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Ethics of Social Work

EN" style="mso-ansi-language:EN">The course aimsEN" style="mso-ansi-language:EN"> to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the ethical principles and social work ethics. During the course will be discussed Western moral philosophy and ethical principles, in-depth focus on social ethics and

STEM teachers' training for educational excellence (manager R.Birziņa)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
situāciju STEM jomā, izpētīt labākos STEM risinājumus pasaulē un ieviest modernu STEM izglītību Latvijā. Analizēt ieviestās STEM metodoloģijas efektivitāti. Projekta uzdevumi un gaita: Projektam būs divas galvenās aktivitātes: Survey and Benchmarking: Survey report of STEM teacher methodologies, programs and resources in Latvia; School experiments verification: Design the feedback questionnaires and survey. Analyze the feedback received and make upgrade recommendations for the developed experiments and education kits. 2016.g.: situācijas analīze, izmantojot STEM projekta ietvaros izstrādāto metodoloģiju: anketas studentiem un skolotājiem par STEM priekšmetu mācīšanās un mācīšanas situāciju Latvijā. Datubāžu analīze un salīdzinājums ar Eiropas un Ēģiptes partneru rezultātiem. 2017.-2018.g. ir paredzēts tupināt pētījumu transformatīvu lauka pētījumu, izpētot ieviestās metodoloģijas ietekmi inovāciju kultūras sekmēšanā Latvijā. Projekta gaitā sadarbosimies ar viedas specializācijas
Laboratory of Magnetobiology
15.11.2020 14:56 Content
Head of the laboratory: Dr. biol. Antons Kolodinskis E-mail: Phone: +371 20604030 The main research direction in the laboratory is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms The laboratory conducts research on the adaptation mechanisms of living organisms under the influence of electromagnetic environmental pollution. Since 2000, the laboratory has been conducting research mainly on the effects of electromagnetic pollution on the neuropsychological development of children and adolescents. In particular, the effects of electromagnetic radiation generated by mobile phones and household electronic devices on students' motor and psychological functions are studied. Since 2008, research has been launched on the effects of simulated electromagnetic radiation on plants and animals at the organism, cellular and biomolecular levels. Research: Since 2012, the Laboratory of Magnetobiology, in cooperation with the Laboratory of Environmental
Bachelor’s degree programme International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy
25.04.2024 20:06 Content
organizations, in multinational corporations, in embassies, and banks. More information about study programme and Study plan ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma Grade in Mathematics must be no less than 6 in a 10 point grading system . If the secondary education document does not indicate a grade in mathematics, it can be replaced by a grade in the subject of economics/business management field (the grade must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). English language proficiency. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. More information and Study plan Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time
19.06.2021 20:40 Content
not require additional adjustment. It was important to be able to adapt this t-shirt to any style and it would improve both posture and self-confidence. For this reason, the correction scheme for the shirt is embedded from the inside and is almost invisible. Most of the day, both colleagues spend working together, but of course you can't do without collaborating with other people who have helped in different areas, such as responsive mentors sharing their knowledge on all kinds of issues. There was no difficulty in inventing the name of the new company, because the explanation is quite simple - t-shirts improve the posture or "Corrects your posture", so in the end it was "Correcty". Jekaterina mentions communication with each other as a key to the success of a successful team, as well as clearly defined both personal goals and team goals, which in different situations can find clarity on how to proceed. Of course, it is important not to mention that Correcty girls are still in the early stages
19.06.2021 20:40 Content
criticism with a clear mind, which undoubtedly helps to understand mistakes and analyze them. With this type of innovation, it is necessary to be able to 'go beyond the frame' in order to be able to create something that does not yet exist and benefit a particular industry. One thing that helps to convince others of your idea is to be enthusiastic about it and to set out the details with enthusiasm, as well as be aware of all the details involved if you need to answer all kinds of questions. Working with other colleagues on this innovation, Kristīne is able to recognize that the key to successful teamwork is the division of responsibilities so that everything succeeds, as well as continuous communication and awareness of work so that the process does not stop. So far, working with others has not caused misunderstandings, but you should always be able to compromise if there is disagreement or a different view of the plan. The name "Humico" is very simple - Humi describes the solution
19.04.2024 21:14 Content
lectures for Latvian secondary school students. The UL Laboratory for Mathematical Modeling of Environment and Technological Processes has created the website “Present the present” (FimarWeb), where everyone can follow the alterations taking place in the two proximate days (hourly) in the Baltic Sea: the surface current speed, wind direction, wave height, water surface and air temperatures, ice thickness, water level, salinity. To take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact 13.1. To strengthen preparedness and resilience to climate-related hazards, natural disasters and the ability to adapt to them. “Spatiotemporal Prediction of Groundwater Drought with Mixed Models in a Multilayer Sedimentation Basin Under Climate Change (GURU)” 13.2. To improve education, awareness and capacity in the areas of climate change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning. The Faculty of Theology also focuses on climate crisis issues, holding a think tank
Quarter 4 (01.10.2022. – 31.12.2022.)
13.07.2023 19:44 Content
on developing the nanowire synthesis strategies is planned to be included in the course work (Master's study program, 2nd year student J. Sušinska). Regardless the fact that candidate with a suitable profile and experience for implementing the project has been successfully found after posting the job advertisements, the visa procedure will take several months. To improve the implementation of the planned research activities and to support Ukrainian researchers, it is planned to employ another senior researcher Assoc. prof. N. Amirulloieva, from SHEI Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro, Ukraine. Recent call of support by the Latvian Council of Science allows to employ Ukrainian researcher in the ongoing projects , and in agreement with the submission / evaluation procedure, support of 4100EUR was granted to employ Assoc. prof. N. Amirulloieva
My story
13.10.2021 13:53 Content
I rememberhowenchantedIwaswhen my parents told me thattiny air molecules thatcannot be seenwith the naked eye surrounded us all, and that all substancesweremade up of atoms. It was a surprise to me - how could Ipossibly had notnoticed small particles circling around me? I still remember the impression it had on me - it seemed so elusive andamazing,the world seemed full of secrets.Both myfatherand grandfather were physics teachers, and to someextent,theysparked my interest in physics - I understoodthat physics wassomething exciting and useful. During school, I read popular science articlesand since I remembermyself,I have hadthe desire to understand and comprehend whatIseearound me.Ever since I was a child, Iwas fascinatedby everything related tothe universe, galaxies, stars, andI wanted to understand how it allhadformed.An endlessterritory to explore! In grades 11 and 12, I had a great physics teacher whoknew how to generate interest inthe world of physics.At that time, the idea
My story
10.02.2022 12:14 Content
I rememberhowenchantedIwaswhen my parents told me thattiny air molecules thatcannot be seenwith the naked eye surrounded us all, and that all substancesweremade up of atoms. It was a surprise to me - how could Ipossibly had notnoticed small particles circling around me? I still remember the impression it had on me - it seemed so elusive andamazing,the world seemed full of secrets.Both myfatherand grandfather were physics teachers, and to someextent,theysparked my interest in physics - I understoodthat physics wassomething exciting and useful. During school, I read popular science articlesand since I remembermyself,I have hadthe desire to understand and comprehend whatIseearound me.Ever since I was a child, Iwas fascinatedby everything related tothe universe, galaxies, stars, andI wanted to understand how it allhadformed.An endlessterritory to explore! In grades 11 and 12, I had a great physics teacher whoknew how to generate interest inthe world of physics.At that time, the idea
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