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Community planning and regeneration
The study course provides professional knowledge of integrated urban development planning and regeneration, its approaches - sustainable development strategies, tools to develop and implement. The main topics of the course content: Integrated urban planning; Society and community planning; Urban environment and regeneration; Environmental design in urban space and space planning; Sustainable development and mobility; Economics and governance in the city, neighborhoods and places. Study course languages – English and Latvian. In connection with the theoretical part of the course, the course work is performed - to improve the development situation in the municipality or part of its territory. The aim of the course is to strengthen the existing knowledge and deepen the understanding of social, cultural, economic life and sustainable development planning, providing knowledge about the main directions and approaches in integrated urban planning, skills in identifying problems
Populism and the populist radical right in Europe
For all the scholarly and media attention given to populism, there is still no general scholarly consensus as to its exact meaning. The populist radical right (PRR) is a party family that is rising in popularity throughout Europe. In recent years, the PRR has gained unprecedented momentum and success. At first, the PRR was a marginal political force on the extreme end of the spectrum in most European countries. Then, the visibility of and support for European populist parties increased, and the populist radical right began to win key elections and in 2014, Europe was hit by the „Eurosceptic earthquake“ that saw PRR parties win an unprecedented number of seats in the European parliament. The following year, Europe faced the migrant crisis and the populist radical right party family successfully capitalized on this and are now a prominent force in nearly every European country. The course starts with a conceptual definition of far-right and populist political parties, moving to broader
Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry

The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge and promote understanding of the cells, the tissues, and the structural and functional unity of the human organism and the underlying mechanisms, as well as to provide the basic knowledge of the main biologically active macromolecules, their structures and functions, metabolic processes taking place in the body, basic processes of molecular biology, a better understanding of various biochemical and molecular processes that affect the eyes physiological and pathological activities. The study course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of fundamental aspects of human anatomical structures and physiological functions: somatic, autonomic, sensory and mental, as well their neurohumoral control mechanisms on molecular, cellular and systemic levels. Laboratory works using non-invasive research methods involve testing human autonomic functions as well as investigation on isolated excitatory tissue

Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry

The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge and promote understanding of the cells, the tissues, and the structural and functional unity of the human organism and the underlying mechanisms, as well as to provide the basic knowledge of the main biologically active macromolecules, their structures and functions, metabolic processes taking place in the body, basic processes of molecular biology, a better understanding of various biochemical and molecular processes that affect the eyes physiological and pathological activities. The study course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of fundamental aspects of human anatomical structures and physiological functions: somatic, autonomic, sensory and mental, as well their neurohumoral control mechanisms on molecular, cellular and systemic levels. Laboratory works using non-invasive research methods involve testing human autonomic functions as well as investigation on isolated excitatory tissue

Community planning and regeneration
The study course provides professional knowledge of integrated urban development planning and regeneration, its approaches - sustainable development strategies, tools to develop and implement. The main topics of the course content: Integrated urban planning; Society and community planning; Urban environment and regeneration; Environmental design in urban space and space planning; Sustainable development and mobility; Economics and governance in the city, neighborhoods and places. Study course languages – English and Latvian. In connection with the theoretical part of the course, the course work is performed - to improve the development situation in the municipality or part of its territory. The aim of the course is to strengthen the existing knowledge and deepen the understanding of social, cultural, economic life and sustainable development planning, providing knowledge about the main directions and approaches in integrated urban planning, skills in identifying problems
Antra, Bertrams un Kristaps Zariņi
31.08.2020 18:02 Content
States, holding this position until his retirement in 1989. The Latvian congregation in New York, which, like other exile congregations, in addition to its religious functions also was the centre of socio-political life, was one of the largest in the world, and its leader was directly involved in all events and activities related to the congregation, and its headquarters were abode of the pastor’s family for almost half a century. Symbolically, R. Zariņš arrived in New York on 18 November 1946, and in the following years personally welcomed ships with emigrants from Latvia to provide them with all possible support, but in the following decades – lead the spiritual life of members of the large congregation, documenting it in detail and storing the records in the personal archive at the parish chancellery (in 2012, R. Zariņš's archive was transferred to the library of Stanford University and in the summer of 2019 doctoral student I. Didrihsone-Tomaševska began studies of these records
16.03.2023 17:38 Content
Annually in November, the UL ISC elections are held, in which a maximum of 7 international student representatives can be elected as Members of UL ISC by the LU SP Assembly. However, if the UL ISC is incomplete, new Members may be elected to fill the vacant positions throughout the year. UL International Students' Collegium articles of association are available here . Meanwhile, anyone is welcome to participate in UL ISC as an activist at any given point. If you are interested in becoming a student representative or an activist at UL ISC, please contact us at
11.01.2022 23:41 Content
The student can receive individual tutorials of a lecturer according to the schedule approved by the chair of the department, which is available at the faculty's premises or on the faculty's homepage . Before tutorial, the student must make sure whether a prior appointment is required.
01.03.2023 19:26 Content
The Eco-Council is a joint initiative of UL Student Council, Study Development and Governance Improvement Programme of UL and UL Academic Centre Development Programme. The activities of the Eco Council are focused on the involvement of the UL in the international Eco-School programme, the evaluation and certification of the university's sustainability in similar systems, and also dedicated to the education of the UL family on sustainability issues, promotion of these topics and cooperation with students. The Eco-Council undertakes practical initiatives to implement the Sustainable Development Strategy. One of the operative steps is to obtain the world-recognized status of the Eco-School or the “green flag” for the university by introducing practicable, lifestyle-oriented solutions, such as well-considered consumption of resources such as electricity, paper and food, changing travel habits to contribute to achievement of climate neutrality goals at the University of Latvia
Applied Geographic Information Systems
The highest-level study course Applied Geographic Information Systems is a part of the Ge-information System Module meant for the students of Master of Natural Science study programmes in geography and other academic study programmes of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. The study course is designed to master practical application of one of the lines of geomatics sub-branch – Geographic Information Systems, as well as provides profound knowledge about geographic information systems, principles of creation of these systems, trends of development and latest achievements in the field of GIS technologies, methods and application. Objective of the study course is to provide obtaining systematic and integrative competence in the field of use of geographic information systems. Tasks of the study course: (1) to facilitate integration of natural science knowledge and competence in information technologies; (2) to develop scientific and applied comprehension of geographic information
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