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Radiotherapy and Oncology II
The aim of the study course is to deepen students' knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of radiation therapy, to introduce with the use of radiation therapy technologies, techniques, including dose calculations and radiation verification methods. Tasks of the study course: to master the principles of radiotherapy planning and imaging techniques, including methods by which patients can receive reduced doses; to provide knowledge about different types of irradiation, radiation therapy technologies and techniques and related radiation exposure; to familiarize patients with radiotherapy and radiotherapy treatment procedures, as well as with various oncological diseases: breast cancer, prostate, bladder cancer, neck, nose, lung cancer, CNS symptoms, diagnosis, histology, distribution, tumor classification, therapy, radiotherapy side effects and predictions; to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of the practice and scope of radiologist assistant and radiographer
A new era in digital health
Digital health is a science that combines health science, information and computer science, social and behavioral science, management science and design. Systems design (especially physical products and their graphical interfaces) and user experience play an important role in digital health. Aim of the course: to acquaint students with computer systems developed in the field of digital health, as well as systems that support data acquisition, storage, retrieval, processing, as well as health, biomedical and other information that can be used to influence an individual. Tasks: To acquire knowledge about the development of digital health, which is determined by computers, as well as information and communication systems, in which the individual plays a very important role; to introduce various sub-sectors of digital health as a multidisciplinary field and developed computer systems. An appropriate level of English (reading, writing, and speaking) is required to avoid taking an English
Iberian Studies in Historical and Geopolitical Aspects
The course provides an overview of Spanish geography, history and geographical characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula in chronological development. Spain and Portugal are the two countries that make up the Iberian Peninsula and the relations between them have influenced historical and geopolitical processes. However, given the language of the course (Spanish), the focus is on Spain, its history and its transatlantic role in historical and political events. By completing this course in Spanish, students develop a general idea of the Iberian Peninsula by developing their Spanish language skills. The objective of the course is to introduce the geographical diversity of the Iberian Peninsula, the role of Spain in historical and political processes both in the continental and intercontinental dimension. Main tasks of the course: • to provide basic knowledge about the Iberian Peninsula geography and basically Spain history, about the main processes in politics and society
Elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis in History VI
The course encompasses the 6th stage in elaboration of doctoral thesis during the 6th semester. The objective of the course is to provide doctoral student for a possibility largely finish an elaboration of the doctoral thesis. The tasks of the course are: advance an achievement of goal and tasks of the thesis, develop theoretical concepts of thesis and achieve innovative ideas, research and critically evaluate archival and published sources, critically analyze concepts and interpretations of facts in the academic Latvian and foreign literature, reasonably apply research methods, publish results of research in academic publications (during three years at least three articles in peer - reviewed journals) and reports in international scientific conferences (at least two papers in conferences of mentioned level), in one international summer school, provide possibility for elaboration and submission of the blueprint of the thesis for evaluation at the end of the 6th semester. Course
Contrastive studies III: Swedish (2nd foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/ B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about Swedish culture. The objectives of the course are 1. to provide knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the Swedish language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to extend the previously acquire vocabulary and raise the awareness about the synonyms, antonyms and polysemy of the Swedish language; 3. to advance the skill to understand the gist and details in popular and commonly used media (the Internet, advertising, catalogues, e-mails etc.), perceive separate words and phrases in a broader text of unfamiliar topic; 4. to strengthen the skill to perceive and understand well short monologues and dialogues, determine speaker’s attitude on the condition it is expressed clearly
Quantum mechanics
The aim of the study course is to provide students with understanding of fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and develop skills in applying the relevant mathematical formalism to practical problems. Tasks of the course are: 1. to introduce basic concepts of mathematical description of quantum phenomena: state vector, operators, Born’s Law, Schrödinger’s time evolution, quantum entanglement; 2. to develop intuition about behavior of elementary quantum systems by using numerical simulations and quantum computers; 3. to acquire ability to formulate mathematical equations for specific quantum mechanical problems and choose appropriate analytical and numerical methods to solve them; 4. to learn the connections between the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics and concepts, models and approximations of other branches of physics; 5. to get acquainted with usages of theoretical relationships of Quantum Mechanics in explaining structure of matter, microscopic phenomena
Music of European Peoples
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of European peoples. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of folk music in modern context, 2) to learn about each region’s folk music situation in general and about specific features, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of folk music and their sociocultural context in European regions, 4) to discover the situation of European folk music in modern world music processes, 5) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards European folk musical phenomena, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 6) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of European folk music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
Current issues in Baltic linguistics
The course introduces the topical research in Baltic linguistics (from 2005 to present). The content covers several areas of linguistics: phonetics and phonology, word formation and morphology, lexicology and lexicography, dialectology, language history, onomastics, language contacts. The aim of the study course is to enhance the research competence of the doctoral students; to build the scientific competences necessary for the Baltic language researcher by engaging them in analysing and focusing on the topical research in Baltic linguistics. Objectives: 1. to get acquainted with the topical research in Baltic linguistics published in monographs, collections of articles, continuing editions, to analyse and evaluate the content of publications, to discuss current issues; 2. to get an in-depth projection on Baltic language research directions and processes in Latvia, Lithuania, elsewhere in the world; 3. to be able to develop and defend independent work in the field of Baltic
L-sets and L-valued Structures
In 1965 an American Scientist of Azerbaijan descent Lotfi Zadeh introduced a new important mathematical concept „Fuzzy Set” and started to develop the corresponding theory. Soon after (in 1967) J.A. Goguen generalized the concept of a fuzzy set in a qualitative way and introduced the concept of an L-set where L is a lattice enriched with additional structures. Starting with seventies of the last century the theory of L-sets and its applications was paid a special attention both from the people working in theoretical fields of mathematics and from specialists using mathematical methods in other fields of science (engineering, economy, social processes, medicine, etc.). The aim of this course is to give a student sufficient knowledge about the essential aspects of theory of L-sets and L-valued structures in order that he/she can continue either developing theoretical aspects of the theory or applying them in other fields of science.
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12.06.2020 12:59 Content
Language of instruction: Latvian Maģistra studiju programma nodrošina studentiem akadēmisko izglītību un augstākā līmeņa profesionālo sagatavotību vadības zinātnē, lai, integrējoties Eiropas Savienībā, ne tikai saglabātu Latvijas Republikas intelektuālo potenciālu, bet arī veicinātu tā tālāku efektīvu attīstību atbilstoši globalizācijas procesiem pasaulē. Programma ir unikāla ar to, ka studentiem ir dažādas iespējas specializēties vairākās vadības zinātnes un praktiskās uzņēmējdarbības jomās atbilstoši darba tirgus prasībām un studenta interesēm. Plašais studiju kursu klāsts ļauj padziļināti apgūt izvēlētās jomas īpatnības un norises mūsdienu mainīgajā vidē.
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