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Projektu konkurss
16.03.2023 18:29 Content
The project competition aims to promote the involvement of University of Latvia students in academic activities, as well as to encourage innovation and research projects, to support cultural, sports, and social project realization, in addition, to promoting student activity and participation in solving topical problems, improving the study processes and generating new ideas. Projects can be submitted from 1 January to 30 September. The projects can be submitted by any University of Latvia student individually or on the behalf of a student organization. Projects must be submitted by the last day of each month. The evaluation of projects takes place in two rounds. The first round is the written application, and the second round consists of oral presentations. Only the best applicants from the first round will be invited to the second round. The results will be communicated personally to each applicant and published on the organizer's portal ( ) within one calendar month
LU Starptautiskais Indijas studiju institūts
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
By decision of the Senate of the University of Latvia (hereinafter – UL) of 20 December 2018, the Centre of Indian Studies and Culture of the UL and Complementary Medicine Centre of the UL were reorganised by establishing the ULInternational Institute of Indic Studies (hereinafter – Institute). The Institute is a basic academic unit of the UL for organizing fundamental and applied research in the medicine and humanities sectors, as well as for promoting the academic exchange of students and university lecturers between Latvia and India. The objectives of the Institute are as follows: to promote research on India-related issues, develop and implement educational programmes, scientific research in Latvia, India and other countries; to consolidate and support the activities of the UL teaching staff and students in the field of Indic studies; to attract projects by offering them a single location, shared infrastructure and publicity; to raise Latvian public awareness about
How to apply for Erasmus+ traineeship?
25.01.2022 12:47 Content
The application and selection of the candidates for the Erasmus+traineeship takes place at the respective faculty and is administered by the international coordinator . As traineeships are not provided by the UL, the students must find and arrange a traineeship abroad (in an Erasmus+ programme country) themselves. The most common application documents are the following: CV Letter of motivation Foreign language certificate European health insurance card (EHIC) Each nominee for the traineeship shall fill and sign the UL Application form for the Erasmus+ traineeships and hand it (as well as any additional documents required by the particular faculty) in to the international coordinator for approval. The application form will be forwarded to the Mobility Division of the Department of Student Services.
Ekonomikas nodaļa
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Business, Management and Economics. Received a doctor’s degree in Economics and has participated in many research projects as a leading researcher, has international scientific publications. His scientific interests are in the areas of Consumer behavior, Competition, Productivity and International Economics. He has improved his skill in different prestigious universities, like Columbia University in the City of New York. He enthusiastically works with international students at the University of Latvia in different Economics related courses, like “Microeconomics” and “Macroeconomics”. Student Council of the University of Latvia awarded him “Professor of the Year” in 2016.
Introduction to Studies and Research
During the course students are introduced to the procedure of studies in the University of Latvia and the study process in the chosen bachelor programme viewing the requirements and opportunities of the study environment, basics of the academic writing, specifics of the independent research work, tradition of mass communication research works, quantitative and qualitative methods, phases of research, logics, planning, processing and presenting data.
LU Rīgas Medicīnas koledža
12.06.2024 17:37 Content
Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia is a state-accredited professional higher education institution, offering first level professional higher education in such Health Care study programs as Nursing, Medicine, Massage and Hydrotherapy, Optometry Assistant. With a variety of funding opportunities, the University College has invested in the reconstruction and modernization of the learning environment. The rich technological base and the modern infrastructure give students the opportunity to learn in a close proximity of working environment. Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia was founded in 1980. Historically we were called Riga Medical School No 5. In 2004, in compliance with legislation of the Republic of Latvia, the medical school was transformed into Riga Medical College, entering the field of higher education. Since 2010 the College is affiliated to the University of Latvia, thus becoming Riga Medical College of the University of Latvia. The University
ZAB "Sorainen" stipendija
17.09.2020 15:14 Content
The scholarship was established at the initiative of SorainenLaw Firm and funded by this patron. The aim of the scholarship is to support the students of the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Law during their studies in order to stimulate their interest in research in the chosen field of study. The scholarship is intended for the master’s programme students at the UL Faculty of Law. Number of scholarships: 1. Scholarship amount: EUR 3 000per academic year. Scholarship Commission: Partner at SorainenLaw Firm, Sworn Advocate Rūdolfs Eņģelis (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Office Manager at Sorainen Law Firm Elīna Bērziņa , Dean of the UL Faculty of LawAssoc. Prof. Anita Rodiņa , Executive Director of the UL Foundation Laila Kundziņa . Research topics supported by the Scholarship of SorainenLaw Firm: Improving the efficiency of the Republic of Latvia court system/process, International civil procedure (with an element of the third country
Pētera Alunāna ģimene
27.08.2020 19:34 Content
The patron Pēteris A. Alunāns (1947) was born in a Latvian refugee camp in Bad Rehburg, Germany. In 1950, the Alunāns family entered the United States. There, P. A. Alunāns obtained a master's degree in biology and German philology, became engaged in professional photography, and actively participated in American Latvian public life. In 2001, in honour of the memory of his father Aleksandrs and implementing his idea, Pēteris and his son established the Alunāns Family Scholarship to support those whose lives are the hardest – orphans and those without parental support, and who have decided to study, surmounting difficulties. Pēteris A. Alunāns with a great interest listens to the intentions and directions of activities of students and young specialists with a true delight in their achievements and successes. Support Five students have graduated from the University of Latvia under the patronage of Pēteris Alunāns: Elita Lecko from Riga, Zane Ābele from Cēsis, Jekaterina Tumaševiča
Projekta rezultāti
10.03.2022 12:20 Content
Presentation about project and Smart sensor technology in EIT CLIMATE-KIC «Young Climathon» organised by RTU, EIT Climate-KIC Hub Latvia. Presenation can be seen on Young Innovatore web page and youtube . Interview for Environmental academy students about project, its significance and reasearch staff. Presentation about Smart sensor technology to students of University of Latvia course “Ievads vides zinātnes studijās”. Published interview about project significance and technology potential in news magazine “IR”, #39 (595) . Project results were published in the international and multidisciplinary conference "Nordic Clay Meeting/3 rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021". RūtaOzola-Davidāne delivered an oral presentation " Novel pH-sensitive composites containing clay minerals and anthocyanins to monitor meat freshness ". Interview of Smart Packaging atthe national radio station LR1, the broadcast " Zināmais nezināmajā
01.09.2021 17:12 Content
University of LatviaNew Technologies and Innovation Dayin 2021 will take place on September 23 and 24 - the week when the University of Latvia will celebrate its 102nd birthday. Depending on the epidemiological situation, the event will take place in person or remotely. This years theme is“ Ability and opportunity - sustainable innovation ” The target audience of the event is current, former and future students of the University of Latvia, and other interested people. The aim is to show the achievements of current and former students of the University of Latvia in an exciting and understandable way to promote public interest in studies, science, innovations, and strengthen people's confidence that science is an open, perspective, innovative and exciting field today. In today's context, innovation is not just about technology, but about a creative, forward-looking view of each industry and its evolution. Event participants will have the opportunity to: to participate in the Idea
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