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Tehnoloģiju inovācijas un dizains izglītībai
03.05.2024 21:10 Content
The programme is licensed on May 15, 2020. Admission to the programme takes place already in the study year 2020/2021. In this programme it will be possible to acquire knowledge of the organizational principles of the pedagogical process to promote learning, as well as knowledge of psychological phenomena that affect learning and what regularities must be taken into account when working in the digital environment and how to promote the development of media and digital competence. In the study process, it will be possible to discuss the legal and ethical aspects of the digital environment and model learning tasks, to acquire the necessary competencies for a technology-enriched learning process. Students will learn the basics of programming, learn how to work with educational robotics, how to use the possibilities offered by virtual reality, work with 3D printers, create websites and develop learning platforms. Students will be provided with the opportunity to learn the principles
Memory Culture of the World War II in Eastern Europe
The purpose of the study course is to introduce bachelor students in history to theoretical issues of memory culture in relation to World War II memorial sites in Riga. The course tasks: 1) to acquire theoretical aspects of memory culture; 2) to understand the specific of memory culture in Eastern Europe (the Baltic States, Germany, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine); 3) to identify the WW II memorial sites in Riga and participate in digital exhibition online. The course is implemented in cooperation with students of the Gottingen University. As a part of the course, Latvian students will prepare digital photo images of World War II memorial sites in Riga (5 images of 1 site for each student). From these images 3D models of monuments will be produced for an online exhibition, supplementing the images with annotations in English (volume: up to 3000 characters). The language of instruction is English.
Internship I (6 c.p.) Internship presumes to link the obtained knowledge with practical experience, to study and to evaluate theoretically known models in real entrepreneurship. Internship II (8.c.p.) Its aim is to fortify the obtained theoretical knowledge. During the internship the students have the opportunity to grasp the concept of a specific entrepreneurship related with international business, to understand the specificity of activities and professional attachment. Internship III (* c.p.) The aim of internship is to confirm student ability to use the theoretical knowledge in actual entrepreneurship and to promote the preparation of a qualified, creative, and professional manager. During the internship (in an enterprise or an institution related to international business in Latvia or abroad) the student prepares the obtained information as an Internship Report which must be defended in front of a commission. Internship IV ($ c.p.) Internship IV is a part of necessary amount
ZAB "Fort Legal"
03.09.2020 15:52 Content
The sworn advocates of the law firm FORT provide legal advice in all areas of commercial activity. More information about the firm Support In 2020, EUR 300 are donated to the students of the University of Latvia Faculty of Law to enable student participation in TeldersInternational LawMoot CourtCompetition. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Radiography – professional bachelor study programme
20.01.2022 18:39 Content
The study program is implemented for the preparation of competent, meeting today's requirements, multi-professional radiographers for work with modern digital technologies. During studies, students acquire skills in patient care in radiology and radiation therapy, working in various medical care institutions in Latvia. Specialists are trained in accordance with the standard of the radiographer's profession, ensuring the development of students' personalities.
17.08.2023 15:38 Content
IEEE Open iFinanses IGI Global Open Access Journals IMF eLibrary IMISCOE (International Migration, International and Social Cohesion) IMSLP Petrucci Music Library Injurymap International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Access provided at the Library of Humanities for full text articles of 2015–2017 International Journal of Lexicography Access provided at the Library of Humanities for full text articles of 1996–2021 International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society Access to archive articles of 2020-2021 provided only for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Arts of the University of Latvia Internet Archaeology Internet Library of Early Journals Internet Sacred Text Archive IPI E-Books Izglītība un Kultūra Access provided only for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latviaat LUIS with login and pasword in the section Aktualitātes
Sociālais virziens
21.03.2024 23:57 Content
Social affairs cover protection of social interests and well-being. In addition to the Social Programme, which supports students living in dormitories, Social Affairs also implements the Mentor programme , the Accommodation seniors system, and deals with the financial aspects of studies, such as student loans and scholarships. If you would like to take the opportunity to represent students' interests on welfare and access issues, to support the integration of new UL students, and to promote student engagement with UL institutions, please do so by contacting Eva (
In 2012
13.07.2020 14:32 Content
Chemistry Olympiad, each country's team is selected to participate in the International Chemistry Olympiad. The goals of the Olympiad are also to stimulate the activities of students interested in chemistry by solving chemistry tasks independently and creatively, as well as to promote international contacts in chemistry. This year, Latvia must organize the twentieth - anniversary - Baltic Olympics. The UL Faculty of Chemistry has been chosen as the organizer of the Baltic Olympics in Latvia. Every three years, each of the Baltic States hosts the Baltic Chemistry Olympiad at one of its universities. The project is supported by the patron “Fudeks” (EUR 570). Strengthening the Studies of Anthropology at the UL in 2012 The field of anthropology in Latvia and the UL is new and needs to be strengthened as a resource, promoting the competitiveness of study programs and opening them to capable anthropologists on a European and global scale. UL will not only gain a strong and foreign program
Icebreakers festivāls
22.03.2021 14:32 Content
The Festival provides Latvian students with an opportunity not only to get information on current innovation development and business support opportunities in Latvia and Europe, but also to get acquainted with leading IT and other innovative companies. The festival provides a platform where students can get information on the activities of Student Innovation Programme at the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University and Riga Stradins University, and secures a centralized application for those programmes. The festival's satellite activities are organized within the framework of one year. The aim of the festival is to promote students’ interest and understanding of the possibilities and activities in the field of students' innovation competencies and entrepreneurship development within the Student Innovation Programmes at the University of Latvia, Riga Technical University and Riga Stradins University. The festival is held once a year in October, bringing together at least 50
Psychological Aspects of Peer -Mentoring
The aim of this course is to improve mentors’ knowledge (development) of the psychological aspects of peer-mentoring for first-year students, to foster mentors’ awareness of the support and guidance process, to develop the course participants’ active listening and guidance skills, with the aim to reduce the first-year students` dropout risks. Workshops will help mentors to understand the nature of peer-mentoring. It helps mentors to gain awareness of their own resources for providing mentees with guidance, to understand the importance of time management, efficacy of different styles of communication, as well as to develop peer-mentoring process management skills from the initial contact to the final sessions and feedback provision. The course is taught in Latvian.
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