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Climate change mitigation and adaptation governance
and distinct features of their application; to analyse the CCMAG instruments and policy measures/actions implemented and planned in Latvia at the national and local government level (both their content and implementation practices); to describe the inter-sectoral integration of Latvia’s climate policy and the linkage with the development and introduction of a circular economy. The course consists of three parts, each of then includes the students’ practical work: (1) Nature science research studies and argumentation for climate change mitigation and adaptation, (2) Climate change governance cycle, application of collaborative governance approach. Communication of climate change and of climate change mitigation and adaptation governance, (3) Greenhouse gases emissions and the governance (policy approaches, policy instruments and measures/actions) of their reduction in the different sectors of economy. The course develops students’ ability to efficiently use the acquired set of knowledge
University of Latvia Foundation
14.08.2020 18:01 Content
Since 2004, the University of Latvia Foundationprovides the opportunity for donors and partners to support both the University of Latvia and other leading higher education institutions of our country, thus investing in the future of Latvia. Directions and priorities: Student scholarships; Research and study environment development projects; Infrastructure improvement projects. The University of Latvia Foundation is a respected philanthropic organization that caters for outstanding, dedicated students, including those with inadequate financial resources. The foundation in close partnership with donors and partners supports graduate students, PhD students, educators, scientists and excellent specialists working in education, science, sportsand culture.
Work in Editorial Office
The aim of the study course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for journalists and to gain knowledge about specifics of work in editorial offices by attending existing media editorial offices during study excursions and creating a training editorial office to fulfill tasks typical of journalism profession. Tasks of the study course: to introduce students with the specifics of different media editorial offices, roles and functions of journalists in these editorial offices by attending them and meeting media professionals – employees of the editorial offices attended, to create understanding about work in media editorial office, to develop professional skills by working in the training editorial office and producing publications for multimedia platform. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Public service law
The purpose of the study course is to give students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for work in public administration. Knowledge of public service law is desirable for every lawyer, but necessary for everyone who works or wants to work in public administration. The purpose of the study course is to provide in-depth knowledge about the status, rights and obligations of persons employed in public service relations, prevention of conflicts of interest in public administration, disciplinary responsibility and its application, the state's unified compensation system, etc. The study course is also useful for those who want to deepen their knowledge in the basic issues of administrative law and administrative process. The study course is conducted in Latvian.
Computer Networks II
The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge about practical networking protocols, especially TCP/IP suite design principles and trends, as well as high speed LAN and other backbone network technologies. This course relies on the "Computer Networks M1" course, where the underlying algorithms and principles for todays networking protocols were introduced. The task of the course is to prepare students for independent research in the field of computer networks and for solving practical problems of computer networks. In addition to lectures, the course includes practical assignments covering network application design and implementation, as well as analysis of real network structure and protocols.
The course is presented in Latvian.
Course paper
The course paper is a student’s independent research work, the aim of which is to guide into the acquisition of philological thought and to develop research skills in linguistics and/or literary studies (History of foreign literature, Germanic linguistics, Romance linguistics, Slavic linguistics, Finno-Ugric linguistics or Classical philology). The objectives of the course: acquire the basic principles of academic research, acquire the use of appropriate research methods in linguistics / literary studies, acquire skills in working with theoretical literature and necessary terminology. The course paper is written in Latvian, English or the language of the profiling sub-programme (French, Russian, German, Estonian).
Elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis in History I
The course encompasses the first stage in elaboration of doctoral thesis during the first semester. The objective of the course is to provide a doctoral student a possibility to start an elaboration of the doctoral thesis in history. The tasks of the course: encourage a defining of goals and tasks of the thesis, characterize the previous achievements in history science, promote elaboration of theoretical concepts of thesis, select and apply research methods, research archival and published sources, critically analyse history science literature, publish the results of research in academic publications and papers in international scientific conferences. Course is intended for close collaboration with academic supervisor and experts of history science, obliges participation in theoretical courses and doctoral seminars. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Nonparametric and robust statistical methods
The goal of this course is to give students the knowledge of nonparametric statistical methods, which solve the problems of mathematical statistics without parametric assumptions about the distribution of the underlying data. In case of the independent and the dependent observations the course will examine the classical bootstrap and jackknife resampling methods, the nonparametric regression, the kernel density smoothing and the empirical likelihood function method. Tasks: 1) to provide in-depth knowledge of theoretical methods in nonparametric statistics. 2) to teach the differences and conditions of parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. 3) to develop data analysis skills by selecting appropriate parametric and non-parametric methods, programs and tools. This course can be thought in Latvian and English languages.
French II
The goal of this course is to develop and to improve speaking, reading and listening skills, as well as acquire grammar knowledge and enrich the vocabulary allowing the students to attain a sufficient level of French to communicate in ordinary situations of everyday and professional life. All activities for acquiring language skills, functions and socio-cultural aspect of learning are based on real-life situations meant to consolidate learners' communicative competence. All the lessons have joint approach: 1) reading/listening of the document (text, dialogue), 2) verification of understanding, 3) memorization, 4) communication, 5) consolidation of knowledge. This course corresponds to beginner level (A2 - „Waystage ”) of the Common European framework for language learning.
Master Thesis in Sport Sciences
The aim of the course is to develop an independent research in one of the fields of Sports Science and Public Health, as a result of which a master's thesis is developed, designed and defended. Course tasks: 1. to choose and use the research methods necessary for the development of the master's thesis; 2. to acquire practical skills for performing scientific-research work; 3. to acquire methods of statistical analysis of results and interpretation of results, creating theoretically or practically significant new information in one of the fields of Sports Science. Upon successful defense of the master's thesis at the State Examination Commission meeting, the student obtains a Master's degree in Health and Sports sciences. The Master's thesis can be written in Latvian or English.
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