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Studiju kursi apmaiņas studentiem
13.11.2023 12:02 Content
Application form for registration to the study courses (when you arriveat the Faculty of Humanities, you need to approach your coordinator Margarita Spirida). BACHELOR and MASTER LEVEL COURSES : All timetables for the Faculty of Humanities are available here: PROGRAMMES You can also search for separate courses (pressing VIEW, you can get a timetable for this particular course): COURSES LANGUAGE COURSES Latvian language courses (contact person: lect. Margarita Spirida, ) Russian language courses (contact lect. Jeļena Sevastjanova, ) Other language(Spanish, French, German, Italian, English, etc)courses(contact person: lect. Margarita Spirida, ) Faculty of Humanities offers courses for Erasmus+ and other exchange programmes' students and attendees. Contact persons for particular programmes (before contacting them, contact the international coordinator Margarita Spirida
Language of Instruction
13.05.2022 21:32 Content
The official language of instruction is Latvian. Some programmes and courses are available in other foreign languages. Courses offered for exchange students are taught in English. In some cases our Faculties could as well arrange for international exchange students studies on individual basis. Prospective exchange students should contact in advance the international coordinator of the respective faculty or the contact person for incoming Exchange students at the International Mobility Unit in order to find out more about the available courses in English.
22.10.2021 21:41 Content
Institute of Solid State Physics UL (ISSP UL) offers services for characterization of the properties of solid state materials. For these purposes High-technology infrastructure is available at ISSP UL providing resources for advanced analysis, synthesis and processing of the materials. See below for available equipment or see the full equipment list . To find out more about the possibilities of a measurement or capabilities of a tool please contact our main contact Olga Bogdanova through
Ģeomorfoloģijas, kvartārģeoloģijas un ģeomātikas katedra
31.05.2023 16:11 Content
it possible to obtain new data that meet the requirements of modern science about the development of the basin and hydrographic network and inland dunes at the end of the ice age. Cooperation partners The academic staff advises various private companies, government agencies and institutions on effectively implementing and using GIS and Internet mapping solutions, Earth remote sensing data and GPS data processing and visualisation. Joint field research and scientific events are organised, and joint publications are prepared. In Latvia, the department cooperates with the Department of Chemistry at Daugavpils University. During the last decade, various contacts with universities in other countries have developed rapidly, including conducting collaborative projects and organising scientific events, including conference sections of the University of Latvia, visits of young researchers abroad and lectures.
19.06.2021 20:40 Content
criticism with a clear mind, which undoubtedly helps to understand mistakes and analyze them. With this type of innovation, it is necessary to be able to 'go beyond the frame' in order to be able to create something that does not yet exist and benefit a particular industry. One thing that helps to convince others of your idea is to be enthusiastic about it and to set out the details with enthusiasm, as well as be aware of all the details involved if you need to answer all kinds of questions. Working with other colleagues on this innovation, Kristīne is able to recognize that the key to successful teamwork is the division of responsibilities so that everything succeeds, as well as continuous communication and awareness of work so that the process does not stop. So far, working with others has not caused misunderstandings, but you should always be able to compromise if there is disagreement or a different view of the plan. The name "Humico" is very simple - Humi describes the solution
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