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Bar Examination for Receiving Lawyer Qualification
A lawyer's qualification examination (exam) according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 512 (August 26, 2014) "Regulations on the National Standard for Second Level Professional Higher Education" is an integral part of the state examination of the professional master's study program. The qualification examination consists of a practical part (case studies). Within the framework of the examination the student must solve 5 practical tasks (cases) related to the practical work of a lawyer. The practical part of the exam consists of solution of the cases in following fields of law: 1. State law (Constitutional and Administrative Law); 2. Criminal law; 3. Civil law; 4. Legal theory and history of law; 5. International and European law. Te content of the course corresponds to the requirements of the standard of profession of lawyer.
Pharmacology of the Eye
The aim of study course is to introduce students with the concepts and basic principles of general pharmacology, emphasizing the peculiarities of ocular pharmacokinetics, as well as a detailed description of pharmacological agents used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the treatment of eye diseases.
  • to provide a basic theoretical knowledge of general pharmacology – pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;
  • to provide basic knowledge of ocular pharmacology in the vision specialist’s practice;
  • to characterize pharmacological properties;
  • to present legal restrictions and appropriate action plans for acute, drug-induced, adverse effects.
The languages of instruction: Latvian and English.
Sensation and perception
The aim of the study course is to develop an understanding of perception of vision, the meaning of smell, hearing, taste and tact in the perception of surrounding world and the interaction of all senses.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge of the consequence of external visual stimuli in the perception of light, colour, shape, texture, and space;
  • to give an idea of the perception of hearing, smell, taste and tact and their meaning in the perception and processing of information;
  • to present students with the concept of synaesthesia and its role in the perception of world;
  • to demonstrate the role of visual perception in the learning process, visual marketing, art, and sport.
Study course languages: Latvian and English.
Ars moriendi. The Death in the Medieval Livonia
Ars moriendi or the Art of Dying is late medieval social and cultural phenomenon. Ars moriendi was part of the ars vivendi—Art of Living and its aim was to prepare an individual for his or her death. Ars moriendi was intended to prepare an individual for the “good death” and to prevent “bad death”. From the late 14th and early 15th century onward in Western Europe emerged new literary-iconographic genre Ars moriendi, that gave essential advises and instructions how to die “good”. The aim of the course is to ensure the learning of students' knowledge of “Ars moriendi” as a social and cultural phenomenon. The task of this course is to present 1) the sources of ideas, 2) textual and visual media of Ars moriendi and 3) to analyse their content, forms and functions in societies of Europe and Livonia. The instruction language of the course is Latvian.
Food Chemistry
The objective of the course is to give to the student knowledge on molecular level about the main food components (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids), about their nutritional value, about biologically active components of the food (vitamins, minerals, phenol compounds etc.) and their chemical composition, distribution in products of plant and animal origin, about transformation of food components during food processing and storage. The course is giving theoretical and practical knowledge about possibilities of modern food laboratories to estimate quantitative and qualitative composition of food. The tasks of the course are as follows: 1)to provide deepened knowledge about food components and their transformation during processing and storage; 2) to provide deepened knowledge about the main methods of 21st century for the determination of the food components. Language of the study course - Latvian
Practical aspects of diet therapy
The objective of the study course is to to give student basic knowledge on diet therapy and about it’s influence on clinical result, as well as practical aspects of diet therapy in different life stages and different clinical situations. The course is giving theoretical and practical knowledge about influence of different diets to quality of life and health prognosis. The tasks of the course are as follows: 1) to provide deepened knowledge about effect of diet therapy to metabolic systems of human; 2) to provide knowledge about evaluation of nutritional status of patients, severity of disease and data of clinical examinations; 3) to provide knowledge about creating individualised recommendations in different life stages; 4) to provide obtaining skills for creating individualised diet recommendations. Course is based on developing practical skills, analysis of clinical cases and interactive discussion
Master Thesis
Development and defending of Master Thesis is the final stage od the programme following the theoretical courses and passing of exams. Master thesis (60-80 pages lengths) is the student's independent scientific research in the selected branch of philosophy, containing new ideas and corresponding to the criteria of scientific publication. The aim of the Master Thesis is to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and skills acquired during the studies and appropriate use of them. The course tasks are following: 1. to select, read and critically analyze literature relevant to the theme; 2. to elaborate the conception of the Master Thesis and to argument new approach/ideas; 3. to use relevant methods and scientific approaches to the topic. Master Thesis should be developed in close cooperation with an academic supervisor and successfully defended at the examination commission's open session. Course will be delivered in Latvian.
Philosophy as Method
During this course, the students get acquainted with philosophical methods and their application in academic practice, and develop skills to select and clearly define the applied methods and approaches in their academic work. The course also provides insight in the application of philosophical methods in interdisciplinary research and applied philosophy. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of a wide spectrum of philosophical methods and their applications. Main tasks of the course: 1. To learn the main philosophical methods, and reflect on the link between methodology and the disciplines and subdisciplines of philosophy. 2. To develop the skill to apply the appropriate methods both in interpretation of philosophical texts, as well as in research. 3. To facilitate the competencies to a) summarize and outline research results, b) lead discussions, c) formulate discussion topics, d) effectively participate in seminary discussions, and e) collaborate in the completion
Philosophy as Method
During this course, the students get acquainted with philosophical methods and their application in academic practice, and develop skills to select and clearly define the applied methods and approaches in their academic work. The course also provides insight in the application of philosophical methods in interdisciplinary research and applied philosophy. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of a wide spectrum of philosophical methods and their applications. Main tasks of the course: 1. To learn the main philosophical methods, and reflect on the link between methodology and the disciplines and subdisciplines of philosophy. 2. To develop the skill to apply the appropriate methods both in interpretation of philosophical texts, as well as in research. 3. To facilitate the competencies to a) summarize and outline research results, b) lead discussions, c) formulate discussion topics, d) effectively participate in seminary discussions, and e) collaborate in the completion
Discrete mathematics for computing
The aim of this course is to acquaint the students with the basic mathematical notions which are not dependant on the notions of limit and continuity, and are at the mathematical foundations of computing and to help acquire the basic skills in their usage. The course tasks are: to learn the basics of mathematical logics (propositions, predicates, quantifiers, normal forms, mathematical induction), set theory (sets, correspondences, mappings, binary relations), modular arithmetics, combinatorics (graphs, rules of sum and product, sieve and pigeonhole principles, the most common types of selections and their numbers), probability theory (event algebra, classical and statistical definitions of probability function, probability axioms, rules of sum and product, sieve principle, conditional probability and independence of events), to develop skills in solving the simplest problems in these areas, to learn to recognize which notions are applicable in a solution of the particular problem
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