the morphemic and derivative system of Latvian language and its role in acquisition of Latvian language. Study course tasks: 1.Expand students’ theoretical knowledge on the morphemic and derivative system of Latvian language; 2. Develop the skills of morphemic and word-formation analysis of words; 3.Form a view about the reflection of Latvian world-view in the derivative system of Latvian language; 4.Develop an ability to select the theoretical sources required for the development of teachers’ professional competency and the ability to select electronic resources required for the delivery of lessons; 5. Develop an ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in practice, by studying texts of different language styles from the derivative-functional point of view and by creating teaching material. The language
Modern Latvian: Morphemics and Word Building
The purpose of the course is to develop theoretical basis and practical experience required for Latvian language teachers by developing an understanding about the morphemic and derivative system of Latvian language and its role in acquisition of Latvian language. Study course tasks: 1.Expand students’ theoretical knowledge on the morphemic and derivative system of Latvian language; 2. Develop the skills of morphemic and word-formation analysis of words; 3.Form a view about the reflection of Latvian world-view in the derivative system of Latvian language; 4.Develop an ability to select the theoretical sources required for the development of teachers’ professional competency and the ability to select electronic resources required for the delivery of lessons; 5. Develop an ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in practice, by studying texts of different language styles from the derivative-functional point of view and by creating teaching material. The language
Culture and Media Studies
The aim of this course is to demonstrate how media interact with culture and society. This course provides a systematic understanding of the main doctrines, texts and theories in the field of cultural and media and cultural studies. The course develops awareness of media from a cultural standpoint, focusing on how media practices and technologies impact cultural practices, as well as cultural and social relationships and identities. The objectives of the course are: 1. To provide students with an interdisciplinary understanding of the interaction of literature and culture in mass media. 2. To provide transversal skills related to the theoretical and practical skills in the fields of culture and mass media. 3. To develop the ability to analyze and collect information about the interaction between society, culture and mass media; 4. To promote the ability to critically evaluate the cultural artefacts and discuss the themes of mass media and culture studies.
The course is delivered
Contrastive Studies II: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A1/ A2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference. The objectives of the course are 1. to extend the knowledge about the sound system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to introduce the basic principles of morphology and sentence structure; 3. to strengthen the skill to apply simple grammatical constructions, analyse own and peers’ mistakes and continue developing the vocabulary range; 4. to strengthen the skill to understand a slow spoken text regarding personal topics and situations; 5. to read and understand short texts that are relevant to one’s own interests 6. to develop the communicative language competence of the ... language and strengthen the skill to answer simple questions, name and shortly describe familiar objects, phenomena, people, actions, briefly express attitude. The course is delivered in Latvian and Norwegian.
Contrastive Studies IV: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about geography, history and culture in Germany. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the German language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles; 2. to extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; 3. to develop language learning strategies and the skill to interpret all information and find necessary details in such texts as advertisements, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc.; 4. to facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena, situations, express and justify one’s attitude and opinion, form simple precise questions to meet special needs. The course is delivered in German.
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