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06.02.2022 21:55 Content
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Ethnography in the Context of Folklore
The main goal of the course is to acquire Latvian material culture (ethnographic discourse) in the context of folklore. The listeners of the course get an overview of Latvia's cultural and historical heritage (ethnographic) regions, as well as their historical components. The course deals with the craft traditions of the regions, cooking, the use of plants in folk medicine, and understanding the landscape. The tasks of the course are: 1) to acquaint oneself with the basic lines of contact between ethnography and folklore; 2) to develop students' understanding of the importance of the material culture in the context of cultural heritage. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Ethnography in the Context of Folklore
The main goal of the course is to acquire Latvian material culture (ethnographic discourse) in the context of folklore. The listeners of the course get an overview of Latvia's cultural and historical heritage (ethnographic) regions, as well as their historical components. The course deals with the craft traditions of the regions, cooking, the use of plants in folk medicine, and understanding the landscape. The tasks of the course are: 1) to acquaint oneself with the basic lines of contact between ethnography and folklore; 2) to develop students' understanding of the importance of the material culture in the context of cultural heritage. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Psychology of Communication
The goal of the course: to discuss communication as a process of establishing, maintaining and developing of the contacts created by a need to correlate, characterizing three components of the structure: social perception, communication, and interaction as well as to exercise and to develop abilities and skills of students' communication: active listening, questioning, leading of the conversation, motivation to action, performing of feedback. The self analysis of students' communication styles, conflict solving strategies, communication obstacles and re-stimulation will be promoted within the course. The above themes will be worked out in trainings, practical classes, and the diary of the self-analysis.
Editing for Translators
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about peculiarities of editor’s work and practical skills in literary editing of texts, mostly translated. The tasks of the study course are: 1) to provide knowledge of the most important issues of the culture of language on all language levels, 2) to develop an understanding of the creation and variability of standard language norms, 3) to develop an understanding of the language contacts and their impact on the langauge system, 4) to develop practical skills in editing translated texts belonging to various styles and genres. The languages of the course are Latvian and Russian.
Japanese Language and Culture in the World of Anime and Manga
The aim of the study course is to provide 3rd year students with a basic knowledge of the Japanese language, culture, society, history through manga and anime. Tasks of the study course: 1. to introduce students to the most outstanding Japanese manga and anime works and their creators; 2. to deepen students' knowledge of various aspects of modern and traditional Japanese culture through anime and manga media. 3. Introduce students to modern Japanese through anime and manga. 4. Identify and explore the various historical elements of manga and anime. 5. to analyze and explain various forms of language, dialects, differences in the form of speech of women, men, ancient language, different levels of courtesy, slang, etc. through anime and manga. 6. to acquaint students with artificial intelligence programs and digital tools for preparing interactive presentation materials, creating their own anime or manga work. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Japanese Language and Culture in the World of Anime and Manga
The aim of the study course is to provide 3rd year students with a basic knowledge of the Japanese language, culture, society, history through manga and anime. Tasks of the study course: 1. to introduce students to the most outstanding Japanese manga and anime works and their creators; 2. to deepen students' knowledge of various aspects of modern and traditional Japanese culture through anime and manga media. 3. Introduce students to modern Japanese through anime and manga. 4. Identify and explore the various historical elements of manga and anime. 5. to analyze and explain various forms of language, dialects, differences in the form of speech of women, men, ancient language, different levels of courtesy, slang, etc. through anime and manga. 6. to acquaint students with artificial intelligence programs and digital tools for preparing interactive presentation materials, creating their own anime or manga work. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
General Medicine I
The aim of the study course is to promote students' understanding of the main infectious diseases, intra-hospital infections and their risks in diagnostic radiology and radiation therapy. Tasks of the study course: to acquaint with the main concepts of infectious discipline, epidemiology of infectious diseases, acute and chronic respiratory and digestive system infectious diseases, parasitic invasions, blood and contact infections; to describe the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic and treatment principles and preventive measures of infectious diseases; to describe the main intrahospinal infections and their impact on the recovery process of patients. The study course is taught in Latvian.
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