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LU studentu Biznesa inkubators
05.05.2020 19:33 Content
The University of Latvia (UL) Student Business Incubator is the largest university based business incubator in Latvia. The incubator helps students and their teams of all study levels and faculties to start and develop a business, offering comprehensive support, which, for example, includes the opportunity to participate in incubator workshops, receive support from mentors and coaches, gain access to office and production facilities, and financial support in the form of grants and stipends. Every year in October, the incubator organizes a student business opportunity festival Icebreakers . The UL Student Business Incubator has been established thanks to the University of Latvia, the UL Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, as well as Latvian and foreign patrons, incl. Friends of the University of Latvia members, financial support. All donations from patrons are administered by the University of Latvia Foundation. From the autumn semester of 2019, the LU Student Business
Theological ethics
The aim of this study course is to acquire knowledge of ethical theories and issues (with a particular focus on religious and theological aspects), at the same time developing student skills of making critical judgments and forming their own reasoned viewpoints on ethical issues. The objectives in four parts of the course: - The first part is methodological and deals with metaethical issues, and its objectives include defining the subject matter, basic concepts and principles of ethics, describing the main approaches of ethics, classifying ethical theories, identifying the main issues of contention, etc. - The objective of the second part is to study selected specific ethical theories, including Kant's theory and its theological implications, natural law theory and its theological version, divine command theory, and virtue ethics and its adaptation in Christianity. - The objective of the third part is to provide an overview of the sources, history and development of Christian
Theological ethics
The aim of this study course is to acquire knowledge of ethical theories and issues (with a particular focus on religious and theological aspects), at the same time developing student skills of making critical judgments and forming their own reasoned viewpoints on ethical issues. The objectives in four parts of the course: - The first part is methodological and deals with metaethical issues, and its objectives include defining the subject matter, basic concepts and principles of ethics, describing the main approaches of ethics, classifying ethical theories, identifying the main issues of contention, etc. - The objective of the second part is to study selected specific ethical theories, including Kant's theory and its theological implications, natural law theory and its theological version, divine command theory, and virtue ethics and its adaptation in Christianity. - The objective of the third part is to provide an overview of the sources, history and development of Christian
German Grammar for Teachers I
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to facilitate the development of students' oral and written language. The course provides the possibility to understand the essence of grammatical forms and compare them with the corresponding structures in the native language paying special attention to the word order in the sentence, the formation of interrogative sentences and the tense system of verbs in the active voice as well as declensions of noun cases and the use of articles. Having successfully mastered the course, students will have developed their intercultural communicative competence. Students will have developed their interpersonal competence – students will be able to work in a team, undertake the responsibility. Students will develop the systematic competence – learning skills, the skill to compare, to manage their time and the ability to apply knowledge to practice.
Understanding and Acquiring Korean Culture
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to deepen their knowledge on different traditional cultural practices on the Korean peninsula, as well as to introduce students to various ways of teaching traditional Korean culture to different age groups. The objectives of the course: 1. to deepen the students’ understanding of the various elements influencing Korean traditional culture at different periods of time; 2. to deepen the students’ understanding of Korea's ancient traditions, celebrations and their expressions in art, crafts, architecture and clothing; 3. to introduce students to various ways and materials regarding teaching Korean culture to foreign language students and how to incorporate materials on Korean culture in Korean language lesson plans. Languages of instruction: Korean and Latvian/English.
Understanding and Acquiring Korean Culture
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to deepen their knowledge on different traditional cultural practices on the Korean peninsula, as well as to introduce students to various ways of teaching traditional Korean culture to different age groups. The objectives of the course: 1. to deepen the students’ understanding of the various elements influencing Korean traditional culture at different periods of time; 2. to deepen the students’ understanding of Korea's ancient traditions, celebrations and their expressions in art, crafts, architecture and clothing; 3. to introduce students to various ways and materials regarding teaching Korean culture to foreign language students and how to incorporate materials on Korean culture in Korean language lesson plans. Languages of instruction: Korean and Latvian/English.
Strategic management and project management
The goal of the study course is to provide knowledge and practical skills in strategic management of sustainable development of territories as well as in identification, assessment, and conceptual development of ideas for actions (projects) promoting sustainable development of the territory, and in mastering the full life cycle of the project implementation. The tasks of the study course are to provide students with theoretical knowledge in management of spatial development projects, emphasizing the preconditions for sustainable development of the territory and the role of investments in stimulating sustainable development. Other tasks include development of students' analytical skills in identification and analysis of territorial development potential, prioritization and planning of socio-economically feasible actions (investment and non-investment projects), as well as development of an understanding of strategic management of territories, strategic and conceptual planning
Strategic management and project management
The goal of the study course is to provide knowledge and practical skills in strategic management of sustainable development of territories as well as in identification, assessment, and conceptual development of ideas for actions (projects) promoting sustainable development of the territory, and in mastering the full life cycle of the project implementation. The tasks of the study course are to provide students with theoretical knowledge in management of spatial development projects, emphasizing the preconditions for sustainable development of the territory and the role of investments in stimulating sustainable development. Other tasks include development of students' analytical skills in identification and analysis of territorial development potential, prioritization and planning of socio-economically feasible actions (investment and non-investment projects), as well as development of an understanding of strategic management of territories, strategic and conceptual planning
Russian for Daily Communication Purposes. Part 2.
Course (continue)
“Russian for Daily Communication Purposes” is a short-term Russian as a foreign language course (3 weeks long) aimed at Russian language competence development offered to the students of National Police Academy of Japan. The content of the course, which has been developed with regard to the requirements of the Japanese party, is aimed for the students whose knowledge of the Russian language corresponds to the pre-intermediate level (A2). The aim of the course is to develop and improve the students’ ability to communicate in Russian in daily and socio-cultural spheres of life. The programme of the course includes situations connected with the students’ professional sphere. The course also helps develop the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, improve their vocabulary, advance their knowledge of Russian grammar, develop and enhance their ability to use the acquired lexis and grammar structures in order to reach the intended goals. The students will also get
Russian for Daily Communication Purposes. Part.1.
Course (continue)
“Russian for Daily Communication Purposes” is a short-term Russian as a foreign language course (3 weeks long) aimed at Russian language competence development offered to the students of National Police Academy of Japan. The content of the course, which has been developed with regard to the requirements of the Japanese party, is aimed for the students whose knowledge of the Russian language corresponds to the pre-intermediate level (A2). The aim of the course is to develop and improve the students’ ability to communicate in Russian in daily and socio-cultural spheres of life. The programme of the course includes situations connected with the students’ professional sphere. The course also helps develop the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, improve their vocabulary, advance their knowledge of Russian grammar, develop and enhance their ability to use the acquired lexis and grammar structures in order to reach the intended goals. The students will also get
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