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Development of a more stable technical solution for the LoRaWAN base station at the University of Latvia
15.09.2020 16:01 Content
In the first stage of the project, the first LoRaWAN base station of the University of Latvia was installed on the roof of the University of Latvia House of Nature. It is a wireless network specialised for low energy consumption, wide coverage sensors. Already now the “Things Network” is available to the UL researchers, students and the general public. The project research team continues to work on the development of a more stable technical solution for base station – in order to ensure the continuity of equipment operation, it is necessary to assess its operation in various extreme conditions. Total costs: EUR 3450 Project manager: Jānis Bikše, UL Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Patron: SIA “Mikrotīkls” .
28.03.2024 13:15 Content
Evaluation of applications from 15.02.2024 till 25.02.2024. The results will be announced to the applicants personally, by e-mail FROM 26.02.2024. Who can apply for Erasmus+ studies: Students from Faculty of Social Science (places are available for all study program students, from all study levels – BA or MA); You can apply if when you plan to start your exchange studies, you will have completed at least the 1st year of undergraduate studies. You can apply ONLY to those universities with which cooperation agreements have been concluded (See on web page – Studijas – Studijas ārzemēs-Sadarbības augstskolas) Study mobility does not take place in the last semester of study program (mobility must end in the first month of the last semester of studies); You are successful in studies (average grade in A part studies courses is not lower than 7); Your knowledge of the language is not an obstacle to learning or communication. Universities with which
Academic leave
11.01.2022 23:42 Content
A student is entitled to temporarily intermit the studies (to use academic leave), while retaining the status of a student. The procedure for intermission of studies is regulated by the Procedure for intermission approved by the UL Senate. In order to document the approved intermission of studies, the student must submit a written application to the dean or his/her authorized representative by the end of the registration week of the respective semester. Intermissions due to pregnancy and childbirth, parental leave or illness may also be applied for during the semester. Duration of study intermission is two semesters. The total length of the intermission period in doctoral and residency in medicine programmes must not exceed two years. During the intermission, the tuition fee is not payable and the student does not receive a scholarship. In order to continue studies after intermission, the student registers during the registration week according to the studies of the semester
Izglītības zinātnes
29.12.2020 11:30 Content
The programme’s accreditation date is May 15, 2020 The aim of the study programme is to promote the development and competitiveness of students' professional pedagogical, management and research competencies in the field of education, innovative and research activities, the change management and pedagogical activities and to motivate further academic growth. The programme defines several goals: to promote students' research skills by integrating the latest scientific knowledge and innovative ideas in interdisciplinary contexts; to promote the development of students' pedagogical competence, readiness to plan, implement, evaluate and develop educational work in accordance with the learning needs of educational target groups, various abilities and prior knowledge, internal and external conditions of development of educational institutions and education system and various contexts; to promote the competence of students' management and leadership by implementing the change
Intellectual property rights
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of intellectual property law and its regulation in modern world. The course introduces with a general description of intellectual property law and examines various objects of intellectual property law from the point of view of various forms of creative expression (mainly - designations of goods and services, appearance of goods, inventions), and characterises infringements of intellectual property rights and their prevention. Objects of intellectual property law is characterised from the point of view of their regulation at international, regional, and national levels, with an emphasis on the EU and Latvian national regulation. The course is taught either in Latvian or English depending on a student group.
Study Process Modeling
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to offer the educators an opportunity to develop their understanding of the essence of teaching-learning as a process, its regularities, theories of teaching-learning and didactics. The classes introduce models of teaching-learnng, pedagogical reasoning of their targeted choice. The course offers an opportunity to the participants develop their competence to develop study courses and programmes, analyse pedagogical situations in higher education, identify students’ needs and select adequate theoretical approach and models of teaching-learning to initiate students learning activities. Practical classes will offer the participants patterns of didactical modelling and initiate their original theoretically and practically appropriate creating of models.
Digital Skills for START-UP
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to update and improve students' understanding of digital technologies and to increase the qualification of employees and self-employed persons of small and micro enterprises, thus promoting the introduction of technological innovations and increasing work efficiency and productivity. Enables continuing education students to understand the importance of digital technologies for start-ups in a modern business environment, apply digital solutions for starting a business and establishing legal relations with the SRS and business partners, digitize business processes, use e-commerce tools and communicate with customers, as well as understand quality digital content creation solutions. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
My story
15.06.2021 18:18 Content
of them is the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and develop skills much faster, which are also useful in life outside work.Physics students at the Institute have the opportunity to work with high-endequipment, and this isa particularly importantaspect for further professional development. This means that valuable practical skills are acquired in addition to theoretical knowledge.In comparisonto other countries, we start working inapplication of knowledge(in the labs, making real research)much earlier, so students gain an understanding of working in science earlier. In general, the possibilities are wide for us andin most cases the availability of equipment or methods is not a limiting factor in the development of ideas. I would like to encourage young people to work in scienceand gain knowledge fearlessly – being in a small country is a great advantage in getting what you need:we are flexible, everything is much more accessible, sothere are more opportunities,granted the motivation
Promoting mental health at schools
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to provide teachers with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of complex approach to mental health promotion in educational institutions and to acquire methods that promote teachers' and children/student emotional learning skills and resilience as well as reduce risks of development of social, emotional and behavioural problems. Tasks: 1. To deepen knowledge about a complex approach to promotion of general mental health in pre-school and general educational institutions. 2. To deepen understanding of social emotional learning and its role in promoting the mental health of teachers. 3. To deepen understanding of resilience and its role in promoting the mental health of teachers. 4. To acquire skills to use the handbook for teachers to promote their own mental health. 5. To deepen understanding of social emotional learning and its role in promoting the mental health of children/students. 6. To deepen understanding of resilience and its role in promoting
Civil protection
Course (continue)
the emergency situations and disasters. Course ensures that students obtain general knowledge on disaster medical system and the role of first aid. The course is developed in accordance to the Latvian national legislation prescribed for minimum requirements for the content of civil protection studies. The languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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