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Deep Learning
The aim of the course is to discuss machine learning algorithms that allow to predict future outcomes based on available past training data. Machine learning is a cornerstone in Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Robotics, Natural Language Processing and other areas of Artificial Intelligence. As computers and GPUs become more powerful, it is deep neural networks that have gradually replaced the legacy Machine Learning methods. The task of the course is to acquaint students with the concepts and algorithms of supervised, unsupervised, and self-supervised machine learning from primitive classification to Deep Learning using artificial neural networks. The course does not require prior knowledge of machine learning, but requires general programming skills for homework The language of instruction is Latvian.
Clinical diagnostic methods in optometry
The aim of the study course is to deepen students knowledge about the principles of optometric (ophthalmic) instruments and investigative techniques, as well as to get acquainted with specialized investigation techniques and develop their skills for their use in optometry and medical diagnostics.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge about the principles of eye tissue and light interactions and applications in standard and specialized diagnostics;
  • to give skills and abilities to interpret the results obtained by diagnostic methods;
  • to introduce the causes of diagnostic methods errors and comparison of the results.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
Men and Women in Society
The aim of the course is to address the specifics of gender research and its basic concept of gender particularly in Latvia and other post-socialist countries within the framework of broader interdisciplinary research. This course is practically orientated and its tasks are following: first offering theoretical readings during the course and a follow-up list of literature to read after these. It is based on the applied research experiences of students and encourages them to apply their theoretical knowledge in various applied tasks and contexts: mini-interviews, role-playing (politicians, NGO activists, policy advisers), encouraging thinking and creativity beyond mere production of academic texts and introducing them to different means of expressing anthropological knowledge. Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
Human Security and Religious Conflict in Asia and Europe
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of security threats in Europe and Asia, inter-judicial conflicts, the concept of human safety, theory and threats, broadening the research perspective beyond armed conflicts for political economic or politically narrow reasons in order to explore the fears and threats to individual people and communities is a focus on security research, investigating religious, cultural, socio-political themes that lead to both transnational conflicts and terrorism. The objectives of the course are to explore large-scale idealistic, social, economic and political causes that have contributed to outbreaks of violence and mutual mistrust and to analyse in-depth today's Islamic terrorism as the most visible form of organised violence. Languages of instruction are English and Latvian.
History of Culture II
The aim of the course is to ensure the acquisition of the concepts, research methodology, concepts and artifacts of the historical development of culture, which are essential for the development of understanding of the cultural and environmental heritage and the study of humanities. The tasks are to introduce the students with: a) an analysis of the historical periods of culture and their characteristic patterns of world perception; b) essential aspects of the formation and development of culture and civilization; c) the most important artefacts of Western culture, which characterize the features of a certain cultural-historical discourse. In the acquisition of the course, emphasis is placed on the critical analysis of cultural-philosophical, cultural-historical texts and argumentation, as well as on the formation of an understanding of the location of historical and contemporary cultural artifacts in the cultural context. Language of the study course - Latvian
Advanced Studies in Korean Language and Communication Culture I
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire Korean language listening, reading, speaking and writing skills, approaching the requirements of the C1-1 language level within the topics covered and taking into account the peculiarities of the Korean cultural environment. The objectives of the course are: 1) to continue to get acquainted with the grammar, morphology, syntax and stylistics of the Korean language; 2) to supplement the Korean language word (by at least 500 words) and phrase collection (on the acquired topics); 3) to develop basic skills for expressing and defending one's opinion on complex topics in Korean; 4) to get acquainted with the scientific and journalistic writing style of the Korean language. The course is taught in English, Korean and Latvian.
Environmental Governance Systems
The objective of the course is to master the diverse and complementary systems of environmental governance – international and national environmental governance; municipal environmental governance; household environmental governance; corporate environmental governance and mediators environmental governance already too – theoretical approaches, principles, their implementation and operation, from the perspective of environmental governance system analysis and action programming. The studies and practice (teamwork project) ensures systemic knowledge and skills acquisition by research-and-development frame practical application when after necessary inquiring studies students are also drafting environmental governance and/or sustainable development governance (incl. sectorial policies) action program guidelines for a particular chosen territory, institution/organisation.
Speech Data Processing and Analysis
The goal of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for theoretical research and practical work in speech data processing and analysis, to introduce the basic concepts and methods of speech analysis, as well as the stages of a speech corpus development. The tasks of the course are 1) to provide knowledge about the acoustic and auditory properties of speech sounds, speech data processing, analysis and visualization methods, 2) to acquaint students with computer programs and tools suitable for acoustic analysis and multilevel speech data annotation, and to promote their use in research and analysis, as well as the creation of speech corpora. The study course reinforces knowledge about the various stages of the process of speech communication, allows to understand the basic principles of speech technology. The languages of tuition are Latvian and English.
Speech Data Processing and Analysis
The goal of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills required for theoretical research and practical work in speech data processing and analysis, to introduce the basic concepts and methods of speech analysis, as well as the stages of a speech corpus development. The tasks of the course are 1) to provide knowledge about the acoustic and auditory properties of speech sounds, speech data processing, analysis and visualization methods, 2) to acquaint students with computer programs and tools suitable for acoustic analysis and multilevel speech data annotation, and to promote their use in research and analysis, as well as the creation of speech corpora. The study course reinforces knowledge about the various stages of the process of speech communication, allows to understand the basic principles of speech technology. The languages of tuition are Latvian and English.
Classical Anthropological Theories
The aim of the course is to serve as an introduction into anthropological philosophy and theory by looking at the beginning of the discipline. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary roots of anthropology, the development of professional standards as a real-time debate and the answer to specific questions in society at that time and many still relevant ones. The development of concepts such as culture and other concepts is considered. Course tasks: - to get acquainted with classical theories of anthropology, anthropologically analyzing the formation of ideas and related everyday practices in different societies. - to look at a number of influential works of social anthropologists (including theoretical debates among these researchers) on various issues in a diverse cultural and social context. - to supplement students' knowledge of social anthropology acquired in other courses. The course is implemented in Latvian and English.
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