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Weather practical forecasting
Course (continue)
The aim of the study course is to improve the level of understanding within bachelor study programme students in field of weather formation and forecasting processes, influencing factors. Tasks includes improvement of analytical skills, acquiring practice in work with open access methods of weather forecasting (satellite information, radiosounding, numerical forecast models). The study course is in latvian language.
Time Management
Course (continue)
The objective of the course is to introduce students to theory and practical knowledge of time management techniques, which will help them to manage their daily tasks related with studies, carrier development etc. to reach their goals and priorities. The course is aimed for all who are interested in improving their time management skills and be more successful in dealing with different tasks at the same time.
Time management
Course (continue)
The objective of the course is to introduce students to theory and practical knowledge of time management techniques, which will help them to manage their daily tasks related with studies, carrier development etc. to reach their aims and priorities. The course is aimed for all who are interested in improving their time management skills and be more successful in dealing with different tasks at the same time.
Pan-European University, Bratislava (Slovakia)
30.03.2022 20:13 Content
Pan-European University (PEU) is a private higher education institution, offering university education at all 3 cycles of studies in 20 accredited study programmes at its 5 faculties. Since its founding in 2004, more than 12 000 students have graduated from the studies at PEU. Each of the 5 faculties delivers modern ways of tuition, including individualised approach, attractive specialisations and professional training in the form of work placements. More information The Faculty of Psychology, founded in 2011, is the only of its kind in Slovakia. It offers full university education in all 3 cycles – bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. Additionally, a professional doctorate (PhDr.) may be achieved in a special proceedings. The faculty offers a combination of theory and practice. Our mission is to react to current needs on the education market in psychology and that is why we aim at offering an expertise which reaches beyond the general and traditional education of psychology
New philosophical trends at the 21st century and international philosophical organizations 1
The aim of the course is to get acquainted with the latest trends in modern philosophy and their presence in international philosophical organizations, congresses and conferences. Special attention is paid to the following directions: philosophy of culture, philosophy of linguistics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, ontology. Doctoral students of Latvian philosophy are directed to participate in world philosophy congresses, studying publications of foreign and Latvian representatives in them and creating their own application in international philosophy events. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: 1) the proceedings of the plenary sessions of the World Congress of Philosophy are analyzed, 2) a description of the development of world philosophical thought, giving an overview of the situation and trends on different continents, 3) provides insight into the publications of the World Congress of Philosophy and other major international
New philosophical trends at the 21st century and international philosophical organizations 1
The aim of the course is to get acquainted with the latest trends in modern philosophy and their presence in international philosophical organizations, congresses and conferences. Special attention is paid to the following directions: philosophy of culture, philosophy of linguistics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, ontology. Doctoral students of Latvian philosophy are directed to participate in world philosophy congresses, studying publications of foreign and Latvian representatives in them and creating their own application in international philosophy events. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: 1) the proceedings of the plenary sessions of the World Congress of Philosophy are analyzed, 2) a description of the development of world philosophical thought, giving an overview of the situation and trends on different continents, 3) provides insight into the publications of the World Congress of Philosophy and other major international
Kluba izveides stāsts
28.04.2023 17:43 Content
In the spring of 2015, the idea of establishing the Alumni Club of the University of Latvia came to us – a group of like-minded people – graduates and students of various UL faculties, who were and are still active members of student organisations during their studies. We were united by the feeling that the UL diploma has not only the knowledge gained during the studies, but it also has added value – friends made during the studies, fellow students, contacts with the teaching staff and the management of the UL. And, of course, we had the experience of being socially active and involved. That is why we created the Alumni Club of the University of Latvia, so that graduates, who have something to say and something to give to each other and to the University of Latvia have the opportunity to do so. The organisation unites graduates of the University of Latvia, who have gained from their studies at the University, in order to: Create and develop an environment for personal
LU akadēmiskās attīstības projekts "International scientific collaboration of doctoral students and academic staff in European universities"
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Projekta vadītāja: Dr.habil.paed., prof. Irīna Maslo Projekta īstenošanas laiks: no 15.02.2007. līdz 15.12.2007. Projekta mērķis: Veicināt zinātniskās darbībās turpmāku integrāciju pedagoģijas doktora studiju procesā. Projekta īstenotājs: Doktorantūras padome. Projekta rezultāti: Līdzfinansēts starptautisks projekts starptautiski salīdzinošajā pētniecībā (Leipcigas Universitāte). Projekta ietvaros izdots starptautiskais krājums: Kruze, Aida; Schulz, Dieter; & von Wolffersdorf, Christian (Hrsg.) (2008). Gefährdete Jugendliche. Aspekte sozialer Arbeit in Lettland und in Deutschland . Band 6. Leipziger Universitätsverlag. 308 S. ISBN 978-3-86583-245-0 Krājumā sava zinātniskā darba rezultātus publicēja LU PPF akadēmiskais personāls un doktoranti: Maslo, Irina (2008). Perspektiven moderner Sozialpadagogik. Zur aktuellen Entwicklung der Sozialen Arbeit in Lettland. In: Gefährdete Jugendliche. Aspekte sozialer Arbeit in Lettland und in
FEPA Adult Pedagogical Education Centre
13.07.2020 16:32 Content
Adult Pedagogical Education Centre (APEC) of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (FEPA) was established in 1993 with a view to contributing to the further education of teachers in Latvia. It’s work began in 1994/1995 academic year, hosting the first students and organising the first course of further education courses. The Centre has experience in developing and implementing large ESF projects. Main lines of action : development of new further professional development programmes for teachers, taking into account the needs of national education policies, employers, teachers and other stakeholders; organisation of high quality implementation of further education courses; providing consultations on opportunities for improving professional skills of teachers when attending further education courses; networking with educational institutions and public organisations in Latvia and abroad, dealing with adult pedagogical education and further education issues.
EXAFS spektroskopijas laboratorija
25.08.2021 13:55 Content
EXAFS Spectroscopy Laboratory ( EXAFS Lab ) focuses on the study of materials structure using synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The aim of the laboratory is to develop the method of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its application in material science, to maintain high ISSP UL potential in the field and to expand further the ISSP UL cooperation with the existing and new European Union synchrotron radiation centers. Our experimental possibilities include but are not limited to several techniques such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy, confocal spectromicroscopy and X-ray diffraction. We use advanced theoretical calculations and simulations of experimental data to gain insight on the structure-property relationships in materials. Our laboratory is also involved in the teaching process at the University of Latvia and provides students with opportunities to participate in research activities during Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level programs.
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