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18.09.2023 11:15 Content
Centre for Applied Linguistics has been founded with the aim to perform interdisciplinary fundamental and practical research in order to stimulate the usage of applied linguistics in the context of various languages and cultures in education, research, economics, finance, politics, diplomacy, natural sciences, law and in other spheres. The centre also secures the acquisition of Latvian language and foreign languages for students and staff members of the University of Latvia, and for other physical and legal bodies, as well as performs the evaluation of language skills and administrates the international examinations in the English language. The structure of the centre consists of branch research groups: language acquisition group, discourse research group, contrastive studies group, corpus linguistics and technologies. Actg. Head of the Centre: Indra Karapetjana Homepage →
ZAB "Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns" stipendija "Mūsdienu izaicinājumi tiesību piemērošanas teorijai un praksei Latvijā"
07.09.2022 13:55 Content
The scholarship was established in 2014 by the patron, University of Latvia (UL) graduate Māris Vainovskis, who is a partner at the Law Office Eversheds Sutherland Bitānsand heads a banking, finance, corporate and commercial practice. The aim of the scholarship is to support capable, diligent and socially active law students of the University of Latvia during their studies, as well as to promote research on the methods of qualitative application of law today. Scholarships are intended for master’s and doctoral students of the UL Faculty of Law jointly with the research supervisor (mentor). Number of scholarships : 1. Scholarship amount: EUR 3 000– to student, EUR 1 000 – to research supervisor (before deduction of taxes). Scholarship Commission: Patron, Senior Partner at the Eversheds Sutherland BitānsLaw Office Māris Vainovskis (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Senior Lawyer at the Eversheds Sutherland BitānsLaw Office Zanda Zaļuma , Head of the UL Faculty of Law
"Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns" Law Office Scholarship "Contemporary Challenges to the Theory and Practice of Law Enforcement in Latvia"
29.10.2020 16:36 Content
The scholarship was established in 2014 by the patron, University of Latvia (UL) graduate Māris Vainovskis, who is a partner at the Law Office “Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns” and heads a banking, finance, corporate and commercial practice. The aim of the scholarship is to support capable, diligent and socially active law students of the University of Latvia during their studies, as well as to promote research on the methods of qualitative application of law today. Scholarships are intended for master’s and doctoral students of the UL Faculty of Law jointly with the research supervisor (mentor). Number of scholarships : 1. Scholarship amount: EUR 3000 – to the student, EUR 1000 – to research supervisor (before deduction of taxes). Scholarship committee: Patron, Senior Partner at "Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns" Law Office Māris Vainovskis (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Senior Lawyer at "Eversheds Sutherland Bitāns" Law Office Zanda Zaļuma , Head of the UL Faculty
Electronic Records: Digital Preservation
Course (continue)
The course aims to provide introduction to digital preservation for records and IT specialists without or minimal prior knowledge. Students will learn concepts, principles and methods of digital preservation as well as have the insight to available archiving tools and solutions.
Electronic Records: Digital Preservation
Course (continue)
The course aims to provide introduction to digital preservation for records and IT specialists without or minimal prior knowledge. Students will learn concepts, principles and methods of digital preservation as well as have the insight to available archiving tools and solutions.
Solar Cup 2021
11.11.2021 18:45 Content
On May 22, 2021, “Solar Cup 2021” competition organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia will take place. The event and its preparatory measures promote school youth's interest in science and alternative ways of obtaining energy. This year, the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO joins the supporters of the event, inviting the UNESCO Associated School Network in Latvia to participate in the competition. Students in the age group from grades 5 to 12 are welcome to apply and fill in the registry form below. More information about the event in the rules Solar Cup 2021 . See you in May! Please note that if the state of emergency will not allow in-person competition, another way of competing will be found and the organizers will inform the teams in advance.
Mineraloģijas un paleontoloģijas laboratorija
16.10.2022 01:58 Content
Mineralogy and Palaeontology Laboratory of the UL FGES participates in the implementation of the study programmes in geology and geography, as well as carry out research using optical microscopy and mechanical preparation of research objects. The main aim of the laboratory is to support the study process and scientific activities. The main tasks: to provide laboratory work for the study courses (Rocks and Minerals, Quaternary Geology, Micropalaeontology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, etc.); provide research facilities for bachelor's, master's and doctoral students and academic staff; preserving scientifically valuable specimens before they are handed over to museums. Mineralogy and Palaeontology Laboratory provides: equipment and facilities for mechanical preparation of minerals and fossils with pneumatic tools, rotary power tools or mounted needles, microscopy of specimens, photography and photogrammetry of macroscopic and microscopic specimens.
Organization's business planning basics
Course (continue)
Objectives and tasks: This course will provide students with fundamentals, knowledge and skills that could be applied for company or organisation planning sketches, planning forms and patterns, development of plan methods, applying of different plans in the organisation for the control and future actions.
Starptautiskā sadarbība
14.06.2024 17:36 Content
The University of Latvia pays great attention to the development of international collaboration in order to promote international identification, exchanges and to strengthen good reputation. The University of Latvia has been always active in international collaboration. Nowadays the objective is to focus on the content and quality in order to make internationalization a balanced element of education and research. The internationalization processes take place in the following areas: bilateral cooperation agreements (with 232 universities in 53 countries and regions); membership in the international university organizations and networks ; participation in international educational and research programmes and projects ; exchanges of students and teachers (exchange statistics); international cooperation on the faculty, institute, department and individual levels. By participating in international university organizations and active membership in networks such as EUA
Theology and Religious Studies
25.04.2024 20:29 Content
Degree to be achieved : Doctoral Degree of Science Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Humanities and the Arts Standard period of study: 3 years Type of studies: Full time Amount of credits: 144 credit points or 216 ECTS European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level: Level 8 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level: Level 8 Language of instruction: Latvian and English Accreditation: Study program is licensed, it will be accredited this year. Tuition fee: EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members; Long Term Resident EU - 2700 EUR per Year Other сountry citizens - 5500 EUR per Year Short Program description The doctoral study programme “Theology and Religious Studies” offers its students to learn the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to do independent research. Together with academic staff students can participate in research projects and giving lectures. The study programme also offers the opportunity to take part in processes
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