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Insurance and Medical Treatment, Emergency Assistance
12.10.2020 14:22 Content
All International students must have a life and health insurance : 1) For EU citizen –at least European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) 2) For non EU citizens – life and health insurance policy which is valid in Latvia and in all Schengen countries and which ensures at least the following health care services: emergency medical assistance costs; treatment costs of growing chronic illness; transport costs to the closest medical facility providing the Services mentioned above; transportation costs to return the patient to his/her home country in the case of a serious illness or death. The minimum limit of insurer's risk of own account indicated in the policy should not beless than 42 600 EUR. The insurance policy shall be valid for a period not less than student’s residence permit validity in Latvia. If the validity date of the policy expires during student’s stay in Latvia, the existing policy shall be extended or a new policy shall be purchased. Non EU citizens can
Solar Cup 2016
29.04.2020 14:05 Content
not more than 3 teams) and the organizers sent identical engine kits and solar panels (for People’s class) to each of the teams. In recent years children had already proven their ability to make small solar-powered models of land and water vehicles, there have been difficulties with the air vehicles though. During the past eight years the event had grown, participants had educated themselves and the ISSP UL Solar Cup has devoted circle of supporters from schools in different parts of Latvia and Riga. Information: NEW! In 2016, a new category was announced – a competition-parade for a single-person (pupil) driven electric solar vehicles. The cost of the parts is higher for such model and the work to put in – greater, so we encourage the schools to make only one team (10 people) and look for sponsors to raise the funding. Competition rules in Latvian Contacts: Pēteris Lesničenoks: Jānis Kleperis
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
as 2-year Bachelor’s in Latvia and with this diploma applicant can’t apply for Master’s degree studies. Officially certified copies of the documents must be presented in original language and in English; It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT AND VISA Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Uzbekistan. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study
Projektu konkurss
16.03.2023 18:29 Content
after the deadline for the submission of project applications. To participate in project competition, students are required to prepare a project proposal, which includes a detailed description of the idea, a plan for implementing the idea, and a justification of the total cost estimate and its cost. The project competition rules, acceptance procedure, required documents, evaluation criteria and forms to be filled in can be found here or in the Faculty of Law's regulatory framework. The proof of funding referred to in point 15.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Call for Proposals is a signed declaration by the co-financier in the form of an application to the Jury of the Call for proposals. The name of the project, the amount of the co-financing, and the purpose (lines of the estimate for which the co-financing is intended) should be indicated. In case of any questions or inquiries, please contact the Student Council Office during office hours, or write an e-mail to lusp
Ātra un rentabla, uz mašīnmācīšanos balstīta sistēma mikroorganismu augšanas analīzei
31.10.2022 15:53 Content
Project title: “Fast and cost-effective machine learning based system for microorganism growth analysis” Project contract number: Project partners: SIA "Laboratorija AUCTORITAS (Edgars Baranovičs) Riga Technical University(Dmitrijs Bļizņuks) Project implementation deadline: 36 months (01.07.2020. - 30.06.2023.) Total project funding: 647 881,72 EUR Research manager: Aleksejs Ļihačovs ( Biophotonics laboratory ) Project administrator: Liene Ozoliņa About the project: The aim of the project is to develop and validate a new, cost-effective system for the early evaluation of the activity of microorganisms in solid media. The microorganism activity assessment system will use non-contact laser spectral contrast imaging technology in combination with deep machine learning based on artificial neural network (MNT) image processing. The system will significantly reduce the time required to obtain microbial test results and automate bacterial counting
LU 79. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference
16.02.2021 13:52 Content
electronically. The participation is free of charge. If you have any questions, please contact Kristīne Liepiņa: Date Time Place Session Session chairs Language Registartion 16.02. 12.30-14.00 Zoom platfrom Plenary session “BUSINESS. MANAGEMENT. ECONOMICS.” Prof. Inna Romānova English 15.02.2021. REGISTRATION FORM January 21st 13.00-16.00 Zoom platform Business and legal environments in the post-Soviet region Lecturer Kristīne Bērziņa, Assistant professorInese Kalniņa English 18.01.2021. REGISTRATION FORM January 28th 15.00-20.00 Zoom platform Impact
Inovatīvu funkcionālo materiālu un nanomateriālu izstrāde izmantošanai vidi kontrolējošās tehnoloģijās
21.01.2022 14:11 Content
Project implementation agreement number: 2013/0010/1DP/ Project implementer: Riga Technical University in cooperation with the Institute of Solid State Physics, UL Project contact person from ISSP UL: main contact person Jānis Kleperisand researcher Mārtiņš Vanags Operational fund, program and activity: European Social Fund, program “Human Resources and Employment”, activity “Involvement of human resources to science”. Project implementation period: 16.09.2013. - 31.08.2015. (24 months). Total funding of the project: 349 974.00 LVL, including ESF funding 323 619.00 LVL (92,47 %), State’s budget funding 25 304.00 LVL (7,23 %), Riga Technical University funding 1051,00LVL (0.30%). Project summary Overall objective of the project: As part of the project, a new group of scientists will be established at the Institute of Technical Physics of RTU in cooperation with Institute of Silicate Materials of RTU and Institute of Solid State Physics UL
Course Attendee
12.02.2024 16:43 Content
in the UL Course catalog . Please contact Student services or the specific faculty to confirm whether the course is going to be conducted in the upcoming study semester. Step 2: Fill-out the registration form One can register for courses as a Course Attendee starting the first week of study semester till no later than the third course session. Consult on the University’s academic calendar here. Register for the course by filling out the Course Attendee’s registration form for courses available for download. The filled-out and signed form should be submitted at the Student services or sent scanned to . Step 3: Go to 1st lecture We want to be sure that you have made the right choice with the selected study course so we encourage you to visit the first lecture and get introduced to the professor, course content and requirements for successful completition. Step 4: Sign the agreement After taking the 1st lecture of the chosen course you should visit Student services (UL Main
Cilvēka kapacitātes stiprināšana un mācīšanās dzīvei un darbam dažādību iekļaujošos kontekstos
24.01.2022 14:27 Content
and ERASMUS+ students! We invite you to join the LU Doctoral School of Lifelong Learning "Strengthening of Human Capacity and Learning in Life and Work in Inclusive Contexts of Diversity" participants in the spring semester of 2022 in the framefork of ASEM HUB LLL activities. Doctoral students of natural sciences (environmental sciences, bioethics, and social sciences) and educational sciences of the University of Latvia are invited to apply: 1. To participate in the study "E-learning. Development of ICT skills, e-content and e-learning and study culture" (ASEM HUB LLL research direction 1) for the practical acquisition of the research methodology "Organizational and individual digital transformation". E-mail: 2. Participation in the study "Learning in the workplace" (ASEM HUB LLL research direction 2) in the study "Resielience at Workplace meeting Corona -19 challenges in Asia and Europe" for the practical acquisition of the research methodology. E-mail: irina
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