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"Zaļā Josta"
24.08.2020 14:40 Content
The company “Zaļā josta” (2002) contributes to clean environment and ethical business activities, working in two areas: disposal of packaging, plastic crockery and cutlery and environmentally hazardous waste discarded by individuals and businesses, and environmental education. More about the company: www.zalajosta.lven Support In 2005, “Zaļā josta” announced a competition for scholarships among the full-time students of the University of Latvia, aiming to evoke the students’ interest and awareness of the matters related to waste disposal in general and discarded packaging in particular, its hazardous impact on environment, and the ways of its collection, recycling and disposal. Two scholarships for the second place and two – for the third place – were granted (EUR 430 and 700). We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
08.12.2021 11:49 Content
Studies in the master's programme “Sociology” provide an advanced level of knowledge required for the research process – from A to Z. Students acquire skills and competences, apply this knowledge in practice, independently seek solutions to complex issues and manage the research process, as well as the research team. The aim of the programme is to train highly qualified specialists for independent work in research and management of a research group, continuation of academic career in doctoral studies, employment in sociology-related fields – social and marketing research, public administration, social policy analysis and social work management.
27.08.2020 19:52 Content
programming team for the finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in the amount ofEUR 2 850. In 2013, Exigen Services Latviagifted the electronic document management system software ELDIS to the students of the UL Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, at the value of EUR 21350. In 2013, Exigen Services Latviasupports participation of the UL Faculty of Computing students in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) by providing funding for the quarter-finals in Minsk in the amount of EUR 2 850 and participation in the contest held in St. Petersburg by donating EUR 2 850. In 2014, Exigen Services Latviasupports participation of UL students in the finals of ICPC in Russia in the amount of EUR 5 700, and donate further EUR 5 100to enable organising the competition of computing (informatics) bachelor’s and master’s theses of Latvian higher education institutions. In 2015, Exigen Services Latvia supported the use
Doctoral programme in Computer Science and Mathematics
25.04.2024 20:25 Content
level specialists in the field of mathematics and computer science in Latvia and internationally. The main components of the quality of research-based education are the management of modern research methodologies in the field, the skills needed to carry out research, a science-based worldview, and competencies in research management and pedagogy. Tasks of the study programme: 1) To provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of the problems of computer science and mathematics, to promote in-depth acquisition of theories and methodologies in the field of science, to ensure the achievement of high competence of doctoral students in the chosen field of science. To provide knowledge of the links between mathematics, computer science and other disciplines that enable interaction between them. 2) To develop and improve the skills of scientific research work, to promote the acquisition of the latest theoretical approaches and research methods and their application in practice, which
Doctoral programme in Natural Science (Chemistry)
25.04.2024 20:22 Content
Degree to be achieved : Doctoral Degree of Science Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Natural Sciences Standard period of study : 3 years Type of studies : Full time Amount of credits: 144 credit points or 216 ECTS European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 8 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 8 Language of instruction: Latvian and English Study program is licensed, will be accredited within two years (according to national legislation) Tuition fee: EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 3300 EUR per Year Other сountry citizens - 7500 EUR per Year Short Program description "The Doctoral study programme in Chemistry offers educational opportunities for advanced study and research designed to prepare students for roles in research and educational institutions, industry and government. The aim of the doctoral programme in chemistry is to train highly qualified researchers and professionals
Lithuanian Language I
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to acquire the practical and theoretical basics of the Lithuanian language for students who want to use the language as a means of communication, analyze texts, get acquainted with Lithuanian culture. The main tasks are the following: 1. to introduce students to phonetics and grammar of Lithuanian, help mastering vocabulary and acquiring basic conversation skills; 2. to prepare students for unassisted reading and translation of Lithuanian texts. The language of instruction is Lithuanian.
Lithuanian Language I
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to acquire the practical and theoretical basics of the Lithuanian language for students who want to use the language as a means of communication, analyze texts, get acquainted with Lithuanian culture. The main tasks are the following: 1. to introduce students to phonetics and grammar of Lithuanian, help mastering vocabulary and acquiring basic conversation skills; 2. to prepare students for unassisted reading and translation of Lithuanian texts. The language of instruction is Lithuanian.
International Environmental Law
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of international environmental law. The course starts with a general discourse on the functions of law and how can law be employed to address global and regional environmental problems. A special emphasis is placed the relationship of environmental law and environmental ethics. Then students learn basics on sources of international law and explore how these sources apply to the protection of environment. This general introduction is followed by a more detailed analysis of particular areas such as climate change, biodiversity, water law, high seas fisheries, state responsibility and other topical issues. The emphasis in this course is placed on interactive study methods e.g., active student engagement via teamwork, discussions and student presentations.
International Environmental Law
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of international environmental law. The course starts with a general discourse on the functions of law and how can law be employed to address global and regional environmental problems. A special emphasis is placed the relationship of environmental law and environmental ethics. Then students learn basics on sources of international law and explore how these sources apply to the protection of environment. This general introduction is followed by a more detailed analysis of particular areas such as climate change, biodiversity, water law, high seas fisheries, state responsibility and other topical issues. The emphasis in this course is placed on interactive study methods e.g., active student engagement via teamwork, discussions and student presentations.
Introduction to International Environmental Law
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of international environmental law. The course starts with a general discourse on the functions of law and how can law be employed to address global and regional environmental problems. A special emphasis is placed the relationship of environmental law and environmental ethics. Then students learn basics on sources of international law and explore how these sources apply to the protection of environment. This general introduction is followed by a more detailed analysis of particular areas such as climate change, biodiversity, water law, high seas fisheries, state responsibility and other topical issues. The emphasis in this course is placed on interactive study methods e.g., active student engagement via teamwork, discussions and student presentations.
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