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Psychological Aspects of Peer -Mentoring
Course (continue)
The aim of this course is to improve mentors’ knowledge (development) of the psychological aspects of peer-mentoring for first-year students, to foster mentors’ awareness of the support and guidance process, to develop the course participants’ active listening and guidance skills, with the aim to reduce the first-year students` dropout risks. Workshops will help mentors to understand the nature of peer-mentoring. It helps mentors to gain awareness of their own resources for providing mentees with guidance, to understand the importance of time management, efficacy of different styles of communication, as well as to develop peer-mentoring process management skills from the initial contact to the final sessions and feedback provision. The course is taught in Latvian.
Latvian Folklore and Literature
Course (continue)
The course is designed to provide students with the basic background information for reading and analysing Latvian literature. Each author and each work is placed in its historical context. The course follows up the development of Latvian literature starting from its very origins in Latvian folklore, through National Awakening, during the Republic of Latvia between the two world wars, during the Soviet occupation, to contemporary writing. The course consists of lectures and discussions, paying attention to the most significant periods and authors, The students read and discuss the works of Latvian literature translated into English, linking the respective material with Latvian mentality and the concrete historical period.
Latvian Folklore and Literature
Course (continue)
The course is designed to provide students with the basic background information for reading and analysing Latvian literature. Each author and each work is placed in its historical context. The course follows up the development of Latvian literature starting from its very origins in Latvian folklore, through National Awakening, during the Republic of Latvia between the two world wars, during the Soviet occupation, to contemporary writing. The course consists of lectures and discussions, paying attention to the most significant periods and authors, The students read and discuss the works of Latvian literature translated into English, linking the respective material with Latvian mentality and the concrete historical period.
English Grammar II
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students' understanding of grammatical structures, develop the skill to analyse and critically evaluate them, facilitate their use in spoken and written communication in academic, professional and everyday discourse. The objectives of the course are: 1) to extend students' knowledge about the sentence structure in the English language, types of clauses and their linking, the subjunctive mood, verb non-finite forms and their contextual use in different communicative situations at B2/ C1 level; 2) improve the skills to recognise, analyse and use grammatical structures in discourse; 3) distinguish the use of grammatical forms in British and American varieties. The course is delivered in English.
New Technologies and Innovations Day
15.09.2021 14:48 Content
The New Technologies and Innovations Day (NTID) takes place every September, providing an opportunity for University of Latvia (UL)students, researchers and graduates to demonstrate and evaluate the achievements of the year. During the day, events take place in the UL Nature house (Jelgava street 1, Riga) – presentations, discussions, competitions, exhibitions, etc., during which you can get acquainted with research activities in an interactive and also popular scientific way. NTID also integrates the annual UL Alumni Day, which gives graduates the opportunity to show what they have achieved, as they have proven themselves in science, art and other fields. The event takes visitors on a research trip, during which it is possible to have fun and learn new, interesting and valuable information about what is happening at the University of Latvia and about the development of science in general. UL New Technologies and Innovations Day 2021 will take place on 23 and 24 September –the week
Environment and sustainable development basics
The goal of the course is to introduce global, regional and local environmental problems, their causes and prevention options. The course develops an understanding of the principles of the existence and functioning of the environment as a complex system. The nature of the effects of environmental pollution, substances and energy life cycles is considered. Students are introduced to the basic principles of sustainable development, research methods in environmental science. Course tasks: 1) to provide knowledge about the field of environmental science and its sustainable development; 2) to develop an understanding of the interrelationships between the life cycle of natural resources and environmental pollution; 3) to develop skills to critically analyze the relationship between the lifestyle and environmental problems of society and individuals; 4) to develop the competence to take responsibility for the sustainable development of the environment. Language of instruction
Environment and sustainable development basics
The goal of the course is to introduce global, regional and local environmental problems, their causes and prevention options. The course develops an understanding of the principles of the existence and functioning of the environment as a complex system. The nature of the effects of environmental pollution, substances and energy life cycles is considered. Students are introduced to the basic principles of sustainable development, research methods in environmental science. Course tasks: 1) to provide knowledge about the field of environmental science and its sustainable development; 2) to develop an understanding of the interrelationships between the life cycle of natural resources and environmental pollution; 3) to develop skills to critically analyze the relationship between the lifestyle and environmental problems of society and individuals; 4) to develop the competence to take responsibility for the sustainable development of the environment. Language of instruction
Latvijas valsts fizikas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 15:37 Content
Physics Olympiads have been held in Latvia since 1950. The Physics Olympiad is aimed at pupils from 9th to 12th grade. It is organised in several stages, giving students the opportunity to be part of the Latvian team and represent Latvia at the International Physics Olympiad (see picture).The Olympiad is organised by the National Centre for Education in cooperation with the faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry of the University of Latvia. The tasks are available on the Physics Olympiads website . The collection of Physics Olympiads tasks and solutions has been developed within the project from National Centre of Education "Implementation of national and international activities for the development of learners' talents" (project No and covers the content of the Olympiads from 2017 to 2020.
University of Latvia Innovation Centre LUMIC
31.08.2022 15:14 Content
On September 13, 2017, Microsoft Latvia in cooperation with the University of Latvia opened the Innovation Center of the University of Latvia and Microsoft. In 2022 the centre changed its name to Innovation Centre of the University of Latvia LUMIC. The mission of the Innovation Center is to promote digital transformation and develop innovative solutions in Latvia. Industry professionals, students, entrepreneurs, researchers, the public sector and experts work together to create new ideas for Latvian innovation projects. The Innovation Centre is open to anyone who is interested in innovations and technologies. By developing and fostering various networks, the Innovation Centre has become a local innovation platform and business hub. This is the only innovation center in the Baltics. It calls for gathering and cooperation between representatives of various industries, entrepreneurs, ICT professionals, public sector representatives, researchers, students and pupils to jointly create
About Faculty of Theology
01.07.2024 14:56 Content
The Faculty of Theology offers a broad and comprehensive education in humanities, profound understanding of religion in the context of culture. Theology studies yield basic understanding of the views formed in Christianity and various other religions (Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.), and the ensuing history, scriptures, practices, and the role of religion in the processes of contemporary society. Moreover, the studies provide an opportunity to acquire the skills required for research of religious processes. Students are offered a wide range of opportunities to participate in the international student exchange programme Erasmus +. The Faculty of Theology, University of Latvia was founded on February 4, 1920, renewed in 1990 and it is currently the only academic institution in Latvia that offers the opportunity to obtain bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in all fields of theology and religious research in internationally accredited study programs. The faculty
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