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Doctoral Thesis I
The aim of the study course is to equip the doctoral students with the research competence to identify the scientific literature on the topic of the doctoral thesis, to build bibliography and to design the doctoral research. A detailed plan of the doctoral thesis must be prepared in the first year of study. The doctoral thesis plan becomes a roadmap that outlines the ideas, topicality, novelty, goals, and objectives of the thesis, as well as introduces the theories and methods used in the research. It formulates the hypothesis, establishes the theoretical framework and methodology, defines the object and subject of the research, and sets the empirical base of the research. The plan of the doctoral thesis is developed in close cooperation with the scientific supervisor. The plan is backed by the bibliography list. Objectives: 1) to identify scientific literature sources and build bibliography for the doctoral research on the topic of the doctoral thesis; 2) to define the goals
Current issues in Baltic linguistics
The course introduces the topical research in Baltic linguistics (from 2005 to present). The content covers several areas of linguistics: phonetics and phonology, word formation and morphology, lexicology and lexicography, dialectology, language history, onomastics, language contacts. The aim of the study course is to enhance the research competence of the doctoral students; to build the scientific competences necessary for the Baltic language researcher by engaging them in analysing and focusing on the topical research in Baltic linguistics. Objectives: 1. to get acquainted with the topical research in Baltic linguistics published in monographs, collections of articles, continuing editions, to analyse and evaluate the content of publications, to discuss current issues; 2. to get an in-depth projection on Baltic language research directions and processes in Latvia, Lithuania, elsewhere in the world; 3. to be able to develop and defend independent work in the field of Baltic
Basics of psychology
The course examines knowledge of the main theories of psychological science, their findings on the foundations of the human mental and behavioral processes. Students are introduced to theories that allow understanding how human cognitive, affective and behavioral processes work, using problems and situations typical of law science. The processes of the human psyche and behavior are considered both at the level of individuals and intergroups. In the course, the main skills necessary for solving various communication problems in the investigator's work are learned. The aim of the course: to acquire basic knowledge about the basic processes of the human psyche and behavior and their relationship with law science. Course tasks: 1) get to know and understand the main theoretical knowledge of psychological science about the human psyche and behavior; 2) learn to analyze human mental and behavioral processes using the theories of psychological science; 3) learn practical skills to use
Theory and Practice of Medieval and Modern Paleography
Paleography is a discipline of history that explores writing and handwriting techniques as historical phenomena. The knowledge acquired in this study allows researchers from different sciences to read handwritten texts created during different periods of European and Latvian history. The aim of the course is the acquisition of paleographic knowledge and skills required for independent work in archives and libraries with handwriting stored in these memory institutions. The tasks of the course are 1) to present the students with paleography theory and practices that enable them to learn and to improve different methods of reading handwriting and to familiarise themselves with manuscript patterns, 2) but also to discover them as sources of cultural, social, religious, political and other history. Samples of the manuscript corpus, the reading of which and the preparation of transcription of the contents will be dedicated to practice sessions, have been created mainly in Latvia
Turkish Language Written Translation III
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills in translating various Turkish texts. The selected texts are related to current contemporary topics and events in politics, culture, education and other fields. Texts of literary and legal content will also be reviewed and analyzed, thus applying the student's knowledge to any field. During the course, the most important translation techniques and problems encountered when translating texts from and into Turkish will be discussed. The lessons are planned as practical exercises and seminars. The objectives of the course are: 1) to analyze texts both according to their grammatical structure and according to their content and style; 2) to see the language differences between Turkish and Latvian and English, as well as the peculiarities of text translation; 3) to analyze the message of the first language and to substantiate one's translation solutions using the appropriate metalanguage, applying the applied theory; 4) to learn new
Media practice
The course is implemented in Latvian media editorial offices, creative companies, the operation and functions of which require communication specialists. Students are involved in the daily work of editorial or creative companies, performing tasks assigned by an editor or mentor. The aim of the course is to develop practical skills for working in the media and industry, as well as to promote skills to cooperate with other journalists, producers in the media and communication specialists in creative companies, perform media analysis, develop new media products, produce content and participate in everyday projects. Course tasks: 1) to acquaint with the work of the media editorial office or other fields related to the study of communication; 2) to teach to plan, apply for and implement creative projects (articles, stories, etc.) within a specific editorial or creative company; 3) to develop the ability to work in a team, report on what has been done, analyze the impact of your material
Bachelor thesis in economics
The aim of bachelor thesis is to demonstrate ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in research. In developing the Bachelor's thesis, the student is based on the knowledge and practical skills acquired during the studies, as well as using the information and practical experience gained during the internship. Bachelor's thesis tasks: 1. to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyze scientific literature, 2. choose appropriate research methods, 3. to carry out practical research, analyze and interpret the obtained results within the framework of the Bachelor Thesis, 4. to present and defend conclusions and proposals of scientific value. Bachelor's thesis and its defense is divided into several stages: 1. development of a research project and presentation of a Bachelor's thesis in the 5th or 7th semesters; 2. Development and presentation of the final bachelor's thesis in the 6th or 8th semester. Bachelor thesis writing
Radiotherapy and Oncology II
The aim of the study course is to deepen students' knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of radiation therapy, to introduce with the use of radiation therapy technologies, techniques, including dose calculations and radiation verification methods. Tasks of the study course: to master the principles of radiotherapy planning and imaging techniques, including methods by which patients can receive reduced doses; to provide knowledge about different types of irradiation, radiation therapy technologies and techniques and related radiation exposure; to familiarize patients with radiotherapy and radiotherapy treatment procedures, as well as with various oncological diseases: breast cancer, prostate, bladder cancer, neck, nose, lung cancer, CNS symptoms, diagnosis, histology, distribution, tumor classification, therapy, radiotherapy side effects and predictions; to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of the practice and scope of radiologist assistant and radiographer
Professional practice in Social Work III
During the internship III, students deepen their knowledge and skills in social work with a social case work and psychosocial counseling, as well acquire skills how critically evaluate the work performed in the practice implementation organization at the mezzo and macro level. During the internship, one case must be conducted in one of the institutions or organization of social service providers, following the theoretical and etchical guidelines of social work with the case and the stages of the process. The aim of the course is to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge in social case work and psychosocial counseling. The tasks of the course are to lead the process of one social case work ,assesment, the general agreement, choosing the intervention approach, drawing up a plan, attracting appropriate specialists or services, evaluation, as well as participating in social service organization team meetings and supervision with aim to include in the practice report suggestions
Methodology of teaching Latvian language and literature
The Course objective is to prepare the future teachers of the Latvian language and literature for theoretical and practical work at school as well as to develop students’ critical, creative and pedagogical-artistic thinking and the relevant skills. Course tasks: Provide knowledge on the subject specifics of the Latvian language and literature at various ages, and on principles for designing a contemporary Latvian language and literature lesson plan. To achieve the aim and learning outcomes of the study course, innovative study methods and forms will be used, for example, study tours, field trips, outdoor classes, classes in small groups in different educational institutions, and pedagogical supervision; besides, the study course will be organised in a multifaceted collaboration with experts from various fields, who will participate in idea laboratories/workshops, field trips and study tours. Faculty members of the University of Latvia, Liepaja University and Daugavpils University
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