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Izcilības studijas
27.04.2021 19:46 Content
Approved by the Council of the Faculty of Computing on 12.12.2011. Minutes No. 17 Regulations regarding Excellence studies at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia V 1.0 – 12.12.2011 1.General principles The Faculty offers Excellence studies to those bachelor's and master's students who are willing and are able to acquire more knowledge and skills in the time allotted to a particular study programme than provided for in the programme. Excellence studies are understood as a special, individually chosen study path within the existing study programme framework. The main goal of Excellence studies is achieved by: Teaching in-depth course content, which can be implemented in different ways –at the discretion of a teacher. Requirements for the content of high difficulty courses and requirements for receiving high marks are determined by the subject teacher, and this is reflected in the description of the specific course. The opportunity for the most
Ziemeļelbas mācītāju apvienības stipendija
29.10.2020 16:00 Content
Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad Lauma Zušēvica , Professor at the UL Faculty of Theology Valdis Tēraudkalns and Financial consultant of the Kārlis Ozoliņš-Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust Ivars Petrovskis . Applicant assessment criteria: Study results – preference is given to students with a higher weighted average mark in the latest examination session. Interest in theology and religious studies. Involvement in the life of the faculty. The scholarship is ecumenical, intended for students of all denominations. It is desirable that the applicant be baptized and belong to a particular Christian congregation. Difficult social conditions are also taken into account. The scholarship is awarded to at least one female student each year. Conditions for obtaining the scholarship: Full-time studies; The scholarship is not paid during academic leave, absence, study breaks, etc; Studies must be carried out solely at the UL Faculty of Theology; No other patronage
Ziemeļvalstu - Baltijas valstu fizikas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 15:43 Content
Every year since 2014, 12–20 Latvian students who have performed well in the Latvian National Physics Olympiad have the opportunity to participate in the Nordic-Baltic Physics Olympiad ( NBPhO ). Participation in this Olympiad also serves as a competition to select the Latvian team for the International Physics Olympiad. During the Olympiad, participants have to solve 10 problems within five hours over two days – 4 theoretical and 1 experimental problem. Before the Olympiad, the team leaders have to: propose a task that could be included in the set of tasks; during the Olympiad they have to translate the set of tasks into Latvian; participate in the evaluation of the Olympiad works and in the moderation of the tasks, answer the participants' questions about the scores obtained in the task. The Latvian team is led by the faculty members and students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia who have been involved in the preparation
Public procurement management
The aim of this course is to provide in an accessible form knowledge about legal regulation of public acquisitions and principal aspects of application thereof. During the course, students shall learn about the most important material and procedural norms, regulating public acquisitions and about the problems, arising from their application. The course makes an accent on understanding basic principles of public acquisitions and meaningful application thereof in organizing acquisition and decision making.
Practicum II
The aim of the Practicum is to develop psychological assessment skills and knowledge about appropriate assessment methods, as well as approaching skills with children, parents and teachers. During the course students will complete a whole process of psychological assessment (frontal and individual), including in - depth analysis of life story, selection and administration of assessment tools, analysis and interpretation of results, writing review and communication of conclusions with the client.
"ecenta Baltic labs"
27.08.2020 19:48 Content
An international IT company in active cooperation with one of the largest business software developers– SAP, participating in the development and introduction of their products worldwide. The company has carried out over 300 successful implementations for large and recognized clients. The company's global network is characterised by cultural diversity and provides the best customer service. The company originated in Germany, and was established in 2010. Support In 2016,EUR 15 000were donated with the aim to establish a scholarship for excellent students of Latvian higher education institutions In 2017, the support of students continued with the donation ofEUR 15 000. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Institute of Solid State Physics, UL
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) celebrates its 40-year anniversary in 2018. From the beginning to today, the Institute has maintained international recognition and is the leading research centre in Latvia. The Institute currently employs around 100 high-skilled doctors of science, conducting internationally competitive research, educating students and offering innovative research solutions for industrial needs. In 2001, the European Commission recognised the international competence of the ISSP UL, awarding it with the title “Excellence Centre of Material Research and Technology”. Whereas in 2013, in the Technopolis Group's evaluation of Latvian scientific institutions the ISSP UL obtained the highest rating among institutions in the fields of natural sciences and mathematics, and was recognised as the second best research institution in Latvia as a whole. The Institute is currently the only scientific institute in the countries of the Baltic Sea
Overview of the Dual Award
18.01.2022 16:55 Content
student. University of Lincoln Award Boards will be scheduled to make its awards to graduating students. To construct the dual awards, a detailed mapping has been undertaken and approved which shows how the course learning outcomes for Years 1-2 of the three-year University of Lincoln programme are covered by study on Years 1-3 of the four-year University of Latvia programme. For the final year of study at the University of Latvia, students will take the same modules as those delivered in Year 3 (the final year) of the University of Lincoln programme. That will ensure that although the students might study entirely at the University of Latvia, the quality assurance at the point of graduation for the University of Lincoln degree will be easily demonstrated. There will be flexibility for contextualisation of the final year content, and it will be possible to set differentiated assessments if that is considered beneficial (subject to oversight and approval). All assessment tasks will have
Theory and practice trends in family and inheritance law
The course is intended for master's students as an in-depth insight into family and inheritance law, theory and practice trends and developments. The AIM of the course is the qualitative combination of knowledge, skills and competence of family and inheritance law. The TASK of the course is to comprehensively acquire the laws and regulations governing legal relationships regarding family and inheritance, with an emphasis on the Civil Law of the Republic of Latvia, Notariate law and the relevant European Union laws and regulations, the latest trends and theories in the field of family law and inheritance law, current issues of practice, juxtaposition of practice and theory, the most complicated matter in-depth analysis.
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