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Simulating Proton Transfer to Charged Electrodes with Reactive Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Prof. Eckhard Spohr , Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie Universität Duisburg-Essen D-45141 Essen, Germany A reactive trajectory approach for the study of proton discharge at charged metal surfaces is discussed. It is based on an extension of a minimalistic empirical valence bond (EVB) model to study proton transfer in the bulk. Quantum mechanical density functional theory calculations were parametrized for the EVB force _eld. The model is used to investigate reactive (discharging) proton trajectories that were started in the bulk of a water _lm adsorbed on charged metal electrodes. We study the electrochemically active Pt(111) surface un- der various conditions.For pure water in contact with the electorde, the results indicate a transition between a reaction-dominated regime at moderate negative charges, where the rate constant increases ex- ponentially, to a \transport limited" regime where the transfer rate is almost independent of the surface charge density (at more nega- tive
Mire Plants
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Mires in Latvia have developed during the last 10,000 years. They have originated in the negative relief forms of ground surface, which formed mainly as the result of the last glacier and its melting water activities. Mires comprise about 3.6 % from the total area of Latvia. More than half of the mires in Latvia are in a natural status – the others have been drained or used for peat cutting. Depending on the way how mires obtain water and nutrients they are divided into minerotrophic and ombrotrophic mires. Minerotrophic mires – fens and transition mires are fed by the waters which are in contact with the mineral soil. Ombrotrophic mires – raised bogs obtain water and minerals from the precipitation. There are about 40 diferent plant species in our mire exposition. The total area of mire plant collection takes 120 m 2 with especially prepared peat soil. Most of these plants are typical to transition mires or raised bogs. Eight plants of this collection are rare or protected
16.02.2024 18:41 Content
The participation fee is 699 EUR . Payment can be made at any bank, internet bank, post office, by specifying the following details: University of Latvia contacts, legal address and bank details: Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia) Reg. No: 90000076669 The Ministry of Education and Science Register of Educational Establishments Reg. No.: 3391000218 VAT Reg. No: LV90000076669 Post code: LV-1586 Address: Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga Email: Tel.: (+371) 67034777 Fax: 67225039 Bank accounts: Luminor Bank AS Latvijas filiāle SWIFT: RIKOLV2X IBAN: LV10RIKO0000082414423 Swedbank AS SWIFT: HABALV22 IBAN: LV47HABA0551055080524 Payment details: SUMMER SCHOOL OF LATVIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 2024, Name and surname of the applicant The participation fee – covers Latvian language classes, lectures on Latvian history and politics, art and folklore, study materials, museum visits in Riga, tours in Rīga, Kuldīga and Cēsis, transportation costs Rīga
Information for students that have arrived from Ukraine
18.12.2023 14:23 Content
Support for students: Continuation of studies in UL study programmes for Ukrainian refugees Issues related to the admission of new international students from Ukraine and on opportunity for students who have left their studies in Ukraine to continue their studies at the University of Latvia, please turn to or +371 67034444 Ukrainian students and researchers will be able to continue their studies and research in Latvia with the opportunity to receive state-funded scholarships and paid internships. More information: Applications for state support mechanism for the Civilians of Ukraine should be submitted through Latvian higher education and scientific institutions. Individual applications will not be accepted. Free of charge stays in UL Accommodation for Ukrainian refugees Please write an e-mail to or to apply for accommodation, stating your contact
After being nominated for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility
28.05.2024 00:01 Content
abroad. This is a must document for all students applying for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility. Learning Agreement shall be prepared before the study mobility or within the first month of studies abroad. There is anofficial Erasmus+ LA form but some host universities offers their own LA form. If content is the same, student is allowed to fill in the LA offered by the host university but if the contents differs it is strongly suggested to fill in the official LA form or to fill in both forms (if the host university request to fill in their form). The Learning Agreement shall be approved by the respective study programme’s director at the UL by signing the form as the Responsible person in the Sending Institution. The signed form shall be sent to the host university to be approved and signed by the Responsible person in the Receiving Institution. LA shall we approved by the study programme's director latest before leaving to the host university. Students are ableto prepare their Learning
You have been approved for Erasmus+; what to do now?
22.12.2021 12:24 Content
and room reservations, as well as the dates and deadlines thereof! Keep track of all deadlines and check your email regularly! Prepare the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) – it is issued by the National Health Service free of charge immediately + arrange for additional assessment of your health condition, because a doctor's visit abroad is more expensive! NB! 1.5 ECTS = 1 LV credit point UL recommends sending the application documents 2 weeks before the closing date of deadline Frequently requested documents: transcript of records, learning agreement or tripartite agreement on the content of your exchange studies. Before completing the learning agreement, the course coordination must be carried out with the programme directorby e-mail, and a statement of commitment must be signed – it will be sent to you by the coordinator of the UL FSS. When the documents are ready to be sent, the faculty coordinator may advise the student to contact
How to apply for Erasmus+ Study Mobility
27.04.2020 19:20 Content
The application and selection of the candidates for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility takes place each semesterand is administered by the international coordinator of the respective faculty. The basic criteria for the candidates are the following: Candidate has successfully completed at least the first year of Bachelor level studies; Candidate is registered for studies at the UL; Candidate does not have academic or study fee debts; Candidate can demonstrate and prove good foreign language skills. N.B. Faculties may apply additional selection criteria. For more information about the selection criteria and call for applications, please, contact the international coordinator of yourfaculty. Each nominee for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility shall fill and sign the UL Application form for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility and hand it in to the international coordinator of the respective faculty for approval. The application form will be forwarded to the Mobility Divisionof
06.12.2021 16:30 Content
Modern, internationally recognized academic higher education of excellence at bachelor's, master's and doctoral level Internationally recognized study quality affirmed by the assessment of higher education programmes carried out in the framework of the European Social Fund – all 4 bachelor's programs offered by the UL FSS have received the maximum possible number of points [1] Exchange programmes with universities in Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece; Internationally recognized and active research in collaboration with the Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, Uganda, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Lithuania, India and the entire Europe; Lectures and guest lectures by the renowned academicians and the prominent practitioners, successfully combining theory with practice; Joining the most recognised and capable graduates; Cutting
Termiskais iztvaicētājs
10.08.2020 13:41 Content
Category Materials synthesis and treatment;Cleanrooms Manufacturer and Model Edwards -Auto 306 Specifications 2 evaporation sources:single resistance evaporation source with clamps capable of holding filament, basket or boat evaporation sources. 2 sources for evaporation of organic materials: provides precisely-controlled thermal evaporation of organic molecular material. easily changeable crucible with 2cc capacity. working temperature range of 50 to 600C. direct-contact thermocouple for precise temperature measurement. Temperature control accuracy ±0.1C. Sample work-holder: static fluid cooled and heated workholder with 100 mm usable diameter, -20 °C to + 90°C operation range. external desktop closed-loop heater-cooler (-20 to +90 °C), with fluid reservoir and electronic temperature control. Film thickness measuring system: quartz crystal thin film deposition system with digital display of deposition rate and deposition thickness (0.1nm – 3µm
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