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Contemporary pedagogy and its system of branches
Aim of the course - to develop students' understanding of contemporary pedagogy, its topicalities in the processes of educational change, system of pedagogical branches, diverse pedagogical approaches in the selection and implementation of study content, involvement of society in the development of educational programs. Tasks - 1. To improve skills to analyze and evaluate pedagogical theories and approaches in modern education change processes, topicalities of pedagogical branch system; 2. To develop skills to form and choose theoretically sound pedagogical approaches to the design and implementation of educational programs, taking into account the development needs and goals of society and individuals; 3. To develop skills to model innovative, theory and research-based pedagogical situations, to reflect on them, responsibly assessing the possible impact on the relationship between education and society.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
Business aspects in optometry
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the business aspects in optometric practice.
The objectives of the course are:
  • to introduce to general business principles;
  • to introduce to the place of the optical companies in the economic system, goals and strategies, factors affecting the functioning of the optical companies;
  • to introduce to the internal organization and operation procedures of the optical companies, administration and human resource issues;
  • to introduce to the marketing and communication principles;
  • to introduce to the basic principles of financing, financing structure and capital concept, basic principles of accounting and control.
Course language: Latvian and English.
Fundamentals of Physics specializations
The aim of the study course is to provide physics master students a possibility to gain an essential theoretical knowledge necessary for specialization courses in theoretical physics, physics of continuous media, physics of the interaction of light with matter and material physics. Tasks of the course are to: 1. Foster learning of frequently used methods for problem solving in physics; 2. Explain the mathematical formalism typical to physics specializations listed at the aim of the course; 3. Master an application of mathematical formalism to physical problems; 4. Develop an ability to choose appropriate method to solve the problem; 5. To train skills for qualitative and quantitative characterization of physical processes; 6. To explain the basic properties that characterize the behavior of materials; 7. To train an ability to select an appropriate type of material for specific application. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Business Estonian
The course introduces students to a variety of texts needed in working life, analyses the characteristics of business Estonian, the style and structure of texts, and provides writing exercises. The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to writing informative (business) texts, vocabulary related to working life and syntactic constructions of business Estonian. In addition, Estonian working life is explored from the perspective of genres, cultural conventions and legislation. Course objectives: 1. to strengthen the ability to analyse texts in terms of language, style, structure, communicative situation and genre; 2. to enhance language skills, in particular by acquiring syntactic structures and conventions typical of a written text; 3. to provide basic information on Estonian working life and the respective business texts; 4. to learn to write various business texts independently. The course is delivered in Estonian.
Traditional Music of the Middle East and North Africa
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of the Middle East and North Africa. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of music cultures, 2) to get a general overview of the regional situation of music culture, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of MENA music and of their sociocultural context, 4) to discover the regional influence upon European music, 5) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards musical phenomena of MENA, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 6) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of MENA music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Context of Globalisation
The goal of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding in the field of literary studies by looking in depth at the interaction of Anglophone history, culture, literature and visual narratives of authors belonging to different nations, thus providing a basis for further research in the field. Tasks of the study course: 1. To promote the acquisition of the methodology of literary studies and the necessary empirical research methodology in the fields of Anglophone literature and culture; 2. To introduce the characteristic tendencies in the works of Anglophone authors belonging to different nations and cultures; 3. To facilitate the transfer of theoretical knowledge into practice by analyzing literary works belonging to different cultures and understanding the role of the interaction of different cultures in the creation of these works; 4. To enhance the ability to critically evaluate the reflection of historical and cultural processes
Practical work in archives
The study course shall be conducted in accordance with the by-laws of history and archaeology practice. The aim of the course is to improve and expand students' knowledge and skills in historical research by enabling them to learn in depth the key elements of archive work in practice. The course is implemented in cooperation with the state level archives of the history profile in Latvia. Course Tasks: 1) to develop an in-depth understanding of the work of archives, the stages of works, the tasks thereof; 2) to develop an in-depth understanding of the role of file description, inventory, digitalization etc. of archival funds in the preservation and exploration of historical materials; 3) to develop skills in the professional activity of archivists; 4) developing skills for the practical application of archive materials in research and work with the public (source publications, cooperation with schools, universities, etc.). Language of the course - Latvian
Botany and Latvian Flora
The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of the diversity, evolution, systematics, ecology and use of fungi, algae, lichens and embryophytes. Course Tasks: • develop understanding of the anatomical and morphological structure, functions and ecology of fungi, algae and embryophytes, • develop understanding about the diversity of these organisms and ability to recognize the main taxonomic groups, • gain knowledge of the ecology and methods for determination of characteristic species of various habitats, • gain knowledge of the research history and modern methods in mycology and botany, • develop skills in analysis of scientific literature in botany and on the flora of Latvia. To achieve the aim, in lectures, laboratories and practical work the students learn about the organism diversity in botany, their morphology and evolutionary development over time, as well as about methods for identification of species and the characteristic species of various
Constitutional Law
The course deals with the science of constitutional law and its development. Students will gain insight into the essence of constitutional rights and the concept of constitutional law institutes, subjects, sources and fundamental principles of constitutionalism consolidated in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (Satversme). The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about the structure, functions, activities and concepts of the Satversme. Within the course particular attention is paid to Chapter 8 of the Satversme "Fundamental Human Rights “, considering the scope, structure, content and restrictions of fundamental rights. Course tasks: 1) to get acquainted with the specifics of the constitutional legal regulation in Latvia; 2) to create a notion about activities and functions of the President, the Saeima, the Cabinet of Ministers, the courts, the State Audit Office and the Ombudsman; 3) to get acquainted with the concepts of constitutional law and gain an understanding
Human Microbiome
The study course aims to provide in-depth knowledge about the human microbiome, its diversity, functions, role in ensuring human health, and disease pathogenesis mechanisms. Course tasks: • to acquaint with the functions of the human microbiome and the mechanisms underlying the interaction with the host organism; • to give an idea of the latest and most modern methods of microbiome research, analysis, and modulation; • to promote students' ability to independently and critically analyze scientific articles related to microbiome research; • to ensure the acquisition of the basic principles of application of microbiome data analysis tools The course provides the latest information on the human microbiome, its interaction with host functions, and its relationship to disease. The course's emphasis is on developing skills that enable the use of the acquired methods for the elemental analysis of specific features of the microbiome and the application of these skills in research
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