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Proof, argumentation and justification of decisions in criminal proceedings
The study course is devoted to the deep theoretical and practical acquisition of the theory of proof, as well as issues related to the substantiation of criminal proceedings. During the course students are introduced to the theoretical aspects of the theory of evidence in criminal proceedings. Students are provided with in-depth scientific explanation of the concepts included in the theory of proof, as well as offered to study the issues related to the elements of the theory of proof, their problems. The main problems of legal argumentation, as well as requirements for justification of criminal procedure are discussed. Students are given the opportunity to develop and improve practical skills for strengthening the theoretical knowledge acquired and used in simulated situations.
Erasmus+ KA3 project
02.06.2020 15:45 Content
round, involving partner universities, local ESN sections and other local youth organisations to work with the project findings and recommendations , to instigate interaction between local youth of underrepresented groups and international students with mobility experiences. In order to measure the impact of these activities, a social impact measurement tool will be developed to draw conclusions and recommendations that can be disseminated across the European higher education and youth sectors. This project is an important step toward making international mobility opportunities more inclusive , enabling students from all backgrounds to study, work or volunteer abroad. The ultimate goal of higher education in general, and studying abroad in specific, is to shape a generation of Europeans that transcend traditional cultural beliefs, who embrace cultural differences and endorse mutual intercultural understanding to shape a united society that offers space to everyone. More information
JF Juridiskās prakses un palīdzības centrs
13.07.2020 16:18 Content
Master’s students, providing free legal assistance to disadvantaged persons, are involved in the work of the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law (FL) of theUniversity of Latvia (UL). Before starting work, students acquire knowledge in the communication psychology, ethics of a lawyer, case research, time planning and other topics. Customers are primarily consulted on labour and housing rights, as well as in maintenance cases, without excluding other issues. Students receive credit points for their work at the Centre. During their work studentsare consulted by faculty teaching staff and UL graduates – legal practitioners.
About us
28.06.2023 17:18 Content
Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia (ULCI) is established on November 4, 2011 and is the only Chinese language and research institution in Latvia authorized by PRC . It is a non- profit education institute co-founded by the University of Latvia and South China Normal university, by initiative from Confucius Institute Headquarters/ Hanban. All teachers working in CI come from China and are native speakers of Chinese. As well are attracted local teachers from Latvia. The excellent students from ULCI have an opportunity to receive Confucius Institute Scholarship to continue their studies in China. ULCI also provides consultations regarding China’s education, culture, economy and society, and carries out research dedicated to Sinologist matters. Besides the classroom studies, students of ULCI have various opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge of Chinese; ULCI holds multiple activities and competitions related to Chinese culture and language proficiency every year
Latvian language (Advanced) – 4 credit points; course code Valo3304
13.05.2022 21:23 Content
The present study course is designed for the exchange students from abroad, who are studying at the UL, and have acquired Latvian language skills at B2 level. Objectives of the course include perfecting spoken and written language skills, extending knowledge in the sphere of morphology, syntax, lexis, phraseology, textology, style and language culture items of Latvian. The course envisages developing a comprehension about the language variants in written Latvian, as well as communicative, pragmatic and sociocultural language competence. The course has been developed in accordance with the set European Framework of Language (level C1). Results Students are expected to improve communicative, language, linguistic and sociocultural competence. They are able to express themselves rather fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They are aware of and can assess the significance of the language means, which ensure grammatically correct and stylistically
Understanding and Acquiring Korean Culture
The aim of the course is to deepen their knowledge on different traditional cultural practices on the Korean peninsula, as well as to introduce students to various ways of teaching traditional Korean culture to different age groups. The objectives of the course: 1. to deepen the students’ understanding of the various elements influencing Korean traditional culture at different periods of time; 2. to deepen the students’ understanding of Korea's ancient traditions, celebrations and their expressions in art, crafts, architecture and clothing; 3. to introduce students to various ways and materials regarding teaching Korean culture to foreign language students and how to incorporate materials on Korean culture in Korean language lesson plans. Languages of instruction: Korean and Latvian/English.
Understanding and Acquiring Korean Culture
The aim of the course is to deepen their knowledge on different traditional cultural practices on the Korean peninsula, as well as to introduce students to various ways of teaching traditional Korean culture to different age groups. The objectives of the course: 1. to deepen the students’ understanding of the various elements influencing Korean traditional culture at different periods of time; 2. to deepen the students’ understanding of Korea's ancient traditions, celebrations and their expressions in art, crafts, architecture and clothing; 3. to introduce students to various ways and materials regarding teaching Korean culture to foreign language students and how to incorporate materials on Korean culture in Korean language lesson plans. Languages of instruction: Korean and Latvian/English.
16.03.2023 19:37 Content
To facilitate the integration of new students into the University, the Student Council of the University of Latvia (LU SP) and the UL Student Services department invite applications for the mentor programme. In a creative and interactive way, the LU SP offers first-year students the opportunity to get their own unique mentor - an experienced student who has already experienced the complexity of settling into the new University environment and is competent enough to help them get started in their academic life. Throughout the programme, freshmen will have the opportunity to approach their mentor with any professional and personal questions they may have. First-year students will be told and shown all the important things - the Faculty premises, the system of work, the main rules, LUIS and e-studies, the student council system and, of course, the traditions. Mentors will get to know their first-year students within the first days of their studies. To find your unique mentor, visit
Present-day Global Ethical Challenges: Religious-Philosophical Perspectives
Religious and social-philosophical traditions in interplay have shaped and continue to shape our ethical thinking. Recent perilous developments in global political (including geopolitical), social, economic, technological, environmental and other contexts generate unprecedented pressing global problems that demand resolution. Ethical reflection is first step in this direction. The aim of doctoral seminar is to engage students in constructive resolution of their own selected (also in connection with their study subfield or doctoral thesis) current global ethical issues using resources from religious traditions they are involved or interested in and ethical approaches to be individually chosen during the seminar (including not only various normative ethical theories classified under consequentialism, deontology and virtue but also feminist, libertarian, contractual, intuitionist, discursive, care and other ethics), concentrating on what the chosen religious ethics can gain from using
Present-day Global Ethical Challenges: Religious-Philosophical Perspectives
Religious and social-philosophical traditions in interplay have shaped and continue to shape our ethical thinking. Recent perilous developments in global political (including geopolitical), social, economic, technological, environmental and other contexts generate unprecedented pressing global problems that demand resolution. Ethical reflection is first step in this direction. The aim of doctoral seminar is to engage students in constructive resolution of their own selected (also in connection with their study subfield or doctoral thesis) current global ethical issues using resources from religious traditions they are involved or interested in and ethical approaches to be individually chosen during the seminar (including not only various normative ethical theories classified under consequentialism, deontology and virtue but also feminist, libertarian, contractual, intuitionist, discursive, care and other ethics), concentrating on what the chosen religious ethics can gain from using
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