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18.02.2022 22:05 Content
PhD student Ferenz Sustekin Ryegrass cabinet at Tallinn University of Technology where different cultivars and genotypes candidates for drought/frost tolerance are grown in a growth chamber to simulate vernalization conditions.
Japanese Language and Communication Culture I
The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the basics of Japanese language and communication culture in accordance with the requirements of A1 / 1 language level in the context of Japanese culture, looking at the linguistic peculiarities of Japanese compared to Indo-European languages, taking into account major public bans. In addition to the studies from the classic textbook, course materials also include various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources that ensure a quality learning process both in the classroom and in the Internet environment – in distance. Apart from the Genki language textbooks other theoretical materials will be used to explain Japanese etiquette. These materials are developed by Mente, the world's leading specialist in the field, and provide detailed information on Japanese behavioral culture in more than a hundred different situations, which will be gradually explained in this course and the following
Attracting international investment, development and protection
The aim of this course is to give to the students of this course the basic knowledge of the International Investment Law, the Attraction, Development and Legal Protection of International Investments. This will require to refer both to general principles and sources of Private International Law (PIL), Public International Law, Investment Law in different national jurisdictions as well as universal and regional investment law, international investment agreements (IIAs) and bilateral investment agreements (BIAs) and even investment contracts between states and private contractors. But the understanding of the practical function of International Investment as the most important part of International Economics and the global governance is impossible to comprehend on the bases of legal subjects alone, if the general principles and rules of International Economics, and International Economic Policy are not explained, which will take a considerable part of this course. To fulfill
Education for Sustainable Development
of creating a just, peaceful and ecologically balanced world, and invites practitioners of non-formal education to promote their and society’s understanding and performance competence in seeking solutions and building the experience of education for sustainable development through collaboration between the educational institution and the local community. The aim of the study course is to promote the development of students' civic-responsible pedagogical practice for the sustainable development of the local and global community. Objectives: 1. To develop in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the challenges of globalization in everyday life, society and education, of the sustainability of life quality within the limits of planetary resources, of the Global Agenda for sustainable development and education for sustainable development. 2. To improve pedagogical competence in integrating sustainable development in education curriculum and process at school and in the local community. 3
Education for Sustainable Development
of creating a just, peaceful and ecologically balanced world, and invites practitioners of non-formal education to promote their and society’s understanding and performance competence in seeking solutions and building the experience of education for sustainable development through collaboration between the educational institution and the local community. The aim of the study course is to promote the development of students' civic-responsible pedagogical practice for the sustainable development of the local and global community. Objectives: 1. To develop in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the challenges of globalization in everyday life, society and education, of the sustainability of life quality within the limits of planetary resources, of the Global Agenda for sustainable development and education for sustainable development. 2. To improve pedagogical competence in integrating sustainable development in education curriculum and process at school and in the local community. 3
Japanese Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak Japanese fluently on various topics while continuing to learn grammar, as well as to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to B1-1, taking into account the most important verbal and non-verbal communication rules in Japanese culture. as well as looking at the linguistic peculiarities of the Japanese language in comparison with the Indo-European languages. In addition to the classic textbook, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources. The course contents are complemented by theoretical materials on Japanese etiquette developed by Mente, the world's leading specialist, and provide detailed information on Japanese behavioral culture in more than a hundred different situations that have been explained at previous levels and will continue to be so. The tasks of the course are: 1) to continue learning Japanese
Japanese Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak Japanese fluently on various topics while continuing to learn grammar, as well as to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to B1-1, taking into account the most important verbal and non-verbal communication rules in Japanese culture. as well as looking at the linguistic peculiarities of the Japanese language in comparison with the Indo-European languages. In addition to the classic textbook, the range of course materials also includes various digital tools, special applications, and rich Internet resources. The course contents are complemented by theoretical materials on Japanese etiquette developed by Mente, the world's leading specialist, and provide detailed information on Japanese behavioral culture in more than a hundred different situations that have been explained at previous levels and will continue to be so. The tasks of the course are: 1) to continue learning Japanese
03.06.2021 17:43 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Ekonomikas maģistra studiju programma dod iespējas radošā mācību un zinātniskajā darbā apgūt ekonomikas zinātnes teorijas bāzi, paplašināt izpratni par ekonomiskajiem procesiem un iegūt jaunas zināšanas, lai kritiski izvērtētu un analizētu situāciju gan valstī kopumā, gan atsevišķās tautsaimniecības nozarēs un uzņēmumos. Ekonomikas maģistra studiju programmas studentiem tiek piedāvāts plašs teorētisko kursu klāsts dažādos ekonomikas virzienos (finansēs un kredītā, uzņēmējdarbības ekonomikā, makroekonomikā, matemātiskajā ekonomikā, statistikā u. c.), studentiem ir iespēja veidot individuālu studiju plānu atbilstoši interesēm, kā arī iespēja tikties ar nozares profesionāļiem un diskutēt par aktuālām ekonomikas problēmām. Studiju laikā iespēja specializēties industriālajāekonomikā unmatemātiskajāekonomikā.
Project Management
02.11.2022 17:01 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Profesionālās maģistra studiju programmas mērķis ir nodrošināt valsts tautsaimniecības attīstībai atbilstošas profesionālās maģistra studijas projektu vadīšanā, sekmējot augstas kvalifikācijas projektu vadītāju konkurētspēju gan Latvijas, gan Eiropas darba tirgū, kā arī attīstīt studentos pētnieciskās iemaņas un prasmes projektu vadīšanā. Programmas absolventi studiju laikā būs ieguvuši profesionālu kompetenci visās projektu vadīšanas jomās saskaņā ar starptautiskajiem projektu vadīšanas standartiem (PMI, PRINCE 2, IPMA). Programmas ietvaros studentiem ir iespēja piedalīties sadarbības projektā ar Dortmundes Universitāti (Vācija), kas paredz iespēju konkursa kārtībā līdzās Latvijas Universitātes diplomam saņemt Dortmundes Universitātes maģistra grāda diplomu projektu vadībā. Vietu skaits ir ierobežots. Iespēja tiek piedāvāta studējošajiem no Latvijas.
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