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Ligita Andersone
26.08.2020 16:37 Content
The initiator and founder of Prof. Edgars Andersons Memorial Scholarship is his wife, Ligita Andersone (1930 – 2015, USA). These scholarships are intended for the University of Latvia students with special needs and orphans. Prof. Edgars Anderson's life and work The outstanding historian Professor Edgars Andersons (1920–1989) was born in Tukums, Latvia. In 1943, he graduated from the University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy. At the conclusion of the Second World War, he was uprooted and at last reached the United States in 1949 as a refugee. In 1956, he received his doctorate from the University of Chicago, specializing in history, general historiography and military history of Northern, Eastern Europe and South America. He worked as a lecturer and presented lecture series at a number of universities in Europe, the United States and Australia, and published a number of scientific studies and books. Andersons was an active public figure representing Latvians in exile
Professional development and supervision in social work
Course (continue)
Course aim is to master basic knowledge on social work supervision, its historical development, supervision forms and process. Students will be introduced to the history of supervision and its development. The understanding of concepts will be developed that explains supervision as a consultation with reference to a profession and deals with the contradictions between individuals – institutions, it also differentiates it from professional consultation or psychotherapy. When working as a supervisor one needs skills in and knowledge of consulting and of the specific field in order to ensure successful supervision. The course will deal with issues on finding the participants of supervision, establishing the first contact, singing the contract and assessing the supervision. The most important issue in the course is the theoretical basis for the communication, systemic theory the theory of psychoanalyses for supervision and methodical approaches to supervision. The course discusses
Darba, prakses sludinājumu izvietošana un publicēšana augstskolā
21.03.2024 13:13 Content
Placement of vacancies in the UL premises Vacancies inprinted formare put,free of charge, on the UL Career Centrenews stand atRaiņabulvāris19. You can send your vacancyto Career Centre email: If you want to place vacancies on other stands at the University, the advertisement must be submitted in printedform to the UL Department ofCommunication (Raiņa bulvāris 19, room 341)where each advertisement is approved and stamped. To get more information send us an email: . Post job and internshipvacancies on social networks FB account "LU Karjeras centrs" Vacancy portal"E-Career" Internship and job vacancies can be posted on the" E-Career "portal.The portal wascreated in cooperation with To post vacancies on you first need to register on the portal and create the profile of the company you represent . Students and graduates also register on the portal and search for jobs according to their interests. After registering
3rd seminar of doctoral students: discussion of the empirical research and novelty analysis
The aim of the study course is to ensure the development of high-quality empirical research parts and novelty (improvements, recommendations) of doctoral doctoral dissertations, reviewing it together with the results of theory and practical analysis (case studies), by organizing colloquia of lecturers and students. Tasks of the study course: 1. To present the empirical research of the dissertation and its results, as well as novelty ideas. 2. Participate in discussions and exchange experiences. 3. To improve the empirical research and novelty analysis and justifications of the doctoral thesis. Course is conducted in Latvian and English. The course lies in the doctoral study science module – Doctoral Thesis 3.
3rd seminar of doctoral students: discussion of the empirical research and novelty analysis
The aim of the study course is to ensure the development of high-quality empirical research parts and novelty (improvements, recommendations) of doctoral doctoral dissertations, reviewing it together with the results of theory and practical analysis (case studies), by organizing colloquia of lecturers and students. Tasks of the study course: 1. To present the empirical research of the dissertation and its results, as well as novelty ideas. 2. Participate in discussions and exchange experiences. 3. To improve the empirical research and novelty analysis and justifications of the doctoral thesis. Course is conducted in Latvian and English. The course lies in the doctoral study science module – Doctoral Thesis 3.
Latvian student corporations in the context of Latvian society and statehood development. The example of “Lettonia”
15.09.2020 15:58 Content
The history of the Baltic student lifelong organizations – corporations – is important, however, to date this topic in the history of Latvia has academically been scarcely discussed. As a tribute to the 100 th anniversary of the University of Latvia and the 150 th anniversary of the lifelong student organization itself, “Lettonia” Graduate Members’ Assistance Association intends to publish an academic study dedicated to the history of “Lettonia” and the overall history of Latvian student corporations. The authors of the collective monograph are academically educated historians, including employees of the UL Institute of History and the UL Faculty of History and Philosophy. Total costs: EUR 19400 Project manager: Aldis Austers, Studentu korporācijas “Lettonia” Filistru palīdzības biedrība (Student Corporation “Lettonia” Graduate Members’ Assistance Association)
HZF Bohēmistikas un polonistikas centrs
27.08.2020 15:36 Content
literature, guidebooks), films in Czech and Polish, CDs, maps and other materials. The centre is where Czech and Polish language lessons for Russian philology students take place as well as consultations and events. Partners and supporters: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Latvia Association "Latvija–Čehija" Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Latvia Association of Poles in Latvia Foundation "Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie" Polonia Teachers' Centre in Lublin All interested are welcome! Members of the Council of the Centre: act. lecturerK. Barkovska doc. R. Kurpniece Dr.J. Gabranova Members of the Centre: Mg. philol., doctoral studentAleksandra Žmuda Dr. philol. Tatjana Stoikova (VUC) Secretary: doc. N. Kopoloveca
LU Studentu sporta spēles
23.03.2023 17:23 Content
Haven’t you visited UL Students sports games during your studies, or have you not been to them for a long time? Understandable, because they haven’t been organized since the summer of 2019! But this year, in 2022, they're back with even more power and energy. As usual, the Games take place in the summer and this year they will take place from 6 to 7 August in Vecupe (Birzgale parish, Kegums municipality), where everyone will have the opportunity to test their physical abilities, compete against each other and spend time outdoors in the fresh air. Rules for participation – you must form a team of at least 10 but not more than 16 people (at least 5 women and 5 men), furthermore the team must consist of at least 6 UL students, graduates, staff, or UL academic personnel. Other teammates may be friends from outside the UL Community. The maximum number of teams this year is 18. Additional information, as well as team sign-ups will follow after Midsummer, so be sure to click “Interested
Magnētisku mīkstu materiālu laboratorija
29.03.2023 18:40 Content
and theory, which was soon followed by a chemistry unit, providing materials for research. Today, the laboratory has obtained a great experience and suitable equipment to work on topical problems of the field. In this site you can also find information on our team , publications , current and previous projects , our students' theses and open topics for students . You can also see the timeline of our important moments on the wall . Are you interested in collaboration or visiting us? Check our contact information .
Laimiņu ģimenes stipendija
29.10.2020 15:56 Content
In 2014, American Latvians Kristīna and Laimonis Laimiņš established the Laimiņš Family Scholarship in Microbiology to honour their parents. Dr. biol. L.Laimiņš is the Head of the DepartmentofMicrobiology-ImmunologyatNorthwestern UniversityFeinbergSchoolof Medicine(USA), as well as heads the research on the HPV virus in his laboratory, while Kristīna Laimiņš (née Sīmanis) is an artist and employed in the field of culture. The scholarship is intended for the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Biology students (both bachelor’s and master’s level) specializing in microbiology and immunology. Preference is given to bachelor’s programme students. Number of scholarships: 1. Scholarship amount: EUR 2 156per academic year. Scholarship Commission: Dean of the UL Faculty of Biology Prof. Didzis Elferts (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Assoc. Prof. of the UL Faculty of Biology, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Nils Rostoks , Public Relations Specialist
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