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Research, modelling and mathematical methodology improvement for atomic and continuous media physical processes
22.03.2022 19:57 Content
of the school lie in the approach of interdisciplinary seminars and teleconferences. Research directions: Physical Didactics Condensed matter physics Laser physics and spectroscopy Medical physics Atom and molecular physics Optics Physics of heat processes and molecular physics Mechanics of liquids and gases Theoretical physics Astrophysics and fundamental astronomy Mechanics of polymer and composite materials Differential equations Geometry and topology Mathematical analysis and functional analysis Mathematical modelling Modern elementary mathematics and mathematical didactics Skaitliskā analīze Probability theory and mathematical statistics Discrete mathematics and mathematical informatics Contact Person of the Council Ms Andra Damberga
11.07.2023 21:53 Content
The goal of the project is the development of innovative 3D bio-textile materials, creating a technological platform for the integration of nanoparticles in fibres and bio-textile fabrics to improve the protective properties of these materials. Succinite (amber) is a specific mineralized raw material found in the unique marine climate of the Baltic Sea region. The source of the idea of integrating succinite fibres into textile materials is the scientific knowledge about the effects of bioactive compounds of amber, and its derivatives, on living cells, there is a reparative, stimulating or a calming effect. In addition to succinite, silver (Ag), aluminium (Al) or SiO2 nanoparticles can be incorporated into the bio-textile composite material to improve the protective properties of the newly created bio-textile materials. 3D composite material with nanoparticle structures (250-500 nm) evenly distributed over the surface of textile threads form a large contact area with a high degree
International project "Capitalizing on Validpack: going Europe wide – CAPIVAL”
17.09.2020 13:12 Content
Project'sNo. 511883-LLP-1-2010-1-R0-KA4-KA4MP ULreg. No. ZD2010/2683;2010-4043/001-001; A-2683-040 Project's partnership: Romania, Italy, Latvia, Germany, Portugal, France, Spain, Denmark,the Netherlands Project's duration: 2010-2012 Project's aim and objectives: The CAPIVAL project aims at developing and maintaining a European network that will promote the implementation of the Vatidpack instrument in over 20 European countries. This general aim of the CAPIVAL is objectified in the following specific objectives: to raise awareness on the existence of the Validpack - a competence assessment instrument for trainers resulted from the VINEPAC project, in all European countries by establishing national Validpack contact points; to identify the need, usefulness and potential of the Validpack instrument in different national contexts by conducting testing of Validpack in interested organisations and most likely to further use the instrument: assessment centres, adult
Viedā boja ūdens organismu monitoringam un ūdens kvalitātes novērtēšanai (Spectromarine)
18.10.2023 14:52 Content
, evaluating both the available components and the market requirements for obtainable data. The server is being built, and the equipment is intensively tested in laboratory conditions to receive the first set of data for further comparison. Several discussions were held with potential users of the technology, companies that create similar technologies, as well as with scientific institutions using all available communication channels - associations, previous contacts, recommendations. Period01.06.2022. - 31.08.2022. |31.08.2022. In the first period of the project, the creation of the prototype is ongoing - several purchases have been made, the electronic circuit has been assembled, both the development of the existing software and the definition of communication protocols and data packets are being carried out. Successfull communication with the data server was established. In addition, much of the attention is devoted to the consumption and production of electricity using solar panels
23.04.2024 18:38 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.phys. Gints Kučinskis Leading researcher and Head of the laboratory Gints.Kucinskis Dr.chem. Gunārs Bajārs Leading researcher Gunars.Bajars Dr.phys. Jānis Kleperis Leading researcher Janis.Kleperis Guntars Vaivars Leading researcher Guntars.Vaivars Dr.phys. Līga Grīnberga Researcher Liga.Grinberga Dr.phys. Jūlija Hodakovska Researcher Julija.Hodakovska Dr.phys. Ansis Mežulis Researcher Ansis.Mezulis PhD student Ainārs Knoks Researcher Ainars.Knoks PhD student Pēteris Lesničenoks Researcher Peteris.Lesnicenoks PhD student Kaspars Kaprāns Researcher Kaspars.Kaprans PhD student Ināra
Cultural and Social Anthropology Bachelor Study Programme
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Anthropology aims to study humanity in its social and cultural diversity. Anthropology is becoming increasingly relevant given shrinking distances in terms of global mobility, intensification in migration and ever-increasing inter-cultural contact. Further, once seemingly homogenous local societies display increasing inner diversity. The University of Latvia’s Faculty of Humanities currently offers the sole bachelor level programme in socio-cultural anthropology in Latvia.The aim of cultural and social anthropology BS study programme is the preparation of specialists in socio-cultural anthropology at an intermediate level who are able to orient themselves within historical and contemporary knowledge in anthropology, design and conduct anthropological research, and critically and systematically analyse social and cultural processes. The task of cultural and social anthropology bachelor study programme is supporting students in strengthening academic thinking and writing skills
13.05.2022 21:46 Content
to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Egypt (Cairo). Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
16.03.2023 19:37 Content , where you will see a list of several candidates after selecting your faculty and study programme. Take a look, evaluate and choose! Once you have made your choice, follow the instructions to confirm your application. Stay tuned for a message from your mentor! "I remember how difficult it was to fit into the new system because the difference between high school and university is huge. So I have to say a big thank you to my mentor, who kindly answered all my questions, which were probably sometimes quite silly. It was very nice to know that even in a moment of complete confusion, there would be someone friendly to turn to for advice!" says a former first-year student who has volunteered to mentor a first-year student this year." If you have any questions, feel free to contact
Energy Materials Laboratory
23.04.2024 18:42 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.phys. Gints Kučinskis Leading researcher and Head of the laboratory Gints.Kucinskis Dr.chem. Gunārs Bajārs Leading researcher Gunars.Bajars Dr.phys. Jānis Kleperis Leading researcher Janis.Kleperis Guntars Vaivars Leading researcher Guntars.Vaivars Dr.phys. Līga Grīnberga Researcher Liga.Grinberga Dr.phys. Jūlija Hodakovska Researcher Julija.Hodakovska Dr.phys. Ansis Mežulis Researcher Ansis.Mezulis PhD student Ainārs Knoks Researcher Ainars.Knoks PhD student Pēteris Lesničenoks Researcher Peteris.Lesnicenoks PhD student Kaspars Kaprāns Researcher Kaspars.Kaprans PhD student Ināra
Applied sociology; Other subgroups of sociology and social work
30.01.2024 12:23 Content
Value studies Research on new knowledge about changes in the values, attitudes and the sense of belonging of Latvian society in international context. Ilze Koroļeva (sociology research group) ( ; +371 67034861; ) Integration studies Research on integration conditions, incl. studies on the reception of the immigrants and the necessary support for different groups of immigrants, including remigrants. Ilze Koroļeva (sociology research group) ( ; +371 67034861; migracija.lven/ ) Youth studies Studies that contribute to solving the problems of youth and youth integration, on the one hand, focus on the question of whether this process is beneficial for young people themselves, on the other hand, whether it poses a threat to society. Analysis of the mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion of young people, the quality
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