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Entrance Requirements
13.05.2022 21:18 Content
If you would like to study at the University of Latvia for one semester of full academic year and then transfer your credits to your home university, you can apply for exchange studies. You can be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid student exchange agreement between your home university and the University of Latvia or between your home country and the Republic of Latvia.University of Latvia accepts exchange students within ERASMUS+, CAMPUS EUROPAE, Utrech Network (MAUI (Mid-America University International), AEN (Australian-Europea Network) and ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) programmmes, bilateral cooperation agreements with other universities and cooperation agreements between countries. The International Office at your home university can give you more information about the exchange programmes that your university has with the University of Latvia. International exchange students who plan to study at the University of Latvia for up to one year
Problematic Issues in Legal Theory, Legal Philosophy and Latvian Legal History
The aim of the course is to give to the students knowledge, develop their skills and competences in theoretical and practical implementation of law and independent understanding/solution of conceptual legal problematic issues, as well as in independent development of research paper. The objective of the course is to promote the learning of necessary skills, knowledge and competences, which are significant for current labour market in developing skills of critical thinking. Language of course teaching - Latvian.
LiepU Think Tank: Creativity for Personality Competence II
The aim of the study course is to perfect the research competence of doctoral students and to contribute to innovative activities in the education sciences by encouraging creativity of doctoral students in order to promote the quality of preschool and basic education. During the study course, the doctoral student develops, approbates and presents a product topical to the educational environment of pre-school and school education, for solving the challenges initiated by educational practice. Two scientific practical seminars (16 hours each) take place within the framework of the study course, during which doctoral students work on the development, approbation and presentation of a product significant for solving the challenges of educational practice. Tasks - 1) To perfect the research competence to formulate and critically analyze research problems in pre-school and school education; 2) To solve current problems in research and practice of educational sciences in order to offer
LiepU Think Tank: Creativity for Personality Competence II
The aim of the study course is to perfect the research competence of doctoral students and to contribute to innovative activities in the education sciences by encouraging creativity of doctoral students in order to promote the quality of preschool and basic education. During the study course, the doctoral student develops, approbates and presents a product topical to the educational environment of pre-school and school education, for solving the challenges initiated by educational practice. Two scientific practical seminars (16 hours each) take place within the framework of the study course, during which doctoral students work on the development, approbation and presentation of a product significant for solving the challenges of educational practice. Tasks - 1) To perfect the research competence to formulate and critically analyze research problems in pre-school and school education; 2) To solve current problems in research and practice of educational sciences in order to offer
24.10.2023 18:40 Content
Stationary and portable computers are available in the reading rooms. The length of use for the UL students and employees is unrestricted. The visitors can use the computers for the duration of 1 hour. A self-service device for portable computers is available at the Library of the House of Science. UL student or employee ID card is required to use the equipment.
MultIfunctional Materials and composItes, photonicS and nanotechnology (IMIS2) (2014 - 2017)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The realization of the program will develop knowledge base in photonics, nanotechnology, innovative and advanced materials as well as enhance human resources and improve the competitiveness of the state economy according to the European Commission Key Enabling Technologies in the areas where Latvia possesses high scientific potential and demand of the economy. The program is thematically structured in 4 projects: Photonics and materials for photonics; Nanomaterials and nanotechnology; Nanocomposite materials; Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for medical applications. In the implementation of the projects more than 150 scientists and more than 100 students will be involved. Within the frames of the program the students will elaborate their scientific and academic qualification works. As the results of the program more than 250 SCI reports in high-ranking scientific journals, around 200 presentations at international conferences and around 100 interactive activities
Commercial Law
During the Commercial Law course, the students familiarise with the following matters on commercial law and company law: the concept of commercial law and its place in the private law system, the concepts of the economic operator’s business activity and economic activity, the commercial register, the economic operator’s firm, enterprise, branch, procuration, franchise, commercial agent, broker, commercial transactions, civil law (civil) company, personal and commercial companies, capital companies, reorganization of capital companies, groups, other forms of companies.
Advanced Seminar in Visual Anthropology
This course offers insights in the practical application of audiovisual methodologies in anthropology and sociology. The participants are introduced in some of the basic visual and cultural anthropological approaches. Theoretical implications of the use of video, photography and new media to depict social and cultural realities shall be discussed. Corporeal and experiential forms of ethnographic knowledge production will be included. Selected ethnographic examples – videos, video interviews, art works, performances– are analyzed and interpreted as ‘framing
Kāpēc studēt BF?
17.05.2023 19:14 Content
Activity in student self-government Participation in student self-government is voluntary. It involves the most active people, who care about the faculty and its growth. Members of the student self-government of the Faculty of Biology actively participate in various events, as well as organise events for students and teaching staff themselves. By becoming a member of the student self-government, you will have the opportunity to continue your activity in the student council of the University of Latvia, which is responsible for the entire University family.
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