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Psychological Aspects of Peer -Mentoring
The aim of this course is to improve mentors’ knowledge (development) of the psychological aspects of peer-mentoring for first-year students, to foster mentors’ awareness of the support and guidance process, to develop the course participants’ active listening and guidance skills, with the aim to reduce the first-year students` dropout risks. Workshops will help mentors to understand the nature of peer-mentoring. It helps mentors to gain awareness of their own resources for providing mentees with guidance, to understand the importance of time management, efficacy of different styles of communication, as well as to develop peer-mentoring process management skills from the initial contact to the final sessions and feedback provision. The course is taught in Latvian.
LU doktorantūras kapacitātes stiprināšana jaunā doktorantūras modeļa ietvarā
27.07.2023 18:42 Content
and partners cooperation towards inclusion of PhD students and PhD candidates in study and research work. Summary: The main results of the project are to support the attraction of doctoral students / degree candidates and foreign academic staff and the implementation of further cooperation. The project envisages the following activities: Involvement of doctoral students in study or research work, attraction and employment of foreign academic staff, as well as project management. Tasks at ISSP UL: Carry out research in the field of science required by the Institute, involvement in local and international research projects
Master's Thesis
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge and skills in conducting, developing, presenting and defending independent research work. The Master's thesis is a mandatory requirement in the final phase of the Professional Master's study program "Optometry". The study course – 20 CP (6 CP "Introduction to the Master's Thesis" and 14 CP "Master Thesis") is a part of the study program. Master's thesis is a student's individual research in one of the fields of visual science. The student chooses either the topic proposed by the readers or suggests his/her own topic presenting the arguments for his/her choice and the possibility of its elaboration. All topics of Master's theses are approved at the meeting of Optometry and Visual Science Department.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to conduct independent research under the guidance of a supervisor;
Master's Thesis
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge and skills in conducting, developing, presenting and defending independent research work. The Master's thesis is a mandatory requirement in the final phase of the Professional Master's study program "Optometry". The study course – 20 CP (6 CP "Introduction to the Master's Thesis" and 14 CP "Master Thesis") is a part of the study program. Master's thesis is a student's individual research in one of the fields of visual science. The student chooses either the topic proposed by the readers or suggests his/her own topic presenting the arguments for his/her choice and the possibility of its elaboration. All topics of Master's theses are approved at the meeting of Optometry and Visual Science Department.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to conduct independent research under the guidance of a supervisor;
Latvian language (Lower Intermediate) A2
13.05.2022 21:21 Content
Practical Latvian for International students I (A2) - 4 credits; course code ValoT221 The present course is intended for students with A1 level Latvian language knowledge. The aim of the course is to improve their spoken and written language skills, vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical structures. The course promotes the acquisition of communicative competences including the pragmatic and sociolinguistic competences, and develops students’ understanding of the peculiarities of the Latvian language system and use in the social context, the study process and professional activities. The course has been developed in accordance with the language learning, teaching and assessment guidelines for A2 level set out by the European Council and the Latvian language A2 level description content. Results: On successful completion of the course, the student has developed his/her linguistic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic competences at A2 level and should be able to perform the following tasks
Nanostrukturālās virsmas izveide un attīstība zobu implantu ražošanai
09.02.2024 10:55 Content
and strengthen development of EU research human resources. Long-lasting collaboration between partners, based on co-supervising students and preparation of novel collaborative project proposals is foreseen. Dissemination of project results will make an impact on development of EU research potential in the fields of bio-, nanotechnology and applied science. Events : Faculty of Medicine (FM) and Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy (IAPS) have organized a joint open lecture and lab demonstration on ‘Physical methods for analysis of pharmacological compounds’ for 3rd year Pharmacy bachelor study programme students of FM. Prof. Una Riekstina (FM) and Dr. Roman Viter (IAPS) have moderated the activity. At the first part of the lecture, theoretical basis of structure and optical characterization of active pharmacological compounds (ACP) has been shown to the students. At the second part of the lecture, experimental facilities of Laboratory of optical biosensors and functional nanomaterials
Studies according to an individual plan
11.01.2022 23:41 Content
A student is entitled to create an individual study plan different from the one offered in the study programme. This must be done in accordance with the Regulations on the individual plan, taking into account the preconditions for the acquisition of study courses specified in the course description. It is allowed to create an individual study plan starting with the second semester of studies. At the UL, an individual study plan is applied when selecting the individual – slower pace of studies or creating individual study modules in the limited elective part (part B) of the study programme in accordance with the UL Study programme regulations. The individual study plan must receive the approval of the director of the study programme. The students who have chosen a slower pace of studies, conclude a supplementary agreement – an appendix to the study agreement, and pay for the acquired study courses in accordance with the amount of the selected study courses and the pricelist of fee
Zinātņu mājas bibliotēka
26.06.2024 17:22 Content
Chief Librarian: Ilona Vēliņa-Švilpe Jelgavas iela 3, Riga (+371) 26532958 follow us on social media! Working time For students and staff of the University of Latvia the Library is available 24/7 (with a valid student or staff ID). For other users the Library is available on working days and Saturdays 8.00–22.00. Consultations with the librarian are available here .
DU Think Tank: Transdisciplinary Problem Solving of Complex Educational Issues in Action and Evaluation Research II
The study course is designed as a think tank, with the aim to provide the participants with the opportunity to create a research environment and to develop a research project in cooperation with lecturers and social partners. The scaffolding process will allow students from various disciplines of education to become aware of the possibilities of integrating different research designs into educational research and to delve into the essence of evaluation and participatory action research designs. It will allow doctoral students to assess their current vision of educational problems and to identify ways to transform education considering the principles of sustainability, as well as to develop skills in conducting action research and/or evaluation research to address a complex topical educational issue. The course focuses on establishing and developing students’ understanding of transdisciplinarity, complexity, and sustainable education, as well as their interaction in the Anthropocene
DU Think Tank: Transdisciplinary Problem Solving of Complex Educational Issues in Action and Evaluation Research II
The study course is designed as a think tank, with the aim to provide the participants with the opportunity to create a research environment and to develop a research project in cooperation with lecturers and social partners. The scaffolding process will allow students from various disciplines of education to become aware of the possibilities of integrating different research designs into educational research and to delve into the essence of evaluation and participatory action research designs. It will allow doctoral students to assess their current vision of educational problems and to identify ways to transform education considering the principles of sustainability, as well as to develop skills in conducting action research and/or evaluation research to address a complex topical educational issue. The course focuses on establishing and developing students’ understanding of transdisciplinarity, complexity, and sustainable education, as well as their interaction in the Anthropocene
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