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Par fakultāti
12.08.2022 20:51 Content
Some activities available to students: At the premises of the Faculty of Business, management and economics is located UL student business incubator, which provides students with all necessary help to startup their own business. This gives to students first view in business environment and try out their provided products and services in real market. Further information: All full time students of the Faculty of Business, management and economics can participate in several international exchange programs with granted scholarships. University of Latvia is a member of several International projects, networks and programs which offers to student’s different kind of mobility types, study mobility, traineeship mobility research mobility etc. This gives an amazing possibility to our students to gain international study/ work experience during studies. At the University of Latvia offers a wide range of sport activities, starting from individual sports, group
Study excursions of the Faculty of Theology
01.07.2024 17:07 Content
The Student Council of the Faculty of Theology organizes autumn or spring study excursions every year for students and lecturers. The purpose of the excursions is to get acquainted with the cultural and historical, and religious heritage of Latvia. Study tours also take place within the framework of various courses – students visit organizations related to different denominations and religions.
Fundamentals of Roman Civil Law
During the course Fundamentals of Roman Civil Law, the students must gain knowledge of the Roman sources of law, legal process, individuals, family laws, obligation and inheritance laws. During the studies, the student must get acquainted with key written sources of Roman law, the system and structure of the Code of Justinian (Corpus Iuris Civilis) and its most important and frequently quoted components – Institutes and Digests, their structure and method of quoting, the influence of these laws on modern laws, in particular – the Civil law of Latvia.
Studentu pašpārvalde
03.04.2023 13:21 Content
Experience valued by the employer! The student council is a voluntary student organization that represents the interests of the students of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia. Student council enriches students' life, making it more colorful, positive, and rich in cultural events, while also representing students in academic matters. Participation in the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics Student council (FBME SC) adds additional value to studies. It is an opportunity to learn in an informal atmosphere - by participating in the UL Student Council, as well as practicing what you study, organizing events or showing some other talent of yours. Any student is welcome at FBME SC throughout the year to join and participate, to ask for help or advice. FMBE SC members work not only in the council and the faculty, but also in various institutions of the University of Latvia, representing the interests of students in them. Wishing you
Improvement of pedagogues' transversal skills for promoting students' character education and excellence
Course (continue)
Teachers’ professional competence development program “Improvement of pedagogues’ transversal skills for promoting students’ character education and excellence” (36 hours) was elaborated based on the ERASMUS + project „Supporting teachers for developing intra-personal competencies and character education at school – ARETE CATALYST”, including in the program not only intra-personal competencies, but all transversal skills. The goal of the program is to provide methodological support to teachers in improvement of transversal skills for promoting students' character education and excellence. The course content is structured in 4 modules: Communication, theory, methodology and evaluation. In each module a concrete transversal skill is accented: The module “Communication” emphasizes improvement of self-knowledge and self-management skills; the module “Theory” – thinking and creativity; the module “Methodology” - development of digital skills; the module “Evaluation” - cooperation
Datu vākšanas instrumenti
01.07.2021 19:18 Content
Data collection instruments for research project "Rakstura un tikumu izpratne Latvijas izglītības sistēmas vidē"( Understanding of character and virtue in Latvian education system ) Questionnaire forms(print-ready files in Latvian): Questionnaire for students Questionnaire for teachers Questionnairefor parents Questionnaire for school administration Questionnaire for localmunicipalities Online questionnaire (in Latvian) Questionnaire "Character growth features of 12th grade students in Latvia" Questionnaire is designed to research moral identity of high school students. It looks at how students think and feel about their character development, their attitude towards character development, involvement in character developing activities, gratitude for the development process and a short interview of their life story and character development. Download questionnaire
International Environmental Law
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of international environmental law. The course starts with a general discourse on the functions of law and how can law be employed to address global and regional environmental problems. A special emphasis is placed the relationship of environmental law and environmental ethics. Then students learn basics on sources of international law and explore how these sources apply to the protection of environment. This general introduction is followed by a more detailed analysis of particular areas such as climate change, biodiversity, water law, high seas fisheries, state responsibility and other topical issues. The emphasis in this course is placed on interactive study methods e.g., active student engagement via teamwork, discussions and student presentations.
Studenta kurpēs
21.04.2020 20:51 Content
Each spring (in March/April) the Faculty of Humanities offers school students an opportunity to try out a student’s life, to get, for one day, into students’ shoes. A school student is invited to choose one university student with whom to go to the classes in the frames of the chosen programme. It is a great way for school students to learn more about the study process, academic staff, study rooms and about extra-curricular activities. “In Students’ Shoes” helps to taste the real university life, and to choose the programme to follow.
Registration for acquisition of courses
11.01.2022 23:38 Content
After registering for the semester, the students register for the elective (Part B and Part C) study courses, using the UL information system LUIS. Registration for the compulsory (Part A) courses takes place automatically, as the registration for the semester is completed. The student can obtain the right to acquire a particular elective course either without restrictions or through a selection process on the basis of their performance during the previous academic year. Registration for the courses which require selection process takes place in two stages – application for courses and approval of course selection. Registration for the semester takes place in accordance with the procedure approved by the University of Latvia Senate, regulating registration for the study semester and the acquisition of courses at the University of Latvia: for the elective courses (part B) of each study programme – during the registration week and the first week of the semester through LUIS
Comparative Constitutional Law
The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge of the principles of the organization of democratic state and the basic principles of operation based on the constitutional theory. During the course students learn the methods of interpretation of the constitution, as well as their role in constitutional development. The aim of the course is to give in-depth knowledge about human rights. For a better understanding, many issues are dealt with practical examples from international and constitutional courts (European Court of Human Rights, Federal Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of the United States, etc.). The course compares the constitutional experience of different countries and the practice of constitutional courts, forcing students to see the constitutional system in conjunction, thus deepening their conception of constitutionalism, which serves as the basis for assessing constitutional values and practices. Tasks of the course: 1) to get acquainted
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