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Results in 2016
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
kontekstā. Citi rezultatīvie rādītāji bija: Uzstāšanās Viļņas Universitātes 3. Internacionālajā konferencē: “Educational Policy and Culture: Consistent and Radical Transformations” (21.10.16.) ar referātu: “Transformations of Digital Culture in The Doctoral Studies in Pedagogy: The Case of University of Latvia’’ (kopā ar promocijas darba vadītāju prof. Zandu Rubeni). Sagatavota zinātniska publikācija iesniegšanai starptautiskā žurnālā “Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia Vol. 38, June 2017”. Līgumdarbs: sagatavota un apstiprināta publikācija Latviešu valodas aģentūras Zinātniski metodiskam izdevumam “Tagad”: “Topošo skolotāju mediju pratība: iespējas un izaicinājumi”. Radušās problēmas: Pētījuma gaitā tika apzināta nepieciešamība mainīt pētījuma priekšmetu no “pedagoģiskā diskursa transformācijas” uz “docētāju profesionālās rīcībspējas transformācijas”. Ieviesto korekciju dēļ netika piesaistīti maģistra studiju programmas studenti, kā tas bija plānots, tomēr visi izvirzītie uzdevumi un
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The Library of the University of Latvia as the biggest library of the higher education establishments in Latvia is a source of innovations and knowledge for more than 15000 students, for the ULacademic staff of 13 faculties and 20 research institutes. The Library offers a wide range of information resources, modern library's services and research studies. There are over 2 760 000 annual visitors and more than 657 600 books borrowingsin the Library per year. The Library offers traditional and electronic information resources for more than 35500 Library's users and pays attention to the development of electronic resources collection. About 2 million printed information resources are available there, and more than 150 000 subscribed electronic resources of different scientific fields as well. The Library provides the open access and different trial access to databases. The Library is the scientific establishment that encourages and promotes the Open Access initiative through
Andrejs Eglīte
31.08.2020 19:31 Content
The patron, American Latvian Andrejs Eglīte was born on 11 April1938 in Riga. Both of Andrejs' parents – Anna Marija Eglīte (1907–2001) and Jānis Eglītis (1906–1988) –had a great talent in working with children and both were teachers. Andrejs Eglītis' sister Dace was born on 9 February 1942. As the end of World War II approached, the family made a difficult decision to emigrate to Germany. There they lived in refugee camps until 1949, when they travelledto the United States, where they settled near the city of Amsterdam in New York State. Later on, the family moved to Lincoln, where Andrejs continued his schooling which he had commenced in refugee camps and in 1956 graduated from Lincoln High School. Soon after, Andrejs began studying engineering at the University of Nebraska, as well as joined the student corporation "Latvia". In 1961, Andrejs was drafted into the US Armed Forces, where he served until 1963, after which he remained in the Army Reserve for another two years. Until
About University of Latvia
10.10.2022 18:51 Content
The University of Latvia consistently retains the position of the national, leading and most influential higher education institution in Latvia. In terms of the total number of students, the University of Latvia is also the largest university in the country. It is the largest comprehensive university in Latvia with a prominent standing both in the development of the entire education system and in the overall growth of the country's economy. UL is a modern centre of academic and professional studies, which, along with research in natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, technical sciences and medicine provides opportunities to acquire various types and levels of higher education to the residents of Latvia and other countries. UL has a crucial role in the development of society's academic traditions, national economy, education, environment and health protection, Latvian language and culture. The opinion of the University of Latvia substantially contributes to the public
Involvement of the society in social innovation for providing sustainable development of Latvia
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Dovladbekova with the participation of researchers from Riga Stradiņš University and University of Latvia. By the end of the project the findings of the two scopes of research will be integrated to make the holistic mechanism of promotion of social innovation in Latvia. In the first scope of the research (led byK.Oganisjana), the following researcherswere involved in stage 1 (01.10.2014. – 31.03.2015.) from Riga Technical University ‒ Dr. paed. Karine Oganisjana; Dr.oec. Jeļena Titko, Dr.oec. Konstantins Kozlovskis, Mg.oec. Tālis Laizansand doctoral student Iveta Ozola-Ozoliņa;from Latvia University of Agriculture ‒ Dr.oec. Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Dr.oec. Lāsma Dobeleand doctoral student Linda Kelle; from the University of Latvia – Dr. paed. Svetlana Surikova and from Riga Stradiņš University – Dr. habil. paed. Tatjana Koķe. The following researcherswere involved in stage2 (01.04.2015. – 31.12.2015.) from Riga Technical University ‒ Dr. paed. Karine Oganisjana; Dr.oec. Jeļena Titko, Dr
My story
10.11.2021 14:00 Content
the final decision to study physics, but I did not know yet that I would become a scientist. I started my studies with great awe. After the first week, I went to the library for textbooks. There were so many books; I could cover whole bed in my dorm room. I was determined to meet all the challenges in my studies. And I did it perfectly well! The work I invested in the studies resulted in the title of "Student of the Year" at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, two red diplomas in physics, as well as scholarships of the University of Latvia Foundation. I was particularly pleased with the scholarship awarded by the MikroTik. My biggest achievement right now is the prestigious L’ORÉAL Baltic “For Women in Science” award. I came to the Institute when I was a 2 nd year student. I was lucky that there was a job opportunity in the EXAFS spectroscopy laboratory at that time. Without realizing what I was really signing up to and encouraged by my mother, I took the first steps in science. Jānis
My story
10.02.2022 12:14 Content
the final decision to study physics, but I did not know yet that I would become a scientist. I started my studies with great awe. After the first week, I went to the library for textbooks. There were so many books; I could cover whole bed in my dorm room. I was determined to meet all the challenges in my studies. And I did it perfectly well! The work I invested in the studies resulted in the title of "Student of the Year" at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, two red diplomas in physics, as well as scholarships of the University of Latvia Foundation. I was particularly pleased with the scholarship awarded by the MikroTik. My biggest achievement right now is the prestigious L’ORÉAL Baltic “For Women in Science” award. I came to the Institute when I was a 2 nd year student. I was lucky that there was a job opportunity in the EXAFS spectroscopy laboratory at that time. Without realizing what I was really signing up to and encouraged by my mother, I took the first steps in science. Jānis
Izglītības pētniecības institūts
12.02.2021 19:50 Content
programs (IEA associations, OECD organizations, etc.), developing appropriate recommendations for education policy in Latvia, to develop criteria and methods for determining and monitoring the quality and effectiveness of education, to improve and develop educational study programs (new master's and doctoral level study programs, sub-fields, study courses). ERI is a structural unit of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art. ERI represents Latvia in the IEA Association and its research, as well as in the International Student Assessment Program of OECD organizations. During the operation of the institute, a new science sub-branch was created in Latvia - Education Management. Research results are regularly published in monographs, including abroad, in scientific journals and collections of articles, and reported at conferences, congresses and other events. The results and experience of international research projects have made a significant contribution to the study work
UL academic development project “Support to publishing scientific publications in the field of pedagogy”
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
izdevniecībā. (sk. 2. pielikumu) LU PPMF PZI pētniecības programmas “Mūžmācīšanās” ietvaros ir tapušas četras publikācijas: Sadarbībā ar ASEM LLL Hub 3. tīkla partneriem no Lietuvas un Indijas ir tapis S. Surikovas u.c. raksts “ Supporting the professional competence development of adult learning teachers: A transnational study of India, Latvia and Lithuania ”. Tas tika iesniegts recenzēšanai 2016. gada 6. jūlijā , izmantojot žurnāla “ Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly ” (indeksēts Scopus datubāzē) e-sistēmu: . 2016. gada 23. novembrī tika saņemta atbilde no žurnāla redaktora – raksts tika noraidīts un ieteikts to sūtīt publicēšanai kādā citā žurnālā. Raksta valodas korektūru veica firma “ The Proofreader Manuscript ” ( ). Izrediģētais raksts tika iesniegts recenzēšanai Scopus datubāzē indeksētajā žurnālā “ Journal of Psychological and Educational Research ” (izdevējs - University of Oradea
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