Found 10166 entries
EU Institutional Law
The aim of the course is to provide a general insight into the basic principles of the European Union and the guidelines of EU law. In the course of the course, the structure of the EU's main institutions, operating principles, mutual interaction between the institutions, as well as the application of EU law in EU and Latvian courts will be examined. Also, a brief introduction to the legal framework of the common EU market will be given. The methodology of the EU institutional law course is based on the study of primary and secondary EU legal acts, including the basic knowledge of ECJ jurisprudence and the latest development trends. The tasks of the course are to learn the ability to navigate the EU institutional structure and basic issues of EU law, to learn basic skills for working with sources of EU law, to learn to use the theoretical issues of EU law in solving practical situations, to be able to orientate and express a reasoned opinion about the place of the EU in the modern
Practical Issues on Private International Law
Main aim of the course is to promote understanding of practical issues on Private International Law. The course will explore the current issues on Private International Law, their analyses and application in practises, as well as the latest developments of Private International Law. It would be possible to improve practical skills on application of Private International Law, to improve critical thinking skills and competences how to realize own rights in applying of Private International Law in international
Artis Straupenieks
24.08.2020 14:38 Content
Artis Straupenieks – a winner of the scholarship established by the Latvian Sworn Notary Council and administered by the UL Foundation in the academic year 2012/13, alumnus of UL Faculty of Law, lawyer of the law office “Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns”. Support In April 2013, A.Straupenieks donated EUR 3486.04 toward participation of the UL Law Faculty student team in the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Mott Court in October 2013, Germany. The UL Faculty of Law and its students every year take part in several international moot courts. Over the years several new exciting and promising moot courts have been established in the fields of law that cannot be studied in Latvia. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Intercultural Dialogue in the contemporary teaching and learning
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to promote intercultural competence of students and ability to apply it into teaching and learning process. Students will achieve new knowledge and understanding about essence of intercultural dialogue, successful dialogue prerequisites and risks. Students will gain ability to analyze different contemporary contexts of teaching and learning will be ready to make professional decisions in specific teaching and learning cases for promoting intercultural dialogue.
Foreign Language Acquisition at Primary School
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to broaden students’ knowledge of teaching foreign languages to young earners. The objectives of the course: raise students’ awareness of peculiarities of yong learners and their implications of learning foreign languages; get to know various approaches that can be followed for producing a syllabus, raise students’ awareness of evaluation in YL classroom; its aim and types.
German for Intercultural Communication II
Course (continue)
The course objectives are to perfect students' basics of the German language as a means of a cross-cultural communication and to continue developing students' interaction skills, extending vocabulary and phrases, adding grammar and grammatical structures, so that students perceive and understand simple written texts (reading comprehension), are able to understand spoken questions, short dialogues and oral utterances (listening comprehension), as well to communicate orally (oral communication skills) and in writing (written communication skills) with German speaking students, teachers, friends, colleagues, customers and so on in everyday, study, practice and working situations , selecting the right words, phrases and constructions, selecting the right words, phrases and constructions, according to the situation, country or province.
Modra K. Gulbja piemiņas fonds
27.08.2020 19:57 Content
The patron, Dr. theol.Modris Kārlis Gulbis (1927–2002) was born in Tērvete civil parish. He graduated from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia and worked as a lecturer at the faculty. In 1944, as a refugee, he went to Germany and later moved to the USA, where he continued his studies and obtained a PhD in theology. M.K.Gulbis has served in several Lutheran churches and been a pastor of US Twin Cities Christ Parish. The memorial scholarship was established with the aim to support gifted and diligent students of UL Faculty of Theology who wish to devote their lives to service in the Latvian Lutheran congregations in Latvia and abroad. In 2014, UL Foundation received a legacy of USD 85000from Modris K. Gulbis Memorial Foundation, which is the source of the scholarships for aspiring students. Support The scholarships have been announced since 2006. Every year, one student of the UL Faculty of Theology receives the scholarship.
Science Teaching Methodology I
Course (continue)
The objective of the course is to get students familiar with common and subject related questions about science teaching and learning methodology. Students will obtain introductory knowledge and understanding about organizing teaching and learning process necessary to work as science teacher. Students will analyze and reflect; simulate and modelling about teaching-learning process. Items with examples about mathematics, informatics and geography subjects teaching and learning are included.
"SEB banka"
31.08.2020 17:33 Content
The patron SEBGroup (1993) is one of the leading financial service providers in Northern Europe. As a bank with close and long-term relations in Sweden and the Baltics, it offers world-class financial consultations and a vast range of financial services in every field of activities. The bank is characterized by personalized approach in selecting the best opportunities of cooperation. IevaTetere, President of SEB banka: "Cooperation of SEB bankaand the UL Foundation dates back to the time when we jointly granted scholarships to seven first-year students of the University of Latvia. We delight in the young people whose academic results improve year on year, and also are happy about the project in general, motivating students to keep improving their performance and to reach new goals. I am sure that the knowledge obtained at the University of Latvia is a firm basis for the rest of one’s life. Many employees of SEB bank are the graduates of the UL faculties. In their everyday work
08.12.2021 12:46 Content
The core of the study programme consists of courses in diplomacy, foreign policy and international relations, in which the acquisition of both theoretical knowledge and applicable skills is equally important. The aim is to educate highly qualified and professional specialists, providing the required set of knowledge in diplomacy and international relations to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia (including Latvian embassies and consulates abroad), Ministry of Defence and other public administration institutions, international institutions and the private sector requiring skills and in-depth knowledge of international relations, international organizations and decision-making. Andrejs Pildegovičs' Diplomacy Scholarship has been established to motivate students and support the study programme, every year enabling one student to receive significant financial support from the UL Foundation.
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