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LU Ekopadome
23.05.2024 16:05 Content
What is the UL Eco-Council? The Eco-Council is a joint initiative of the UL Students' Council, the UL Study Development and Governance Improvement Programme and the UL Academic Centre Development Programme. The Eco-Council: Andris Sarnovičs, Head of Administration of the University of Latvia, Agrita Briede, Professor of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia, Iveta Šteinberga, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia, Gunta Kalvāne, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia, Kārlis Dārznieks, Director of the Communication Department of the University of Latvia, Eva Borska, Chairperson of the UL Students’ Council, Veronika Vagotiņa-Vagule, Head of the Environmental Sustainability and Development Strand of the UL Students' Council, Georgs Binduks, representative of students, Krista Čistjakova
Results in 2019
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
” Project No 2019-1-LV01-KA204-060398, Leading partner, University of Latvia (Latvia) ERASMUS K2 Fairy Science ERASMUS K2 Hybrid Learning Model Reinforced with Robotics for Children with Math Learning Difficulty, ERASMUS K2 Developing e-learning environment for young students to become data literate, ERASMUS K2 XXI Century Inclusive classroom: educational robotics pedagogy to reduce school dropouts, ERASMUS K2 Innovative on-line, interaction-based methodologies for Technology Impact assessment. HORIZON Iesniegtie un apstiprinātie projekti: “Innovative educational ROBOtics strategies for PrImary SChool ExperienceS (RoboPisces) Project No 2019-1-IT02-KA201-063073, Leading partner, Università Politecnica Delle Marche (Italy) “Developing Virtual Reality Resources Introducing Technology Tools for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to SEN Teaching Undergraduates” 2019-1-TR01-KA203-074720, Leading partner, Düzce University (Turkey) “Digital Adult Educators: Preparing
03.09.2020 15:38 Content
Our supporter Euroaptieka(2001) is a member of the largest pharmacy chain in the Baltic countries. It is a retailer of pharmaceuticals and related goods. Support In the 2011/2012 academic year, the company founded an Euroaptiekapharmacy scholarship whose first winners was the student of the ULEvija Sidorova (EUR 2150) and the student of Riga Stradiņš University Līga Žēlastība (EUR 2150). We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Theory and Methods of Optimization
The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge on optimization theory and its methods, which are necessary for further studies in economics. The knowledge and the methods obtained in the course together with other methods of economical analysis are convenient for solution of the real production and planning problems, analysis of business results as well as making optimal decisions (from the point of view of chosen optimization criterion). It is foreseen to consider the theoretical base of linear optimization, its practical application and economical interpretation. Tasks of the study course: 1. To acquire mathematical methods used in tasks of optimal planning economic models, decision analysis and rational activity analysis; 2. To review the theoretical foundations of mathematical modeling, the classification and application of mathematical models, as well as the theoretical foundations of linear optimization methods and their practical application; 3. To look
Optical materials
The aim of the study course is to familiarize students with optical materials that are used in vision correction aids, eyeglasses and contact lenses and optical devices. The course introduces the principles of matter formation and the properties of substances that are determined by the electron structure of atoms. The structure and properties of inorganic glasses, polymers, liquid crystals and photochromic materials are considered. Knowledge of the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation, production, spectral composition and measurement of light intensity. Finally, light-tissue interaction is discussed. The essence of the refractive index, the effect of the Abbe on the chromatic aberration of the lenses, as well as the reflection, absorption and dispersion of light in materials are explained.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the structure and properties
Introduction to management
The study course aims at enabling students to learn the modern methods of organisation and planning of business and the professional skills and skills of their use, as well as practices for the organisation and planning methods of economic processes. Description of course tasks: identifying the factors affecting the company and learning the skills of establishing companies; learning the methods of management of companies and their conditions of use; learning modern planning methods and the system of indicators used in planning and learning their skills; learning the skills of building the information system required for the management of the company. Explore the international environment of business activities, meet international agreements, types of international transactions. To meet export and market opportunities. Course Tasks: 1. to explore the nature, forms and environment of business; 2. clarify the general rules and principles of the functioning of an economic undertaking
Novel Food and GMO
The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the theoretical and applied research which underlays the production of novel and genetically modified (GM) foods, on the diversity and use of such foods. The effects of novel and GM foods on health and on the environment, potential benefits and risk factors are discussed. An overview of the legislation governing the contained use and placing on market of such foods is provided. The tasks of the course are: (1) to familiarize the students with the terms and processes under which food is classified as “novel” or “genetically modified” (GM), e.g., the methods used to produce such food; (2) to describe the features of novel and GM foods, to characterize the organisms used in its production, and the rationale of research and placing on the market of novel and GM foods; (3) to develop competence in the evaluation of information provided by the scientific literature and mass media on novel and GM foods, (4) to estimate the ethical aspects
Novel Food and GMO
The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the theoretical and applied research which underlays the production of novel and genetically modified (GM) foods, on the diversity and use of such foods. The effects of novel and GM foods on health and on the environment, potential benefits and risk factors are discussed. An overview of the legislation governing the contained use and placing on market of such foods is provided. The tasks of the course are: (1) to familiarize the students with the terms and processes under which food is classified as “novel” or “genetically modified” (GM), e.g., the methods used to produce such food; (2) to describe the features of novel and GM foods, to characterize the organisms used in its production, and the rationale of research and placing on the market of novel and GM foods; (3) to develop competence in the evaluation of information provided by the scientific literature and mass media on novel and GM foods, (4) to estimate the ethical aspects
Contrastive studies IV: Swedish (2nd foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about Swedish culture and history. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the Swedish language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles; 2. to extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; 3. to develop the skill to interpret all information and find necessary details in such texts as advertisements, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc. 4. to develop the skill to understand short adapted fiction, determine its theme, basic problems, the development of the plotline and derive the meaning of more complex vocabulary from context; 5. to facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena, situations
Contrastive Studies IV: French (2nd foreign language from the beginner’s level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and provide basic knowledge about French culture and history. The objectives of the course are strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactis system of the French language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles. extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; develop the skill to interpret all information and find necessary deatils in such texts as advertisents, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc. develop the skill to undertand short adapted fiction, determine its theme, basic problems, the development of the plotline and derive the meaning of more complex vocabulary from context; facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena, situations, express
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