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Current Issues of Foreign Policy
The aim of the course is to study the main tendencies in contemporary international system and to put them into Latvian, regional and global context. This course is designed and implemented in cooperation with Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the help of diplomats from the ministry as well as diplomats wo are currently stationed in Latvia. The composition of the course fulfils three tasks. 1. Students are offered a unique opportunity to receive a first hand information about foreign policy activities of Latvia and other countries. 2. Guest lectures are supported by introductory lectures of the course instructors and seminars during which foreign policies of the respective countries are discussed. 3. Special attention throughout the course is devoted to Latvia's foreign policy and its relations with other major players in Europe and beyond, such as United States, Russia, China, Western Europe and Northern Europe. The course combines both theoretical and practical aspects
Current Issues of Foreign Policy
The aim of the course is to study the main tendencies in contemporary international system and to put them into Latvian, regional and global context. This course is designed and implemented in cooperation with Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the help of diplomats from the ministry as well as diplomats wo are currently stationed in Latvia. The composition of the course fulfils three tasks. 1. Students are offered a unique opportunity to receive a first hand information about foreign policy activities of Latvia and other countries. 2. Guest lectures are supported by introductory lectures of the course instructors and seminars during which foreign policies of the respective countries are discussed. 3. Special attention throughout the course is devoted to Latvia's foreign policy and its relations with other major players in Europe and beyond, such as United States, Russia, China, Western Europe and Northern Europe. The course combines both theoretical and practical aspects
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the visual system’s macro- and microscopic structure, the specific interconnections between its structure, formation and functions, and the antenatal development of basic elements, the biochemical structure, metabolism and physiologic functions of eye tissues with a special emphasis on their clinical aspects.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide the detailed knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human eye, its ocular adnexa and visual pathways; 
  • to provide knowledge about composition and properties of different eye structures as well as importance of these structures in maintaining the visual processes;
  • to teach to detect and describe structures of the eye and its adnexa in a normal functional condition, and general changes in eye structures in case
Governance of Waste Management
Master's students, acquiring the course, acquire the necessary knowledge for waste management and quality implementation, as well as for the further development of the industry, based on the application of environmental, social and technological management methods and processes, material and energy recovery, environmental quality assurance. perspective. The aim of the study course is to form an understanding and provide knowledge in the establishment and management of waste management at various levels, to promote the incorporation of aspects of scientific innovation in waste management plans within the framework of circular economy. Course tasks: 1. To provide knowledge on the specifics of waste management plans, management problems, framework for circular economy. 2. To acquire skills in the use of different models in the evaluation of the most important waste management parameters. 3. To acquire knowledge about the hierarchy of implementation of waste management plans, recycling
Virtual Environments
Course goal: The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the applications and technologies of the virtual environment. Course objectives: To study the latest scientific publications on the topic of virtual environments. Try virtual and augmented reality VR and AR systems. Study system architecture. Develop a 3D model and functional prototype for the system. Entertainment and business in virtual environments are becoming increasingly popular with groups of people of all ages, as evidenced by the current and ever-increasing number of users, measured in millions. Augmented reality is also increasingly entering our lives. The operation of such systems requires a multi-computer parallel environment, as well as a range of IT technologies, including communications, distributed systems, security assurance, graphical and physical engines, andinnovative user interfaces. The course will cover these technologies and the latest research, including the connection of virtual and real worlds
Contrastive Studies IV: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and provide basic knowledge about Norwegian culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactis system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles. 2. to extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; 3. to develop the skill to interpret all information and find necessary details in such texts as advertisents, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc. 4. to develop the skill to undertand short adapted fiction, determine its theme, basic problems, the development of the plotline and derive the meaning of more complex vocabulary from context; 5. to facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena
PRACTICE IV (Teaching practice in a preschool teacher)
The aim of the practice is to promote the skills of the future teacher to watch, plan and organize the pedagogical process in preschool by promoting children's development and skills in all areas of learning. As part of the course, students develop study work. Tasks of the practice are: 1. to define the purpose of their individual practice by linking it to the subject of study work; 2. to carry out a study of the understanding of the child, to analyse the results of the research results obtained, to use them for the planning of the training process and the development of study work; 3. developing the skills to plan the learning process (formulating a key message that is relevant to the subject, concrete and understandable for the child, selecting complex results for the child in all areas of learning, promoting the development of variable skills and value-based habits), self-analysis of their teaching activities; 4. organize and manage the pedagogical process in preschool, taking
Contrastive Studies IV: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and provide basic knowledge about Norwegian culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactis system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles. 2. to extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; 3. to develop the skill to interpret all information and find necessary details in such texts as advertisents, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc. 4. to develop the skill to undertand short adapted fiction, determine its theme, basic problems, the development of the plotline and derive the meaning of more complex vocabulary from context; 5. to facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena
Individual Vision Correction Techniques
The aim of the study course is to develop knowledge and skills of various types of vision correction, including surgical methods. During the course, the student will be introduced to individual vision techniques, including various types of refractive surgery, contraindications, expected outcomes, and the role of the optometrist in the eye clinic.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge on individual vision correction tools, their potential application, contraindications, expected results, and recognition and evaluation of potential problems and complications;
  • to provide knowledge and skills on vision assessment techniques prior to specific eye surgery as well as post-operative vision assessment;
  • to learn how to adjust and fit the multifocal and personalized spectacles for the lifestyle and preferences of person;
  • to develop the ability
Anthropology of popular music
theoretical concepts with music examples, thus allowing students to obtain listening experience about the relevant phenomena of popular music. Language of instruction: Latvian or English.
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