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Cell Pathology
The aim of the study course is to provide the basic knowledge and gain understanding of the cellular pathology principles, inheritance laws, the development of disease and pathology at the cellular level. Within this course, students initially are introduced to the basic elements and macromolecules characteristic to living world, cell structure, physiological processes within the eukaryotic cell as well as retaliation of genetic information. The course will also cover the pathological processes in cell. Here will be provided to create the understanding of the different diseases and pathologies at the cellular and tissue level. The course also integrates acquisition of basic microscopy skills and attention will be drawn to the cell ultrastructure and tissue characterization via microphotograph analysis.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the cell structure and basic
Software Testing
This software testing course provides students with basic concepts of testing theory and practice. The goal of the course is to explain the necessity of software testing, to demonstrate various methods, its selection and combination according to program, to obtain practical testing skills, and to understand testing process and related problems. The main attention is paid to static, structural and functional testing, and software testing process organization. The course provides the basics of software testing theory and practice. The aim of the course is to explain the importance of testing in the development of high quality software, to demonstrate the diversity of testing methods, their choice and their interaction, depending on the specific nature of the program, to acquire practical skills in testing, and to understand problems that hinder the testing process. Particular attention is paid to static, structural and functional testing and to the organization of the testing process
The aim of the study course is to introduce into designing the graphic image – drafting of perspective, to inquire into its usability and regularities.
Tasks -  to acquaint with different methods of defining forms and proportions of surrounding objects, to introduce practical approach in students’ creative and independent work

The language of the course is Latvian.

Practice IV (Primary School Teacher Practice)
The aim of the course is, based on an inclusive teacher profile in four core values (1) assessing the diversity of learners, (2) providing support to all learners, (3) co-operation and team work and (4) continuous personal development, gaining a practical understanding of inclusive education and learning processes in the context of diversity by implementing practical provision of support for learners, reflecting on their pedagogical activities and the dynamics of their professional development and by independently developing study work on the spotlights observed in practice. Tasks of the course are: 1. to raise awareness among future educators of the methodological and administrative documentation of the educational institution in the context of diversity by informing the planning, organization and evaluation of the educational process; 2. to develop the skills of future teachers to plan, organize and implement teaching and parenting activities in a multicultural and inclusive
Asian Literature and Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for students to acquire basic knowledge of the classical tradition of Asian (China, Japan, Korea, Middle East) literature up to the end of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century in the context of cultural and historical events, as well as to understand the role of this cultural heritage today and its influence on contemporary Asian literature and culture. Course objectives: 1) to continue to introduce to the methodology, current issues and the most important terminology of research in Asian literature; 2) to acquaint with the development of the classical tradition of Asian (China, Japan, Korea, Middle East) literature up to the end of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century; 3) to introduce to the most important literary works of the Asian classical tradition, their themes and authors; 4) to study the connection of the Asian classical literary tradition with the oldest literary sources, as well as with modern
Arabic Language and Communication Culture VI
The aim of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to learn to speak Modern Standard Arabic [MSA] fluently about a variety of topics, to continue learning grammar, as well as to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to the level B2-2, taking into account the essential features of verbal and non-verbal communication adopted in Arabic culture and major taboos, and by examining the specifics of the Arabic language in comparison with Indo-European languages. The objectives of the course are: 1) to continue to learn Arabic phonetics, pronunciation and spelling; 2) to continue to familiarise themselves with the morphology and syntax of MSA language; 3) to expand the vocabulary by at least 500 words; 4) to continue to familiarise themselves with the norms of polite verbal and non-verbal communication in various communicable situations in the context of the Arab cultural environment; 5) to familiarise themselves with the perception and recommended behaviour
Practice IV (Primary School Teacher Practice)
The aim of the course is, based on an inclusive teacher profile in four core values (1) assessing the diversity of learners, (2) providing support to all learners, (3) co-operation and team work and (4) continuous personal development, gaining a practical understanding of inclusive education and learning processes in the context of diversity by implementing practical provision of support for learners, reflecting on their pedagogical activities and the dynamics of their professional development and by independently developing study work on the spotlights observed in practice. Tasks of the course are: 1. to raise awareness among future educators of the methodological and administrative documentation of the educational institution in the context of diversity by informing the planning, organization and evaluation of the educational process; 2. to develop the skills of future teachers to plan, organize and implement teaching and parenting activities in a multicultural and inclusive
Master Thesis
Students applying for a master's degree in geography, prepare and publicly defend a master's thesis in the chosen sub-branch of geography, develop a master's thesis at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia, other organizations or independently under the supervision of a doctor of science. The master's thesis must meet the requirements set by the University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. Based on the results of the defense of the master's thesis, the master's final examination commission awards the master's degree in natural sciences in geography, but the decision of the commission is approved by the LU GZZF Council. The work must be based on the author's independent research, contain signs of scientific novelty, in terms of structure and content must meet the requirements adopted in Earth and environmental sciences for the preparation of scientific publications. Aim: to prepare and defend a master's thesis in geography. Tasks
The modern methodoligical conceptions
Aim – to form students ' complete understanding of the methodology of science as part of epistemology and a section of the philosophy of science, which today exists in the form of a system of conceptions about the sphere of methodological regulation of research activities-its principles, methods, approaches and procedures, their creation and evolution. Tasks: 1)Develop an adequate understanding of scientific research as a type of methodically regulated creative problem-solving activity and the ability to demonstrate the limitations of the traditional understanding of methodology as a set of methods. 2) Create a systematic understanding of the subject of methodology-the sphere of methodological regulation of scientific research-their techniques, principles, methods and approaches, their creation and evolution. 3) Provide an understanding of the limitations of methodological reductionism and the validity of criticism of the associated methodological program of reductive empiricism. 4
The aim of the study course is to introduce into designing the graphic image – drafting of perspective, to inquire into its usability and regularities.
Tasks -  to acquaint with different methods of defining forms and proportions of surrounding objects, to introduce practical approach in students’ creative and independent work

The language of the course is Latvian.

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