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13.08.2020 17:32 Content
documents – see the list included in the scholarship application form. For students of Riga Technical University (RTU) For the students of undergraduate study programmes at the RTU, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics The Galenieks Family Scholarship For students of Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) For students of the master's study programme "Nursing"at the RSU, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare The Rūsis Family Scholarship For students of all the higher education institutions in Latvia Scholarships of local municipalities For the first-year students of undergraduate study programmes: Engure Municipality Scholarship Jelgava Municipality Scholarship Salaspils Municipality Scholarship For students of communication sciences For undergraduate students, starting from the second year of studies, specialising in journalism or multimedia production: DELFI Sholarship
08.09.2022 15:17 Content
The third Student Deep Science Hackathon took place during the weekend of November 5-7. Motivated and enthusiastic students formed teams, devised new and innovative ideas, and presented commercialization plans in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics). The three-day virtual workshop was organized by the ISSP UL and the Innovation Center of the University of Latvia (LUMIC). During the hackathon, participants were provided with mentor support, an online collaboration environment, and information on commercialization steps. Within 48 hours, students and mentors worked together to develop new high-tech ideas based on smart solutions, materials, and sustainability. Seven ideas were submitted to the Student Deep Science Hackathon, and six were successfully developed by the end of the event. The teams offered ideas such as applications to improve the freight process and access to rehabilitation and physiotherapy services, a solution to recycle plastic waste
Language of Instruction
13.05.2022 21:32 Content
The official language of instruction is Latvian. Some programmes and courses are available in other foreign languages. Courses offered for exchange students are taught in English. In some cases our Faculties could as well arrange for international exchange students studies on individual basis. Prospective exchange students should contact in advance the international coordinator of the respective faculty or the contact person for incoming Exchange students at the International Mobility Unit in order to find out more about the available courses in English.
Acquire new experience at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences!
29.03.2023 18:05 Content
Every year, the 10 best 2 nd year students of the bachelor’s programme "Physics" are offered the opportunity to visit Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Merseburg) for 8 days at the beginning of July. At Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, students have the opportunity to develop 4 laboratory works, for each of them receiving 2 credit points for Part B of the autumn semester. The laboratory works have been chosen so that they would be interesting and give students the opportunity to work with equipment that is not available at the University of Latvia. The students of the UL bachelor's study programme "Physics" have developed the following laboratory works in Merseburg during the previous years: Ultrasonic impulse echo technique; NdYag Laser; Helium-Neon laser; Dynamic measurements with deformation measuring devices; Laser microstructuring. Leisure Students will have the opportunity to experience study process in Germany, see
Ēnu diena
13.11.2023 12:38 Content
School students have an opportunity to get to know the Faculty of Humanities, “shadowing” our academic staff members. “Shadow Days” is an educational event that takes place in Latvia annually. School students can attend any participating institution and observe the work of a representative of a chosen profession over several hours. The aim of “Shadow Days” is to acquaint school students with various professions, and help them choose the profession and get ready for the labour market. The Faculty of Humanities each year participates in the event. We offer school students to “shadow” one of our university professors. Those school students who participated in our “Shadow Days” say that the event was useful and pleasant, and helped them to feel the atmosphere at the Faculty.
Research work 3 – Empirical research and novelty 1
The study course is implemented in the 5th and 6th semesters of the 3nd study year, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in other study courses and independently conducting research work for the doctoral thesis, particularly focusing on one`s empirical research and novelty, approbation of the research results by participating in a colloquium, seminar, conference and preparing a scientific article, as well as ensuring the transfer of knowledge in pedagogical work. The study course is implemented with students being practically employed (permanently or internship) in a company or organization. Within the course, its participants also participate in the activities of the doctoral school of the University of Latvia or other equivalent scientific institution, where valuable experience is shared with colleagues (in the form of colloquia), allowing students to present research, share and identify other researchers' experience in an informal environment
Research work 3 – Empirical research and novelty 1
The study course is implemented in the 5th and 6th semesters of the 3nd study year, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in other study courses and independently conducting research work for the doctoral thesis, particularly focusing on one`s empirical research and novelty, approbation of the research results by participating in a colloquium, seminar, conference and preparing a scientific article, as well as ensuring the transfer of knowledge in pedagogical work. The study course is implemented with students being practically employed (permanently or internship) in a company or organization. Within the course, its participants also participate in the activities of the doctoral school of the University of Latvia or other equivalent scientific institution, where valuable experience is shared with colleagues (in the form of colloquia), allowing students to present research, share and identify other researchers' experience in an informal environment
Research work 3 – Empirical research and novelty 2
The study course is implemented in the 5th and 6th semesters of the 3nd study year, taking into account the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in other study courses and independently conducting research work for the doctoral thesis, particularly focusing on one`s empirical research and novelty, approbation of the research results by participating in a colloquium, seminar, conference and preparing a scientific article, as well as ensuring the transfer of knowledge in pedagogical work. The study course is implemented with students being practically employed (permanently or internship) in a company or organization. Within the course, its participants also participate in the activities of the doctoral school of the University of Latvia or other equivalent scientific institution, where valuable experience is shared with colleagues (in the form of colloquia), allowing students to present research, share and identify other researchers' experience in an informal environment
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