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IT atbalsta sistēmas prototips atgriezeniskās saites sniegšanai skolēnu snieguma uzlabošanai tekstpratības un rēķinpratības apguvei
16.02.2021 07:09 Content
sector. It will allow the comparison of different teaching and learning practices enabling teachers and school leaders to make evidence-based decisions to improve the educational quality. Comparison of school performances by introducing also dynamics of student individual growth will enable municipalities as school founders and financers to have data-driven decisions on budgeting, teacherincentivisationand the school network optimisation. However, the largest beneficiaries eventually will be students, who will be able to enjoy more diverse teaching methods providing them with relevant content not only on the class level but also on a group or even individual level. By receiving feedback immediately after showing proof of learning, students respond positively and remember the experience about what is being learned in a confident manner. Decreasing role of a teacher as the main evaluator will shift the focus from vertical relationships to more horizontal where educators and students work
Lexical Stylistic Interpretation of German Texts II
The aim of the course is to improve students’ skills in working with interesting, topical authentic texts, to interpret them and perform their analysis, to present them as well as to use the language in a differentiated way in the monologue, dialogue (exchange of opinions, discussion, reporting, descriptions, narration), to acquire the most important strategies for the text reception and production, paying special attention to further development of spoken and written speech. Studiju kursa uzdevumi: 1. To promote students’ understanding of texts that are of different types and the degree of complexity; practical application of the improved skills, to develop the skill of finding information solving problems independently; 2. To acquire new vocabulary in German, paying special attention to the polysemy of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms as well as phraseology thus enriching students’ vocabulary and consolidating knowledge for applying the acquired vocabulary in different life
Lexical Stylistic Interpretation of German Texts II
The aim of the course is to improve students’ skills in working with interesting, topical authentic texts, to interpret them and perform their analysis, to present them as well as to use the language in a differentiated way in the monologue, dialogue (exchange of opinions, discussion, reporting, descriptions, narration), to acquire the most important strategies for the text reception and production, paying special attention to further development of spoken and written speech. Studiju kursa uzdevumi: 1. To promote students’ understanding of texts that are of different types and the degree of complexity; practical application of the improved skills, to develop the skill of finding information solving problems independently; 2. To acquire new vocabulary in German, paying special attention to the polysemy of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms as well as phraseology thus enriching students’ vocabulary and consolidating knowledge for applying the acquired vocabulary in different life
Bibliotēkzinātne un informācija
08.12.2021 12:08 Content
The study programme offers an extensive and diverse range of disciplines in library science, information science and book science. These studies enable the students to develop the ability to organize, manage and systematize information. The study process is designed to train highly qualified specialists, experts and managers for work in libraries and other information institutions. “Library Science and Information” is the only accredited master's level study programme of this kind in Latvia.
Gadskārtējā LU CFI konference
28.12.2021 10:36 Content
Every year ISSP, UL organizes a scientific conference, where the researchers of the institute talk about their research directions and achievements. Participants from other Latvian and foreign research institutions also regularly participate in these conferences. The aim of the conference is to inform colleagues about the achievements of the laboratory and research directions, to look for opportunities for mutual cooperation, as well as to train the presentation skills of students and young scientists.
Kāpēc studēt BF?
17.05.2023 18:11 Content
Cooperation in Latvia The faculty cooperates with other universities and scientific institutes, implementing joint scientific projects and scientific institutes, such as Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, UL Institute of Biology, UL Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, providing students with the opportunity to develop their final theses. The faculty also cooperates with state institutions and non-governmental organisations, providing consultations and inviting professionals to conduct individual lectures.
Mēness aptieka
31.08.2020 13:35 Content
The retailer of pharmaceutical goods (2003). A pharmacy company uniting more than 230 pharmacies in Latvia, including one of the oldest pharmacies in Riga – "Vecpilsētas aptieka" ("The Old Town Pharmacy") that has been in business for almost 200 years. Support AS Sentor Farm Pharmacyestablished a scholarship for pharmacy studies in order to support talented Pharmacy programme students of UL Faculty of Medicine who wish to major in pharmacy and are interested in preparation of medications. Granting of the scholarships started in the 2005/2006 academic yearwith the first two recipients of scholarships for social and study needs in the amount ofEUR 100per month. In the 2006/2007 academic year, the scholarship was granted to one student, and in 2007/2008 – to two students. In the 2008/2009 academic year, the tradition of support was taken over by Mēness Aptiekagranting 3 scholarships to pharmacy students in the amount ofEUR 2 560. In the Christmas of 2009, Mēness aptieka prepared
Pieteikties stipendijai
08.11.2023 15:51 Content
Application for 2023./2024. academic year scholarships: 4th - 31st August starts application for 1st course students has ENDED. 1st - 29th September starts application for scholarships from 2nd course students has ENDED. Submit your application, if you are diligent, dedicated learner and active in public life; your weighted average grade is above 7.5. Info when you become a scholarship reciever: in academic year you must do voluntary work for 40h total (20h each semester); if you are an employee in University of Latvia you will get 75% of the scholarship amount. Documents required for scholarship application: completed electronic scholarship application form (see below); two letters of recommendation from the director of applicant’s secondary education institution, a teacher, the head of an out-of-school and/or interest education institution, a lecturer or another person who has worked closely with the applicant on projects, etc.; CV or Curriculum
Richarda Zariņa piemiņas stipendija
27.08.2020 18:11 Content
The scholarship was created in 2013, in honour of the exiled Lutheran clergyman Richards Arturs Otto Zariņš (1913–2006). The Richards Zariņš Memorial Foundation (2013) was created on the initiative of his children – Kristaps and Bertrams Zariņš, and Antra Zariņa-Thrasher. The patrons living in the United States aspire to increasing and strengthening their compatriots’ understanding of the importance pertaining to historical issues in the life of the Latvian state and society. The aim of the scholarship is to support the most talented students of the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of History and Philosophy in development of their master's theses. Scholarshipis intendedfor the most talented second-year students of the UL Faculty of History and Philosophy master's degree programme for development of their master’s theses. Number of scholarships: 1. Scholarship amount: EUR 2 640per academic year. Scholarship Commission: not specified. Within a single academic year
Dabaszinātnes (Bioloģija)
21.03.2023 17:21 Content
The doctoral study program "Natural Sciences: Biology" ensures the acquisition of scientific qualifications in the subfields of biological science. The aim of the study program is to prepare highly qualified specialists in one of the sub-branches of biology, giving doctoral students in-depth knowledge and skills necessary for independent academic and scientific-research work. Scientific institutes are also involved in the provision of the doctoral study program in close cooperation with the Faculty of Biology.
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