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Tax Law
The aim of this course is to teach students about the sources of tax law and laws about fees, the relevant concepts, basic principles, theories, subjects and objects, tax relations, and relevant legal regulations. A key element in the course is that students will learn about various aspects of budget laws and laws about budgeting procedures, promoting the acquisition of the necessary skills, knowledge and competences that are essential in today's labor market by developing critical thinking skills. The language of instruction is Latvian.
17.08.2023 15:40 Content
KARGER Open Access Kluwer Digital Book Platform Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia by logging in with LUIS user name and password Kluwer Law Journals Online Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latviaby logging in with LUIS user name and password
Development and development cooperation
This course is designed for 3rd and 4th year students. Background in political science (international relations) is desirable, but not mandatory. The main aim of the course is to improve students’ understanding about the concept of development, development cooperation and practical aspects of development cooperation policies both in Latvia and globally. The course consists of four main parts. The first part is built around the concept of development. This part will look into the place of development concept in the history of Western civilization and the philosophical meaning of development. Also, different interpretations of development (including its economic aspects) and criticisms against the idea of development and its practical implementation will be discussed in the first part of the course. The second part of the course will look into practical aspects of development process. The approach that this part of the course takes is to look at what roles market forces, the state
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with trends and status of the crime as socially legal phenomenon, the criminal factors thereof, personality of the criminal, mechanism, combating and prevention systems of criminal offences. Special attention will be paid to theories and problems of crime identification, thus facilitating learning of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. Crime problems both in Latvia and abroad are identified. The course has been made to cover criminology as science; analytical work skills of students will be formed while analysing crime and current trends; they will develop a view on historical development theories and relevance of criminology today. The purpose of the course is to prepare specialists who are professionally prepared to work in law enforcement.
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with trends and status of the crime as socially legal phenomenon, the criminal factors thereof, personality of the criminal, mechanism, combating and prevention systems of criminal offences. Special attention will be paid to theories and problems of crime identification, thus facilitating learning of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills. Crime problems both in Latvia and abroad are identified. The course has been made to cover criminology as science; analytical work skills of students will be formed while analysing crime and current trends; they will develop a view on historical development theories and relevance of criminology today. The purpose of the course is to prepare specialists who are professionally prepared to work in law enforcement. The language of instruction is Latvian.
25.03.2021 22:59 Content
From 13 to 22July 2015, University of Latvia (UL) in cooperation with the Latvian Language Agency held a Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture 2015 for students from foreign universities to improve their Latvian language skills. On 13 July 2015, the ceremony of Summer School opening was held. Itwas attended by the University of Latvia pro-rector for science prof. Indriķis Muižnieks, the Latvian Language Agency director prof. Jānis Valdmanis, ULPre-Studies Training Centre director Sarmīte Miltiņa, representative of the ULLanguage Centre Laimdota Ločmele, Latvian language lecturers Inta Līsmane and Sandra Godiņa, as well as the participants of the summer school. The summer school is organized for foreigners with priorknowledge of Latvian (A1). In 2015, the Summer School was attended by students from the Inalco Institute in Paris (France), Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald (Germany), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), University of Helsinki (Finland
Eiropas fizikas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 15:44 Content
The European Physics Olympiad’s ( EuPhO ) challenges are similar in concept to real research situations – a short description of the problem and plenty of ways for creative solutions. The European Physics Olympiad has been organised since 2017. Organised by Estonia (2017), Russia (2018), Latvia (2019), online (Estonia – 2020, 2021), Slovenia (2022) and Germany (2023). The Latvian team is represented by the top five Nordic-Baltic Physics Olympiad participants, studying in 10th and 11th grade. Participation in this Olympiad is an opportunity for younger high school students to gain experience in the international olympiads and also to improve their problem-solving skills ahead of the International Physics Olympiad. The problems, solutions and results of previous years can be found on the Olympiad’s website . During the Olympiad, participants take part in a theoretical round, where they have to solve three problems in five hours, and an experimental round, where they also have
Erasmus+ Study Mobility
21.02.2024 23:11 Content
Erasmus+ Study Mobility is available for all level students (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral), who are registered for studies at the UL and are not in an academic leave. The minimum period of study mobility – 2 months, the maximum – 12 months. Students have an opportunity to experience up to 12 months long Erasmus+ study and/or traineeship mobility during one study cycle. Erasmus+ Study Mobility is based on Erasmus+ bilateral agreements signed individually by each UL facultystating the number of students and study level in corresponding academic year. The list of partner universities can be found here . For more information about the Erasmus+ bilateral agreements in your study area, please, contact the international coordinator of your faculty.
27.02.2023 18:19 Content
International student mobility - ERASMUS + As part of the programme, students have the possibility to study for one or two semester in all EU Member States, including Denmark, Germany, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Estonia and Lithuanian universities free of charge. Students have the opportunity to attend lectures of visiting professors from Austria, Germany, Britain, Ireland, and other countries due to the cooperation agreements signed by LU PPMF.
Current Issues in Qualification of Criminal Offences
The aim of the course “Current Issues in Qualification of Criminal Offences” is to provide students an opportunity to enhance their knowledge on several important institutes of general and special parts of the criminal law: constituent elements of a criminal offence; separate types of criminal offences and their qualification in conjunction with stages of committing a criminal offence; participation of several persons in committing of a criminal offence and multiformity of criminal offences, thus ensuring a uniform understanding of criminal law and practice of its application Objectives of the course: 1)To exercise an enhanced learning of theoretical knowledge of criminal law on separate institutes of the general and special parts of the criminal law; 2)To analyse application of regulations of the law and theoretical insights in practice by ensuring the learning of practical skills; 3)To identify problematic issues in qualification of criminal offences and to search for choices
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