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09.12.2020 13:53 Content
Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art IZN has been operating for 25 years ENIRDELM (European Network for Improving Research and Development in Educational Leadership and Management), which provides an opportunity to meet annually in discussions in 15-20 countries researchers, doctoral students, practitioners of educational institutions on current educational issues. It is an opportunity to compare and create joint projects in the future, to approximate theory and practice, to mutually get involved in the study process of other universities, to adapt the experience of other countries in the Latvian education system.
Alfrēds Raisters
20.08.2020 15:37 Content
The patron Alfrēds Raisters (1921–2012) was born in Riga and studied at the University of Latvia Faculty of Mechanics, which until founding of the Republic of Latvia was a part of the Riga Polytechnic Institute (today – Riga Technical University). He left Latvia during the World War II and received a degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Stuttgart. In 1948, he joined the student corporation Lettonia and became its active participant – initially in Germany, then in the United States, both the State of Washington and Southern California.
Administratoru asociācija
24.08.2020 14:27 Content
The Association of Administrators (2003) is an independent and voluntary professional association of insolvency process administrators whose goal is to ensure organizational unity of the administrators, representation and protection of the professional interests of administrators, assessment of professional compliance and raising of qualifications as well as performance of the tasks assigned to it in order to facilitate the quality of the insolvency process. Support In the academic year 2014/2015, the association granted a scholarship of the Association of Administrators to Baiba Zvejniece, the student of the UL Faculty of Law (EUR 1067.5). We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
LU SP Social program commission
22.04.2023 21:51 Content
|Position|Elected on|Elected untilDaiga Štelmahere|Department of Infrastructure representative|14.12.2022. |14.12.2023.Ilona Kuka|LU SP Executive director|14.12.2022. |14.12.2023.Eva Kiršteine|LU SP Board member|14.12.2022. |14.12.2023.Renārs Kairis|LU SP Member|14.12.2022. |14.12.2023.Adrians Daniels Bormanis|UL student|14.12.2022. |14.12.2023.
Short - term mobility
21.04.2023 19:12 Content
Short-term mobility (physical part 5-30 days): Important conditions for attending a short-term study and/or traineeship mobility: • study and/or traineeship mobility has to be combined with a virtual component (optional for PhD students); • in case of a study mobility- at least 3 ECTS should be obtained (in total for both virtual component and physical mobility); • limitation of total physical mobility period: up to 12 months within one study cycle (BA, MA, PhD).
Youth education planning and national identity (manager A. Koļesovs)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Problēmas izvēle un pamatojums No psiholoģijas skatupunkta ir svarīgi saprast, kā studējošie jaunieši izvirza mērķus izglītības jomā, uztver atbalstu no izglītības sistēmas saviem mērķiem izglītībā un karjerā, saredz iespējas savu mērķu sasniegšanai Latvijā un veido piederības izjūtu valstij un nodomus emigrēt no Latvijas. Pašreizēja situācija Būtiskākais Latvijas iedzīvotāju skaita samazināšanās faktors ir emigrācija. Socioloģiskie pētījumi liecina, ka studējošo jauniešu grupā ir visaugstākie rādītāji nodomos emigrēt no Latvijas (Hazans, 2013; Zepa & Kļave, 2011). Kas jārisina Jāattīsta sistēmiskais skats uz nodomiem emigrēt, ņemot vērā personīgos mērķus, uztverto atbalstu mērķu sasniegšanai un iespējas, kuras jaunieši saredz izglītības, karjeras un ģimenes veidošanas jomā. Uztverto iespēju neatbilstība izvirzītajiem mērķiem var mazināt indivīda piederības izjūtu valstij un veicināt nodomus emigrēt. Kas notiks, ja to nerisinās Studentiem īstenojot šos nodomus, Latvija
What will I study? What subjects will I take?
18.01.2022 17:53 Content
The study curriculum is divided in 3 parts: A part (mandatory subjects), B part (mandatory selection) and C part (electives). During your studies you will have to take A part subjects worth 286,5 ECTS (191 Latvian credit points): Philosophy and cognitive sciences, Professional ethics in dentistry, Inorganic and organic chemistry, Basics of biochemistry, English (for Latvian students) or Latvian (for international students), Establishmend and management of health care, Psychology, Cell biology, Hereditary diseases, Histology, Physiology, Medical embriology, General pathology, Pharmacology, Immunology I, Microbiology, Public health, Epidemiology, Nourishment, Oral anatomy, Oral physiology, Dental biomaterials, Propaedeutics of dentistry, Oral and maxillofacial radiology, Preventive dentistry, Oral health promotion, Orthodontics, Oral pathology, Oral pharmacology, Nourishment and oral health, Diagnostics and treatment planning, Oral surgery/pain control, Oral medicine, Periodontology
Imants J. Ronis
31.08.2020 16:39 Content
-term representative of the Freedom Fund of the World Federation of Free Latvians and a member of the student corporation Selonija . Imants J. Ronis passed away on 25 July 2014 in Sydney, Australia. Support In the years 2003 to 2005, I. Ronis donatedEUR 14230for 3-year scholarships to support the PhD student of UL Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Džineta Dimante’s doctoral thesis "The Contribution of the Latvians in Exile to the Economy of Latvia". We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
“Ethnographer, Society, and Art: Symbiosis of Ethnology and Art and Discourse of the Soviet Colonialism in Latvia”
24.04.2024 15:49 Content
's understanding of the impact of the Soviet colonial policy on the system of knowledge creation and control, as well as the role of ethnography and art in uniting society and creating a common identity. In the implementation of the project, the cooperation partner of LU LVI is the Latvian Academy of Arts. Researchers from the Latvian Institute of History of the University of Latvia have joined the project group: Dr. hist. Anete Karlsone, Dr. hist. Ilze Boldāne-Zeļenkova, Dr. art. Ieva Pīgozne, Dr. hist. Daina Bleiere and Ilze Ulmane, custodian of the collection, as well as cooperation partners from LMA: Inese Sirica, Dr. art. Jānis Kalnačs, doctoral student Una Valtere and master's student Santa Sleikša. Facebook .
Classical and contemporary philosophy of religion
 beliefs and concepts, their arguments, justifications, coherence, validity, meaning and significance. The course is sufficiently broad in the sense that it covers a sufficient number of topics (for each of which a separate course could be developed), a different one each week. It is sufficiently detailed, as the number of academic hours per week allows to go deep enough into each topic. The acquired knowledge will complement the students’ previous theological knowledge by means of considering
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