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Number Theory
Number theory has numerous applications in different branches of discrete mathematics and thus in theoretical computer science (in cryptography, coding theory, complexity theory, combinatorics, etc.). The aim of this course is to teach the foundations of number theory up to such level that the students are able to understand the existing applications, as well as potentially discover new ones. The course tasks are: to learn the algebraic foundations necessary for number theory studies (commutative groups, rings, integral domains, fields, ideals), to refresh the knowledge of the properties of divisibility, to learn the Euclidean algorithm and its applications in solving diverse number theory problems (e.g. related with chinese remainder theorem), the notion of primitive root, its usage, the problems related with prime numbers (testing primality, density of primes), quadratic and power residues, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, finite fields and polynomial problems related with them
Geographies of young people in the everyday spaces of activity
The study of young people's daily activities and socio-spatial behaviour helps to understand the characteristics of the location, exclusion and marginalisation of different groups in society. Adolescence and youth age period form the understanding of society, family, education, work and lifestyle. The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire research on activities typical of young people, evaluate various forms and geographical representation, and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in human geography. Tasks of the study course: 1. to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical research skills in a current field of geography research; develop innovative and creative research skills in data acquisition, interpretation, demonstration and discussion of results; promote individual and group research skills; strengthen the study process, which provides basic and in-depth knowledge to the society and field of Human
Publicity of information organizations
The aim of the course is to provide students with a view to the nature of publicity as a part of public relations, theoretical guidelines, a brief insight into the history of the development of this field, practical knowledge of the specific nature of publicity and public image creation in institutions providing information services to the public (libraries, museums, information centres, archives), publicity methods and techniques, and their relationship with different sectors (e.g. marketing theory, management theory, personal needs theory, personal management, etc.). Tasks of the course - 1. to learn the basic principles of creating a public image favorable to information institutions, 2. get a basic understanding of publicity issues 3. to acquire practical skills related to the use of publicity methods and techniques in the everyday life of information institutions 4. study and analyze publicity practices in information institutions, 5. learn to be aware of and develop
Contrastive studies III: Swedish (2nd foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/ B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about Swedish culture. The objectives of the course are 1. to provide knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the Swedish language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to extend the previously acquire vocabulary and raise the awareness about the synonyms, antonyms and polysemy of the Swedish language; 3. to advance the skill to understand the gist and details in popular and commonly used media (the Internet, advertising, catalogues, e-mails etc.), perceive separate words and phrases in a broader text of unfamiliar topic; 4. to strengthen the skill to perceive and understand well short monologues and dialogues, determine speaker’s attitude on the condition it is expressed clearly
A new era in digital health
Digital health is a science that combines health science, information and computer science, social and behavioral science, management science and design. Systems design (especially physical products and their graphical interfaces) and user experience play an important role in digital health. Aim of the course: to acquaint students with computer systems developed in the field of digital health, as well as systems that support data acquisition, storage, retrieval, processing, as well as health, biomedical and other information that can be used to influence an individual. Tasks: To acquire knowledge about the development of digital health, which is determined by computers, as well as information and communication systems, in which the individual plays a very important role; to introduce various sub-sectors of digital health as a multidisciplinary field and developed computer systems. An appropriate level of English (reading, writing, and speaking) is required to avoid taking an English
Introduction to Education for Sustainable Development
The course addresses education for sustainable development by raising awareness of sustainable development and by integrating sustainable development themes into the learning content and process. It addresses becoming educators who want to raise awareness of the educational potential for building a fair, peaceful and environmentally balanced world; and practitioners of non-formal education who want to promote their and society's understanding and competence for action on sustainable development and seek solutions to sustainability challenges through cooperation of the education institution and the local community. The aim of the study course is to improve the teaching competence of students to integrate sustainable development into the learning process and everyday life of the local community. Objectives – 1. To provide an introduction to the conceptual and methodical foundations for education for sustainable development. 2. To assess the global nature of sustainable development
Mathematical Statistics and Its Methodology
The aim of this course is to introduce students with main notions of mathematical statistics, data analysis in program R and various statistical procedures and methods. It includes descriptive statistics and main characteristics of a random sample. We will discuss the main methods in statistical inference: parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, association and correlation analysis and finally regression analysis. Nonparametric and robust statistical methods will be shortly introduced. We will pay our special attention to the connection between probability theory and mathematical statistics. The program R will be used for practical exercises. Tasks: 1) to provide in-depth knowledge of mathematical statistics, which will allow an understanding of the nature of the formulas and appropriate procedures and will therefore make it easier to explain this knowledge to pupils. 2) to raise awareness of the key concepts of mathematical statistics. 3) to teach choosing the appropriate methods
Music of European Peoples
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to gain basic knowledge about the most important aspects of traditional music of European peoples. The objectives are: 1) to get acquainted with the theoretical approach for the study of folk music in modern context, 2) to learn about each region’s folk music situation in general and about specific features, 3) to get an in-depth view of the most important kinds of folk music and their sociocultural context in European regions, 4) to discover the situation of European folk music in modern world music processes, 5) to obtain listening experience, thus developing personal emotional and intellectual attitude towards European folk musical phenomena, as well as enabling to recognize them in daily communication, 6) to study a freely-chosen phenomenon of European folk music using different resources, and to present the results of the study. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
The Emergence of Modern Asia
The aim of the course is for students to gain an understanding of the activities and interests of Asian and Western countries in creating a geopolitical environment from the 18th century to the present day, focusing on Asian cultural, social, political, and international relations. The objectives of the course are to discuss issues such as: cultural anthropology of Asia, including languages, peoples and historical roots; types of organizations, agriculture, food and food production in Asia; demography and migrations; core areas of growth and diffusion in Asia; 19th-century European impact on East and Southeast Asia; China's and Japan’s response to the West; the decline and fall of empires in East Asia and the national resurrection of Asian states; the Cold War in Asia and postwar nation-building; the self-reinventing of Japan and China; the rise of nationalism in East Asia and its different models (Chinese, Japanese, etc.); power, authority, and the advent of democracy in Asia; new
Representation of Geometric Objects and Space
Content of the course provides understanding on the structural properties of the regular (geometric origin) shapes and the spatial relationship of the objects. Mastering of the assignments create the preconditions for systemic abilities of observation and visual evaluation supported by the skills to rationally represent the conceptual properties of objects. Within the academic frame of the assignments, drawing is perceived as organized, theoretically and practically mastering visual medium with the main objective to investigate the relationship of geometric shapes and the perspectival space. The practical content is supported by specially prepared lectures and presentations providing formally and thematically relevant information on the character of the assignment. The aim of the course is the cultivation of student’s abilities to understand and depict the structural properties of objects and space. The objectives are: 1. To create the comprehension on the unity of objects and space
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