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Scandinavian Languages and Culture: Contacts and Contrasts III (Sweden)
This course is the final stage in a three-part series targeting the study of the North Germanic or Scandinavian language (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation, and as such aims at equipping students with the thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A2.2 level (approaching B1 level); 2) the reception of original texts (literary texts, journalism, unadapted audio material, etc.), as well as the advancement of analytical skills in lexically and grammatically accurate text production; 3) the enhancement of empirical knowledge in Swedish cultural history and developments in modern society. Language of instruction: Swedish.
History of Linguistics
The course aims at broadening and deepening students’ theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the most significant periods of the linguistic thought development in Europe and America, starting from the classical Greek period to the 20th and 21st centuries in correlation with the existing historical and social factors of that time. The goals of the course are: 1. To focus on contributions of the linguistic schools to the contemporary linguistics as a branch of science; 2. To analyse the impact of the scientific domains and the accumulated knowledge of that time on research pertaining to the developmental tendencies of language use; 3. To highlight evolutionary aspects of the linguistic thought, taking into account contributions of both linguistics’ researchers and their predecessors; 4. To examine a variety of language use aspects, which have been studied diachronically, relating them to selectively chosen aspects of contemporary use of language. The course is delivered
Topical issues of Public Administration
The objective is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge on topical and innovative public administration topics regarding improvement of relationship between the society and authority in decision-making and problem-solving processes. Tasks of the study course: 1. To describe communication as a strategically important function for the operation of public-sector organizations particularly emphasizing the significance of crisis communication in crisis situations. 2. To provide an introduction to methods for the critical thinking and analysis technique and their significance in modern society and the decision-making process in organizations of the state administration and local governments. 3. To provide an insight into design thinking methodology that helps to solve problems and improve processes, products, and services by focusing on the actual needs of users. The course of studies analyses practical examples and results of particular governments, state
Practical work in archives
The study course shall be conducted in accordance with the by-laws of history and archaeology practice. The aim of the course is to improve and expand students' knowledge and skills in historical research by enabling them to learn in depth the key elements of archive work in practice. The course is implemented in cooperation with the state level archives of the history profile in Latvia. Course Tasks: 1) to develop an in-depth understanding of the work of archives, the stages of works, the tasks thereof; 2) to develop an in-depth understanding of the role of file description, inventory, digitalization etc. of archival funds in the preservation and exploration of historical materials; 3) to develop skills in the professional activity of archivists; 4) developing skills for the practical application of archive materials in research and work with the public (source publications, cooperation with schools, universities, etc.). Language of the course - Latvian
Discrete dynamical systems is the study of phenomena that evolve in time. A discrete dynamical system can be characterized as a function that is composed with itself over and over again. In 1976, R.May published his most popular article "Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics" in the journal Nature, where he showed that first order nonlinear difference equations can exhibit an astonishing array of dynamical behavior, ranging from stable fixed points to chaotic regions. The aim of the course is to introduce students with the theory of discrete dynamical systems (theory of first order nonlinear difference equations) and with chaotic mappings. Tasks: to find out the main concepts of discrete dynamical systems; to learn research techniques; get acquainted with chaotic mappings and their properties. Language of instruction are Latvian.
German for beginners III
The aim of the course is to develop and improve the German language skills for students in the field of geography corresponding to language learning level A2 / 1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference, in order to reach A2 / 2 in German with the help of dictionaries or other supplementary equipment. The tasks of the course are 1. to expand the vocabulary required for everyday communication as well as geography; 2. to improve and develop knowledge of German grammar and text formation; 3. to develop the perception and understanding of the text in the various authentic sources (website, advertising, catalogue, personal e-mail, etc.); 4. to improve spoken and written communication skills; 5. to give an overview of various aspects of regional studies, geography and cultural heritage of the German-speaking countries. The course is delivered in German.
History of political thoght in the ancient world
The course is dedicated to the political concepts of ancient civilizations from ancient times to Augustine. The course examines and analyzes notions of power and society in various ancient societies: ancient Divupe, Egypt, India, China, Judea, Greece and Rome. During the course, the texts of relevant cultures about power are analyzed. The course is based on a diachronic principle, sequentially following the development of the main intellectual doctrines over time. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main political concepts of the ancient world, as well as to learn to analyze relevant texts. Tasks of the course: 1. to study the development of political concepts in ancient times, 2. to reveal the differences of different cultures in the formation of political systems, 3. to study the evolution of political ideas over time. Language of course teaching - Latvian.
Advanced Studies in Turkish Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to further improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills using various printed and audio-visual materials on Turkish literature and literary studies, according to the C2 language level, expanding vocabulary and improving sound pronunciation in the context of sentence intonation. Course tasks are: 1) to supplement knowledge about the grammatical structures of the literary Turkish language; 2) to supplement the collection of Turkish words (at least 300 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics); 3) to study the history of Turkish literature and literary criticism; 4) to continue to learn about the the most important Turkish writers and their works; 5) to continue to develop oral and written communication skills in Turkish. The course is taught in Latvian, English and Turkish.
Seminar on Writing a Master Thesis
The aim of the course is to provide students with assistance in the development of master theses so that they meet the academic and scientific standards of the University of Latvia, using appropriate research methodology, knowledge and experience gained from local and international experience. The course is intended to discuss the implementation of master theses at different stages of their creation, eliminating possible errors and risks. The objectives of the course are: 1. to discuss the principles of creating a master thesis in accordance with the academic requirements; 2. to study and discuss the Code of Academic Ethics of the University of Latvia; 3. to study and discuss in-depth scientific research guidelines, methods and principles; 4. to present research orally and in writing in seminars, analyzing the set goals, objectives, and hypotheses, as well as information sources; 5. to perform research in accordance with the academic requirements. Languages of implementation
Economic Policy
Course goal – to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills for understanding different economic situations, developing and taking economic policy decision, to seperate the private and public sectors. During the seminars the main questions of Latvia’s economic policy, development of different branches of national economy would be discussed. Course tasks: 1. develop student’s theoretical thinking and certain skills to develop and valuate different economic situations and economic policy in different levels of national economy, 2. to find out the main principles of economic policy making, its theoretical conclusions and potential impact on various economic sectors, 3. to deepen knowledge about instruments of economic policy making in the conditions of economic globalization, 4. justify the best alternatives to solving economic problems. The language of instruction is Latvian
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