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Number Theory
Number theory has numerous applications in different branches of discrete mathematics and thus in theoretical computer science (in cryptography, coding theory, complexity theory, combinatorics, etc.). The aim of this course is to teach the foundations of number theory up to such level that the students are able to understand the existing applications, as well as potentially discover new ones. The course tasks are: to learn the algebraic foundations necessary for number theory studies (commutative groups, rings, integral domains, fields, ideals), to refresh the knowledge of the properties of divisibility, to learn the Euclidean algorithm and its applications in solving diverse number theory problems (e.g. related with chinese remainder theorem), the notion of primitive root, its usage, the problems related with prime numbers (testing primality, density of primes), quadratic and power residues, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, finite fields and polynomial problems related with them
Geographies of young people in the everyday spaces of activity
The study of young people's daily activities and socio-spatial behaviour helps to understand the characteristics of the location, exclusion and marginalisation of different groups in society. Adolescence and youth age period form the understanding of society, family, education, work and lifestyle. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire research on activities typical of young people, evaluate various forms and geographical representation, and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in human geography. Tasks of the study course: 1. to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical research skills in a current field of geography research; develop innovative and creative research skills in data acquisition, interpretation, demonstration and discussion of results; promote individual and group research skills; strengthen the study process, which provides basic and in-depth knowledge to the society and field of Human
Publicity of information organizations
The aim of the course is to provide students with a view to the nature of publicity as a part of public relations, theoretical guidelines, a brief insight into the history of the development of this field, practical knowledge of the specific nature of publicity and public image creation in institutions providing information services to the public (libraries, museums, information centres, archives), publicity methods and techniques, and their relationship with different sectors (e.g. marketing theory, management theory, personal needs theory, personal management, etc.). Tasks of the course - 1. to learn the basic principles of creating a public image favorable to information institutions, 2. get a basic understanding of publicity issues 3. to acquire practical skills related to the use of publicity methods and techniques in the everyday life of information institutions 4. study and analyze publicity practices in information institutions, 5. learn to be aware of and develop
Asian Literature and Culture I
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the contemporary literature in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Middle East) in the context of global cultural and historical processes. The objectives of the course: 1) to acquaint with the basic concepts of literary studies, the most important literary theories and terminology related to the research of Asian literature; 2) to introduce to the transformations of Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature under the influence of Western culture in the 19th-21st centuries; 3) to acquaint with the most important Asian literature genres of prose and poetry and their evolution in 19-21. gs.; 4) to acquaint with ​​the most important authors and literary works of the 19th-21st centuries in China, Japan, Korea, and the Middle East; 5) to study the influence of the oldest Asian literary sources and traditional culture on the literature of the 19th and 21st centuries. Languages
Asian Literature and Culture I
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of the contemporary literature in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Middle East) in the context of global cultural and historical processes. The objectives of the course: 1) to acquaint with the basic concepts of literary studies, the most important literary theories and terminology related to the research of Asian literature; 2) to introduce to the transformations of Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Middle Eastern) literature under the influence of Western culture in the 19th-21st centuries; 3) to acquaint with the most important Asian literature genres of prose and poetry and their evolution in 19-21. gs.; 4) to acquaint with ​​the most important authors and literary works of the 19th-21st centuries in China, Japan, Korea, and the Middle East; 5) to study the influence of the oldest Asian literary sources and traditional culture on the literature of the 19th and 21st centuries. Languages
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge in economical theory and practice, to identify the role of individuals and the community in production and consumption; to provide the essential level of theoretical and practical knowledge of economics for students in order to reason on the development of the society and the progress of economical phenomena; to stimulate the development of a socially active and educated personality, which, based on economical regularities, would justify the understanding of economical and social processes in the society for an active engagement in the contemporary society.
1.To acquaint with the essence of economical theory and its basic principles.
2.To analyze economical systems and competitive market situations.
3.To extend the knowledge of consumer behavior.
4.To acquaint with the nature of demand and supply and market price formation principles.
5.To acquaint with the theory of manufacturing and formation of expenses
Elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis in History VI
The course encompasses the 6th stage in elaboration of doctoral thesis during the 6th semester. The objective of the course is to provide doctoral student for a possibility largely finish an elaboration of the doctoral thesis. The tasks of the course are: advance an achievement of goal and tasks of the thesis, develop theoretical concepts of thesis and achieve innovative ideas, research and critically evaluate archival and published sources, critically analyze concepts and interpretations of facts in the academic Latvian and foreign literature, reasonably apply research methods, publish results of research in academic publications (during three years at least three articles in peer - reviewed journals) and reports in international scientific conferences (at least two papers in conferences of mentioned level), in one international summer school, provide possibility for elaboration and submission of the blueprint of the thesis for evaluation at the end of the 6th semester. Course
Strategic Management and Policy
The main goal of the study course is to provide students possibility to master methodology of planning business strategies and policy, performance of management methods, as well as, stills to use these methods. The tasks of the study course: 1. To clarify the role of strategy and policy in business management. 2. To acquire the methodology of business strategy and policy management. 3. To clarify the methods of forming the company’s strategy and business policy management system. 4. To cognize the methods of sales policy. 5. To find out the preconditions of elaboration and implementation of production strategy. 6. To acquire the methods of planning production resources provisions. 7. To clarify the basic principle of personal policy development. 8. To master approaches and develop strategies for estimation and diminishment of production costs. 9. To find out the basic principles of sales policy development. 10. To cognize the basic principles of finance policy development
Multiphysics modeling with open source software
The goal of the course is to introduce students to possibilities of numerical modeling of complex multi-physical problems using free open-source tools as an alternative to expensive commercial software. An example of a multi-physical problem is liquid metal electromagnetic levitation, in which the electromagnetic field is strongly coupled to liquid metal flow and surface shape changes. Tasks of the course are: 1. To learn to work with various open-source tools: a. Salome (geometry and mesh generation) b. OpenFOAM (fluid flow and thermal simulations) c. Elmer (electromagnetics, etc.) d. EOF-Library (efficient data exchange between OpenFOAM and Elmer) e. ParaView (visualization of simulation results) 2. To make some changes to OpenFOAM source code to adapt it for multi-physical problem simulation 3. To simulate different multi-physical problems using the mentioned tools Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Ancient Literature
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature, its meaning, development and specifics in Classical antiquity, giving the opportunity to study and evaluate the origins of European literature - notable texts and authors, as well as general literary trends and the system of aesthetic representations in chronological view. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information on the concept of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature; 2. to provide the knowledge of the development processes of ancient literature, their chronology and connection with general socio-political development in ancient society; 3. to provide the knowledge of the general variety of ancient literature, the most important texts and their authors; 4. to promote the understanding of the system of values and aesthetic ideas in ancient literature; 5. to promote the first reading skills of ancient texts
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