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Traditional Music of East and Central Asia
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of the East and Central Asia. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of music cultures, 2) to get a general overview of the regional situation of music culture, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of East and Central Asian music and of their sociocultural context, 4) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards musical phenomena of East and Central Asia, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 5) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of East or Central Asian music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
German for beginners III
The aim of the course is to develop and improve the German language skills for students in the field of geography corresponding to language learning level A2 / 1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference, in order to reach A2 / 2 in German with the help of dictionaries or other supplementary equipment. The tasks of the course are 1. to expand the vocabulary required for everyday communication as well as geography; 2. to improve and develop knowledge of German grammar and text formation; 3. to develop the perception and understanding of the text in the various authentic sources (website, advertising, catalogue, personal e-mail, etc.); 4. to improve spoken and written communication skills; 5. to give an overview of various aspects of regional studies, geography and cultural heritage of the German-speaking countries. The course is delivered in German.
Theological Antropology: The Theology of P. Tillich
The aim of the course is to promote an understanding of the connection between the insight into God and human consciousness by giving a historical overview of the formation of human self-consciousness at various clearly marked stages, especially under the influence of Christianity. The task of the course is to acquaint with the "turn to subjectivity" of modern theology, setting the human consciousness as the determining theological center. To analyze P. Tillih's theology, which specifically testifies to this turn, by giving a systematic summary of the anthropology of theology. To promote students' understanding of offers contrary to Tillich's theology (K.Barth) and other accents of theological anthropology (S.Hauervas, R.Girard). Get acquainted with and discuss P. Tillich's works "Dynamics of Faith" and "Courage To Be". To prepare reports on a topic of anthropology in theology in Tillih's works. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
History of political thoght in the ancient world
The course is dedicated to the political concepts of ancient civilizations from ancient times to Augustine. The course examines and analyzes notions of power and society in various ancient societies: ancient Divupe, Egypt, India, China, Judea, Greece and Rome. During the course, the texts of relevant cultures about power are analyzed. The course is based on a diachronic principle, sequentially following the development of the main intellectual doctrines over time. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main political concepts of the ancient world, as well as to learn to analyze relevant texts. Tasks of the course: 1. to study the development of political concepts in ancient times, 2. to reveal the differences of different cultures in the formation of political systems, 3. to study the evolution of political ideas over time. Language of course teaching - Latvian.
Projekta dalībnieku saraksts
03.02.2022 21:12 Content
Estonian work group Field of work Participants Ophtalmology Assoc. prof. Dr. Kuldar Kaljurand, chief physician, PHD Dr. Karl ErikTillmann, ophthalmology resident Endocrinology Prof. Vallo Volke Dr. Ingrid Reppo, endocrinologist, PhD student Dr. Maire Lubi, endocrinologist Dr. Olga Gusseva, endocrinologist Dr. Svetlana Matjus, endocrinologist Dr.Kaia Tammiksaar, endocrinologist Pathophysiology Hans Vellama, PhD student Signe Parts, Master's student
Change of study programme and form of studies
11.01.2022 23:43 Content
A student is entitled to change the study programme, if he has mastered the part of the current programme corresponding to at least 40 credit points and the chosen study programme has available places. In order to change the study programme, the student must submit an application to the directors of the current and the new study programme until the first day of the current semester’s registration week. Upon obtaining the consent of the directors of both study programmes, the student concludes a study agreement for the new study programme. The change of the study programme takes place in accordance with the procedure established by the UL for the subsequent stages of studies. A student must acquire the courses provided for in the new study programme and pass the examinations (additional requirements), if she/he has not acquired them in the current study programme or has acquired these courses to a lesser extent than required by the new study programme. The courses, which have not been
Universities and Research institutions
05.11.2020 18:59 Content
Foreign universities and institutes National Cheng Kung University, College of Medicine Joint (Taiwan - Latvia - Lithuania) project & publications (2011-2016) EUR 54, 852.00 Kaunas University of Medicine/Kaunas University Hospital Joint (Taiwan – Latvia – Lithuania) project & publications (2011-2016) EUR 54, 852.00 Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Joint project & joint publications in peer reviewed WOS/Scopus journals, new project proposal (2017 -2019) EUR 40, 000.00 Tartu University Joint project: - Interreg (Test - 4 – SME), laboratory network for testing (2017 -2020) EUR 160, 000.00 Siedlce University, Poland Bilateral project (15.08-15.09.2015), collection of infected insects, obtained new isolates of bioagents University of Bern, Institute of Plant Sciences, Switzerland (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students 01.09.2017-31.08.2018), joint publication in peer reviewed journal WOS/Scopus, mastering new methods
Mentoru programma
16.03.2023 19:17 Content
Mentor program - aims to support first-year students' successful integration into the UL study environment by matching them with a senior student. This experienced student will help the first-year student to understand the Faculty and University procedures and clarify any confusion. Do you remember when you were a freshman and knew nothing about the University of Latvia? The corridors of the faculty seemed like a maze, lecturers were unrecognisable from one another, and you had no idea where to print out your seminar papers... Becoming a mentor allows you to use all the knowledge and skills you have already carefully accumulated to help a freshman (or even several!) to get more comfortable in the University of Latvia environment. Apply now by visiting For questions or queries, contact
Populism and the populist radical right in Europe
For all the scholarly and media attention given to populism, there is still no general scholarly consensus as to its exact meaning. The populist radical right (PRR) is a party family that is rising in popularity throughout Europe. In recent years, the PRR has gained unprecedented momentum and success. At first, the PRR was a marginal political force on the extreme end of the spectrum in most European countries. Then, the visibility of and support for European populist parties increased, and the populist radical right began to win key elections and in 2014, Europe was hit by the „Eurosceptic earthquake“ that saw PRR parties win an unprecedented number of seats in the European parliament. The following year, Europe faced the migrant crisis and the populist radical right party family successfully capitalized on this and are now a prominent force in nearly every European country. The course starts with a conceptual definition of far-right and populist political parties, moving to broader
Rhythm, Number, Sound, Colour from Philosophical Perspective
The goal of the course is to impart knowledge in concepts of rhythm, number, sound and colour from a philosophical perspective from ancient times until XX-XXI century philosophy; to develop competences, creativity and individuality of master students. The obtained knowledge will be applicable both in the field of philosophy and other disciplines such as literature, art, music, culture, social and political sciences. The course is structured around four major concepts - rhythm, number, sound and colour: 1) Lectures will give an understanding of theoretical standpoints and methodology, demonstrate each concept from a philosophical perspective including ancient and medieval cognitions, renaissance philosophy and enlightenment, philosophy of subjectivity and post-modernity; and give an overview of philosophical resources and explore new stability points of art, culture and society. 2) Seminars will train analytical skills and stimulate self-contained theoretical and creative
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