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Professional practice in Social Work III
During the internship III, students deepen their knowledge and skills in social work with a social case work and psychosocial counseling, as well acquire skills how critically evaluate the work performed in the practice implementation organization at the mezzo and macro level. During the internship, one case must be conducted in one of the institutions or organization of social service providers, following the theoretical and etchical guidelines of social work with the case and the stages of the process. The aim of the course is to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge in social case work and psychosocial counseling. The tasks of the course are to lead the process of one social case work ,assesment, the general agreement, choosing the intervention approach, drawing up a plan, attracting appropriate specialists or services, evaluation, as well as participating in social service organization team meetings and supervision with aim to include in the practice report suggestions
Introduction to Education for Sustainable Development
The course addresses education for sustainable development by raising awareness of sustainable development and by integrating sustainable development themes into the learning content and process. It addresses becoming educators who want to raise awareness of the educational potential for building a fair, peaceful and environmentally balanced world; and practitioners of non-formal education who want to promote their and society's understanding and competence for action on sustainable development and seek solutions to sustainability challenges through cooperation of the education institution and the local community. The aim of the study course is to improve the teaching competence of students to integrate sustainable development into the learning process and everyday life of the local community. Objectives – 1. To provide an introduction to the conceptual and methodical foundations for education for sustainable development. 2. To assess the global nature of sustainable development
Establishment and Organisation of a Labour Protection System
The aim of the course is to provide practical solutions to meet the labor protection legislation and applicable standard requirements for the company's occupational health and safety management system. The tasks of the course are to raise awareness about the possibilities of practical solutions in the following scopes: - practical application of labor protection normative acts and applicable standard requirements in the company's operations - establishment and management of an efficient company's occupational health and safety management system, according to its type of activity and number of employees, applying the situation solutions to information communication technology - effective planning of internal monitoring of the work environment, incl. work environment risk management - an effective model of cooperation between the employer and the employee, cooperation with the employee representatives Students' independent work is organized on individual basis and / or small working
Particle Detectors
This obligatory course is aimed at giving the student a broad understanding of the theoretical framework governing particle-material interactions, as well as of the materials, technologies and methods used in modern particle detectors. The course will begin with a brief historical overview of particle detectors and a summary of the basic properties of various detectable, long-lived particles. The course will then cover the theoretical aspects of particle-material interaction, introducing concepts such as scattering, radiation and nuclear interaction length, energy loss, Bragg curve and bremsstrahlung radiation. Following this, the course will focus to both the theory and application of the various detector materials and technologies, including silicon strip and pixel detectors, liquid and solid scintillators, Cherenkov detectors, calorimetry systems, proportional wire chambers etc. Finally, the course will switch to covering the multi-detector and multi-technology particle physics
Ancient Literature
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature, its meaning, development and specifics in Classical antiquity, giving the opportunity to study and evaluate the origins of European literature - notable texts and authors, as well as general literary trends and the system of aesthetic representations in chronological view. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information on the concept of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature; 2. to provide the knowledge of the development processes of ancient literature, their chronology and connection with general socio-political development in ancient society; 3. to provide the knowledge of the general variety of ancient literature, the most important texts and their authors; 4. to promote the understanding of the system of values and aesthetic ideas in ancient literature; 5. to promote the first reading skills of ancient texts
Specialization Course of Estonian
The lectures and seminars in the Specialization Course are intended to broaden students’ knowledge of the Estonian language, to gain specific information and practical research skills in relation to other courses taught in the Finno-Ugric Subprogram. The Specialization Course is taught by the academic staff of the University of Latvia as well as visiting lecturers and professors from the universities of Estonia. The content of the specialization course can vary. For up-to-date information on the course, see Comments below. The aim of the course is to deepen the understanding of language phenomena, focusing on one specific field, research direction or method in the Estonian language research. Course objectives: 1) to provide basic information on phenomena, concepts and research in the specific field of language; 2) to develop the capacity to analyze language and understand the diversity of its phenomena; 3) to develop transferable skills to deepen knowledge of the field, to read
Intellectual Property Law [izm PrB]
The aim of the study course is to introduce students to intellectual property rights as a sub-branch of civil law both in general and in relation to individual objects of intellectual property rights (such as distinctive marks, designs, patents, plant varieties, author works, etc.) and issues related to them (such as protection of these objects and liability). Within the framework of the course, the regulation of intellectual property rights in Latvia is examined in conjuncture with international law, especially European Union law, and topical cases in practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union and Latvian courts. The tasks of the course are to characterize the concept and importance of intellectual property rights, to create understanding of the types of intellectual property rights - product and service designations (or distinctive signs), designs, patents, works of authors, etc. objects, provide an insight into types of contracts concluded in the field of intellectual
Intellectual Property Law [izm PrB]
The aim of the study course is to introduce students to intellectual property rights as a sub-branch of civil law both in general and in relation to individual objects of intellectual property rights (such as distinctive marks, designs, patents, plant varieties, author works, etc.) and issues related to them (such as protection of these objects and liability). Within the framework of the course, the regulation of intellectual property rights in Latvia is examined in conjuncture with international law, especially European Union law, and topical cases in practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union and Latvian courts. The tasks of the course are to characterize the concept and importance of intellectual property rights, to create understanding of the types of intellectual property rights - product and service designations (or distinctive signs), designs, patents, works of authors, etc. objects, provide an insight into types of contracts concluded in the field of intellectual
Representation of Geometric Objects and Space
Content of the course provides understanding on the structural properties of the regular (geometric origin) shapes and the spatial relationship of the objects. Mastering of the assignments create the preconditions for systemic abilities of observation and visual evaluation supported by the skills to rationally represent the conceptual properties of objects. Within the academic frame of the assignments, drawing is perceived as organized, theoretically and practically mastering visual medium with the main objective to investigate the relationship of geometric shapes and the perspectival space. The practical content is supported by specially prepared lectures and presentations providing formally and thematically relevant information on the character of the assignment. The aim of the course is the cultivation of student’s abilities to understand and depict the structural properties of objects and space. The objectives are: 1. To create the comprehension on the unity of objects and space
Comparative Economic Governance
The aim of the course is to provide systematic understanding of national economic systems in comparative perspective. Tasks of the course are the following: to study relevant theoretical approaches and concepts (institutionalism, varieties of capitalism, innovation systems, learning economy, etc); to learn about relevant dimensions of economic governance (role of state, inter-firm relations, corporate governance, industrial relations, etc.); to explore structure and advantages of main models of capitalism (Anglo-Saxon, Rhein, Japanese); to study development of economic systems in Eastern Europe and Latvia; and, to discuss current issues of economic governance: development of learning economy, trends towards convergence and divergence). After the course students have to be able to apply institutionalism approach to analysis of economic development; to analyse economic institutions and systems in comparative perspective and to identify relevant dimensions of economic systems; to follow
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