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Principles of food chemistry
Aim of the course: to provide students with knowledge about the principles of food chemistry - food products, classification of their ingredients, construction principles and transformations in food processing, storage and use, nutritional value of food products, food safety and safety regulations of the Republic of Latvia and the European Union regulatory enactments which prescribe requirements for food additives, food contamination. Course tasks: 1) to provide knowledge regarding the ingredients determining the nutritional value of foodstuffs (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), regarding their chemical composition, nutritional value and transformations; 2) to provide knowledge regarding food additives, food supplements and food contamination, regarding regulatory enactments regulating their circulation; 3) to develop skills regarding the methods of evaluation of the composition of foodstuffs and regarding the possibilities of monitoring the safety of foodstuffs. The course is available
Field Methods in Earth Sciences
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to strengthen students' theoretical knowledge in such study courses as Earth Sciences, Basics of Climatology and Meteorology, Soil Science, Biogeography, Human Geography, to get acquainted with basic methods and techniques of field research, to acquire skills to handle various tools and equipment, as well as to acquire the skills of primary systematization and interpretation of the collected data. Tasks of the course: 1) to provide basic skills in field research methods and work with research techniques; 2) to provide an opportunity to acquire skills in characterizing and documenting a research object. 3) to provide an opportunity to learn to systematize and evaluate the obtained data. Field studies are organized in teams (groups), promoting the development of skills to work in a team. The field course ends with the preparation of reports and its defense in each of the above sections of the field course. The course is taught
Science of Mires
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for students to acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of the peatlands as a complex ecological and hydrological system, its formation and as an important component of the environment, which is of great natural, cultural, historical and economic importance.  Tasks:  1) to acquaint with peatlands in Latvia and in the World, their development dynamics, interaction of peatland ecosystems with the environment;  2) to develop an understanding of peat as a mineral resource and its importance in the national economy;  3) to teach to understand the nature of mire ecological and hydrological systems, mire management and protection.  The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Painting II
The aim of the course is to promote students’ understanding about the development of still life genres, as well as, skills in portraying it in many forms, promoting an ability to professionally and innovatively apply gained knowledge and skills in graphic design’s work tasks, as well as, to advance an ability to professionally justify the formulation of work’s task and realise the artistic idea, by using opportunities provided by modern technologies. Study course tasks – gain an in-depth knowledge about expression forms of painting language, fortifying in with practical work; as a result of practical work, improve knowledge and skills in still life genre, solve composition, proportion, form, lighting, volume, 3D illusion problems; to acquire suitable technical methods to realise the intended graphic design. The language of instruction is Latvian.
History of Graphic Design
The aim of the course is to develop an in-depth understanding of works of art and graphic design. Tasks: to develop visual thinking skills; to acquire an an analytical approach to environmental perception; to develop critical thinking skills on the diverse forms of expression in the graphic design industry and its interaction with different sectors of the economy. The course is based on a chronological principle, emphasizing the achievements of 20th and 21st centuries. It provides theoretical lectures, workshops and practical and independent work, which includes studying the history of material culture - learning about the scientific and technical discoveries and achievements, researching innovations and researching their impact on graphic design and related industries. The development of critical analysis skills will give students an idea of the diverse forms of expression (genres) in the graphic design industry and their relationship with different sectors of the economy
Methods of social network analysis
With the structural changes in society and the economy, which are accompanied by tendencies of individualization and fragmentation of society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to analyze social processes only from the perspective of collective social institutions. Therefore, when researching the spread of new ideas, cooperation between citizens and conflict, the methods of social network analysis are increasingly used. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of social network analysis methods and their application in the analysis of economic, social and communicative processes. The tasks of the course are 1. To learn the most important concepts of network theories. 2. To get acquainted with the main analytical methods of networks, network data acquisition, processing, analysis, visualization 3. To acquire skills in working with social network visualization programs Gephi and Ucinet. The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Working Environment Protection
The aim of the course is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge on working environment risk factors and safe work organisation in business entities, state or self-government organisations, as well as non-governmental organisations. Study course provides also knowledge regarding efficient risk management methods, technical surveillance and security systems appropriate to requirements set by Latvian laws and regulations, as well as European Union directives. Tasks: 1. To provide an understanding of the origin, characteristics, occupational hazards of physical risks in the working environment; 2. To provide knowledge and latest insights in risk analysis, application of measurement methods and regulatory enactments; 3. To provide competences for independent assessment of physical risks in institutions, application of preventive measures in the work environment in accordance with the specifics of the organisation characteristics. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Comparative Literature and Contemporary Latvian Literature in the European Context
The aim of the study course is to provide students with knowledge about the object of research of comparative literature and its main aspects; the synchronous and diachronic view of national literature in comparison with foreign literature for the study of literature in its context (culture and music, literature and fine arts, literature and philosophy, literature and religion, etc.); on the history of the development of comparative literary studies in the world and in Latvia. The course pays special attention to the tendencies of the latest Latvian literature in the context of the literature of the Baltics and other European "small" nations, the works of the latest Latvian and foreign literature of the 21st century are analyzed. Tasks of the study course: 1. to study and interpret literary texts; to compare and analyze the interpretations; 2. to develop and improve skills in comparative text analysis. The course is taught in Latvian.
Contrastive studies VI: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen and further develop students’ knowledge, skills and competence in the German language in accordance with B1/2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and extend knowledge about culture and history of Germany. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the skills to evaluate critically, choose and align grammatical aspects in a connected text and speech; 2. to strengthen the skill to monitor and correct one’s pronunciation; 3. to facilitate to be involved in a discussion, strengthen the skill to describe the events and experience in a detailed manner, explain and justify one’s opinion, plans, formulate very precise questions and adjust spontaneous spoken discourse in accordance to the communicative context; 4. to extend the previously acquired vocabulary and raise the awareness of the idiomatic expressions. The course is delivered in German.
Mathematical Models in Finance
The aim of this course is to introduce students with the methods and models of quantitative analysis of securities market and financial instruments. The tasks of the course: 1) to provide an understanding of fixed-income and risky financial market instruments (shares, bonds, derivative securities), their pricing and yield valuation; 2) to review the basic principles and models of derivatives pricing (options example, arbitrage pricing, binomial model, Black-Scholes formula); 3) to give an introduction to the theory of stochastic analysis: concepts of Brownian motion, martingale, stochastic integral with applications to option market models; 4) to review the theory of portfolios: the efficient portfolio concept, the Markovic model, as well as portfolio valuation methods: the capital market straight line, the capital asset pricing model, the stock market line. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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