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Practical Aspects of Business Chinese
After successful mastering of the basic Chinese language, students are given the opportunity to learn the basics of business Chinese language and also apply their knowledge in practice. This course will help to improve the Chinese language skills and specific business terminology necessary to work in the international business environment. The aim of the course is to develop both written and spoken communication skills that will be useful in many fields. The objectives of the course are to: 1) develop such communication skills as requesting and giving information, planning a meeting, giving advice un proposals, dealing with complaints and apologising. 2) develop email, letter and notification writing skills. 3) hold a meeting. The lectures will be taught in the Latvian language using Chinese business terminology (during the lessons, texts and documents will be translated from Latvian to Chinese).
Introduction to the anthropology of performance
The aim of the course is to examine various aspects related to performance, such as identity, representation, appropriation etc. The tasks of the course are to acquire knowledge about the performance and performativity and learn skills to apply this knowledge in research. Students will read the texts of V. Turner, R. Konkurgood, T. Nyong'o, J. Roch and other authors, who have applied a performance-based approach to their research and/or have theoretically conceptualized performance or performativity. Performance (or performativity) studies also allow to discover how people present their personal (ethnic, gender, racial, etc.) identities in the public and private spheres and what meanings they attach to this performance. The course also covers understanding of the nature of performance and the role of the audience in society and culture. The course is taught in Latvian and English languages.
Vision training
The aim of the study course ir to develop students' theoretical and practical knowledge in vision training as an alternative type of vision therapy that is applicable in the optometric practice for the treatment of various vision problems and vision rehabilitation.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the role of vision training in improving the functioning of the visual system and its mechanisms;
  • to acquire vision training development skills;
  • to acquire development of individual vision training plans adapted to the needs of the patient, to follow-up of the vision training progress, and to evaluate vision training efficacy.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
General medicine for optometrists
The aim of the study course is to improve the students' knowledge of general principles of disease processes and how they affect eye health and visual functions.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to give knowledge of general pathological processes and diseases that are important in optometric practice (cardiovascular, endocrine, nutrition, neurological, autoimmune, hematological, nephrological, pulmonary, oncological, and dermatological, as well as infections);
  • to give knowledge of the general clinical signs of these diseases and their manifestations in the visual system, as well as basic treatment strategies;
  • to give knowledge of congenital and hereditary conditions, their clinical signs, manifestation in the visual system, treatment and rehabilitation strategies.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
Psychological measurement in sport
This course provides an opportunity for obtaining knowledge of psychological measurement in sports. The course presents the basic knowledge of principles of psychological measurement, classical test theory, and item-response theory. Students acquire knowledge on the critical assessment of the validity and reliability of measurements. The course presents methods for psychological assessment of neurocognitive processes, personality traits, motivation, and psychophysiological processes in sports. In addition, the most frequent psychological problems in the domain of sport are presented. Limitations in applying measurement methods and opportunities for involvement of professional psychologists are stated. Course objectives: 1. To provide information on theoretical foundations of psychological measurement. 2. To present the principles of critical evaluation of measurement methods. 3. To acquaint with measurements of psychological characteristics and processes. 4. To inform about
Basics of industrial robotics
The aim of the course is to promote the development of students' knowledge and competencies about the design, applications, programming methods of industrial robots and cyber-physical systems. Tasks of he course are: 1. to acquire knowledge and skills to create a simulation of processing processes for the robot Robotmaster and RobotStudio software; 2. to analyze the principles of operation of cyber-physical systems and to acquire the skills to organize system protection measures during operation; 3. to practice activating and calibrating the KUKA robot, creating and changing programmable movements using the KUKA robot control buttons; 4. to compile a part processing program and checking the ability of this program to operate using OrangeEdit; 5. to acquire the necessary competencies to work in Mastercam application software. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Microscopy and spectroscopy characterization methods
The goal of the course is to promote students' understanding of modern experimental methods that are used to study the electronic and atomic structure of materials. The course gives theoretical and experimental backgrounds of diffraction, microscopy and X-ray spectroscopy characterization methods and their application in materials science. Tasks of the course are to: 1. provide a theoretical and experimental basis on modern experimental methods, such as scanning and transmission electron microscopy, scanning probe and tunneling microscopy, X-ray and neutron diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy; 2. provide a theoretical and experimental basis on advanced and emerging techniques; 3. comparatively analyze the common and different features of the methods and their fields of applications. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Operating Systems, Servers and Network Security in Education
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic principles of Windows and Linux operating systems, installation, configuration, implementation and educational opportunities. The course examines other current operating systems and their application in education. The course examines versions of Windows, Linux workstations and servers, their application and possibilities in education. It covers the most important issues of computer networks, data security and protection of computer networks, as well as basic issues of computer and mobile device architecture, which is needed to know when planning the infrastructure of an educational institution and making purchases. Tasks: 1) Learn the basics of installing and configuring Windows workstations and servers; 2) Learn the basics of installing and configuring Linux workstations and servers; 3) Promote the ability to introduce appropriate infrastructure in educational institutions and education. Teaching language of the study
Basics in microbiology
Microorganisms make up a large part of the earth's biomass. They are of high importance in human, animal and plant health. At the same time microorganisms control environmental processes (degradation and synthesis of substances, biogeochemical cycles). The study course also introduces various classical and modern laboratory methods for isolation, propagation, characterization and identification of microorganisms. The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of different groups of microorganisms, their structure, functions, significance and identification / characterization possibilities. The tasks of the course: 1. To acquire basic knowledge about the types of microorganisms, their functions and structure 2. To get practical experience about various methods used in microbiology for identification, characterisation and enumeration of microorganisms. 3. To acquire basic knowledge about the role of microorganisms in nature, human life and their possible use.
Intercultural Studies in Literature
The aim of the course: to provide students with an opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of literary theories and methods applicable to the interpretation and analysis of literary works belonging to other cultures and explore the reflections of the basic problems of intercultural communication in literature. Objectives of the course: 1. to introduce the basic concepts of literary studies and related terminology in connection with intercultural studies in literature; 2. to introduce of the most applicable literary theories and methods in intercultural studies in literature; 3. to analyze literary works belonging to different cultures, recognizing the expressed values, ideology, the views of the author of the work and the intended readers; 4. to study the manifestations of cultural clashes in literary works, including definitions and self-definitions of cultures, as well as related stereotypes; 5. to practically apply the gained knowledge in various communicative situations
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