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Master's thesis in economics
The aim of the Master's thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, academic skills and abilities independently in accordance with the requirements of the Master's study program in Economics. Master's thesis is an independent research work with original solution of a topical theoretical / practical problem under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. Theoretical generalizations are formulated in the Master's thesis, well-grounded proposals are formulated, hypotheses are raised and proved, correlations and regularities of factor influence are investigated, thus facilitating the student's learning to maintain problem solving motivation, creativity and preparing it for scientific research work and doctoral study programs. When submitting a master's thesis in e-studies, the data used in the empirical part (Excel, SPSS) must be added to the appendix. Tasks of Master's thesis: 1. to summarize, systematize, deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge
Teaching and learning geography
Study course aim: to provide participants with the opportunity to develop pedagogical skills and enhance understanding of the latest trends in geography teaching methodology in primary and secondary education stages. Within the course, participants will acquire essential principles of geography teaching, including (1) content and lesson planning for primary and secondary school geography courses, (2) the use of deep and meaningful learning principles in the teaching process, (3) development of formative and summative assessment tasks, (4) opportunities for differentiation in the teaching process, (5) preparation and facilitation of complex practical and research work, and (6) implementation of interdisciplinary topics. The main tasks of the study course: 1. Improve understanding of the structure and continuity of geography teaching content in primary and secondary education. 2. Enhance practical skills in planning result-oriented lessons. 3. Improve understanding of creating
Time Series Analysis
The aim is to provide students with a basic knowledge of time series analysis, starting with concepts such as time series process, trend, stationarity, seasonality, spectrum and finally defining the popular ARMA processes, which are used to model many real time series. ARMA processes will be the focus of a large part of the course, looking at their properties, fitting them to data, estimating process coefficients and calculating forecasts and associated errors. Non-parametric statistical methods will also be used in both time series trend approximation and spectral analysis. The final part of the course is devoted to insights into financial time series as ARCH and GARCH processes as well as mixing processes describing dependence in general form. For practical exercises programming language R will be used. Tasks: learn the basic concepts of time series theory; analyse time series decomposition; model time series with popular ARMA processes by fitting them to real data; simulate ARMA
Master's thesis in economics
The aim of the Master's thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge, academic skills and abilities independently in accordance with the requirements of the Master's study program in Economics. Master's thesis is an independent research work with original solution of a topical theoretical / practical problem under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. Theoretical generalizations are formulated in the Master's thesis, well-grounded proposals are formulated, hypotheses are raised and proved, correlations and regularities of factor influence are investigated, thus facilitating the student's learning to maintain problem solving motivation, creativity and preparing it for scientific research work and doctoral study programs. When submitting a master's thesis in e-studies, the data used in the empirical part (Excel, SPSS) must be added to the appendix. Tasks of Master's thesis: 1. to summarize, systematize, deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge
Parenting support and education programs
The aim of the current course is to offer possibility for the learners to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills for support and educational preschool parents group guiding and to offer possibility for the learners to acquire in-depth information and knowledge of children emotional development at pre-school age. Various parenting support and education programs to deliver psychological support to young children with emotional and behavioral problems, as well as to enhance knowledge of parents concerning early development of children and to improve child-to-parent relationship. During the course the students will be trained to guide programme for parents, focused to extend knowledge of early development of a child and to adjust early emotional relationships during childhood. The emphasis during the course has been put on self-dependent training – leading of support and educational preschool parents group concerning relevant topics: the development of body control, attachment, play
Teaching and learning geography
Study course aim: to provide participants with the opportunity to develop pedagogical skills and enhance understanding of the latest trends in geography teaching methodology in primary and secondary education stages. Within the course, participants will acquire essential principles of geography teaching, including (1) content and lesson planning for primary and secondary school geography courses, (2) the use of deep and meaningful learning principles in the teaching process, (3) development of formative and summative assessment tasks, (4) opportunities for differentiation in the teaching process, (5) preparation and facilitation of complex practical and research work, and (6) implementation of interdisciplinary topics. The main tasks of the study course: 1. Improve understanding of the structure and continuity of geography teaching content in primary and secondary education. 2. Enhance practical skills in planning result-oriented lessons. 3. Improve understanding of creating
Music and audiovisual media in the Baltic Sea region
The course acquaints students with the most important expressions of music and audiovisual media in the Baltic Sea region countries – Scandinavia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, slightly reaching also into Germany, Poland and Russia – their social significance in different periods of time, especially emphasizing the current (21st century) situation. The course offers grounds not only for an in-depth study of selected artistic phenomena of the Baltic Sea region but also for the presentation of the individual research. The aim of the course is to get acquainted with symbolically the most important expressions of the Baltic Sea region music and audiovisual arts and with their social significance. Objectives: 1) to get acquainted with significant aspects of music and audiovisual media research, 2) to gain an insight into the situation in music and audiovisual media in each country, 3) to explore to the most important musical and audiovisual expressions in the Baltic Sea region
Language and culture contacts
, to acquaint the doctoral students with unpublished materials. 3. to develop an in-depth understanding of the interaction of the languages and cultures of the Baltic Sea Region in a diachronic and synchronic perspective. Language of instruction: Latvian
Innovation Leadership in Public Sector Organisation
The course structure and content is designed for the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of innovation leadership in public sector organisation. The course will help to define the innovation leadership as a concept, to disclose relationships between the creative leadership, innovation and organisation change The course is developed for increasing understanding and skills needed for effective leading of innovations in public sector organisation. Public sector organisations are presented as a specific area with good practice examples of well-known leaders. On successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the theory and practice of Innovation leadership in the public sector organisation; applying theoretical approaches to develop Innovation leadership skills; demonstrate a sound knowledge of the role of Innovation leadership in encouraging entrepreneurial and innovative public sector organisation behaviour; undertake individual
European Civilization
The aim of the course "European Civilization" is to provide students with an insight into the diverse manifestations of European civilization in close connection with the intellectual, artistic, political, economic and technological development of Europe. Course tasks: 1. To look at the content of the concept “civilization”, as well as the different understandings of the relations between “civilization” and “culture” in the history of philosophical and socio-political thought. 2. To consider the emergence of the preconditions of European civilization in the history of Europe, as well as in the achievements of the ancient civilizations of the Middle East. 3. To find out the common and different in the early stages of European civilization (Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman civilizations) and the development and achievements of Ancient China and Ancient India. 4. To look at the role of Abrahamic religions in the history and contemporary development of the European civilization. 5
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